Super Special Forces King

Chapter 454: Beveridge and Scarface

Chapter 454 Beveridge and Scarface


In the room of the head of the blood wolf mercenary group.

The half-face of the torture dancer stood up at his desk respectfully, his body arched slightly and his head lowered.

The man sitting on the large leather chair at the desk looks like a fifty-year-old man, but his body is as strong as a thirty-year-old man.

He was not wearing a combat camouflage uniform, the gray shirt was unbuttoned, and his chest was open, showing strong muscles.

There was a red wine glass swayed in his hand, and the monitor on his desk displayed the monitor screen in the room where the dancer was.

The choreographer is eating a steak at the moment, and the listening device can even hear him chewing.

He is the founder of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group and the leader of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group, Beveridge!

Originally a special soldier of the British Beret Special Battalion, he retired and went to Africa. Finally, with his own strength, he founded the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group near Rwanda!

Pour the red wine in the goblet in his hand into his mouth, and say to the man in front of him: "Scarface, what do you think of this Korean? Is it reliable?"

Scarface is the man standing in front of him to torture the dancer. Half of his face is covered with hideous scars. The codename Scarface fits him.

Scarface did not speak immediately. After a moment of silence, he shook his head slightly and said, "I don't think it's particularly reliable."

"Oh?" Beveridge was a little surprised, pointing to the torture record sent by Scarface in front of him, and said: "From this torture record, there should be no problems. Why do you think this person is unreliable? ?"

Every time Scarface speaks, he has a nauseating urge to the hideous scar that affects his face, like dead skin squirming.

"It's because his answers to each question are too perfect, without any loopholes, so he can!"

Beveridge nodded, saying that made sense, and continued: "How is his identity information investigation? What's the problem?"

"There is no problem too! I found the record of his service in Korea, he performed well, but he was removed because of the assault of the officer and the troops sent to the military court!" Scarface said the forged identity of the dancer truthfully!

The forged name of the dancer is called Park Zhennan, a real Korean who was expelled from the army for beating the chief during his service in the Korean army.

It's just that this person was arrested by 01 for some reason in the follow-up process. Even the South Korean government does not know the specific movements of this person.

Therefore, the use of his identity by the dancer at this moment is not a forgery, but a replacement, so the information that Scarface found is so accurate.

Beveridge nodded, thinking that since Scarface suspected this person, he would simply kill him to prevent future troubles.

But when I heard that the dancer, Park Zhennan, had been expelled for beating the chief, he gave up his plan to kill him.

Because no one knows why Beveridge, the head of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Corps, came to this paradise of mercenaries in Africa after he retired. He was like Park Zhennan because he beat the chief. The difference is that Park Zhennan was sent to a military court for assault, while Beveridge directly blasted the officer's head with a gun, and at the same time killed his girlfriend!

Because he found out that his girlfriend and his chief were stuck together on the same bed. After the bullet blew the heads of two people who were rolling on the bed, Beveridge did not return to the army, but used the convenience of his identity to leave the country directly. After arriving in Rwanda, hiding his name and hiding for several years, he changed his face and joined the development of the mercenary group with another identity, thus creating the blood wolf mercenary group!

Even, his current real identity is still on the list of the British Beret Special Battalion!

He was feasting on steak in the room, and he didn't know that he had just made a whirl at the door of the Hades Palace, and then whirled out.

The reason is that he and Beveridge, the head of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group, had the same experience.

"I think since this Park Zhennan is in the correct status, then there is no need to doubt it! After his injuries are healed, he will be placed in the battle sequence. It just happens that our combat effectiveness also needs to be expanded! By the way, Scarface, I heard the spies reported back. The situation, the original resident of the fire ant mercenary group was captured?" Beveridge asked.

"Yes, commander! It seems that the fire ant mercenary group is occupied by a Chinese man, now leading a group of indigenous people to occupy where." Scarface replied.

Beveridge nodded and said: "The mob of fire ant mercenaries didn't need us to waste too much experience, and he was on the fringe of the Rwandan government to help us share the government's sight! Now suddenly this is happening. A group of forces, we can’t take it lightly. Send someone over to investigate the reality and see if it is a mob like the fire ant mercenary group or a conspirator with wolf ambitions. The former, I don’t mind letting him continue to survive, if it’s the latter Huh, just kill him in the cradle! Scarface, you send someone to do this thing, be careful, don't overturn the boat in the gutter!"

"Yes, commander! I'll send someone over to do it right away!" Scarface agreed, and turned to walk outside.

Just walked to the door but was stopped by Beveridge, "Wait, Scarface! The investigation of the destruction of the vulture team of our mercenary group, who did it?"

"It hasn't been investigated yet, but from the traces of the battlefield and ballistic analysis, the vulture team should have died in the hands of a person. There is another doubt that the team leader vulture's face was scratched by an African lion. Traces, and they were left behind during his lifetime!" Scarface said.

Beveridge nodded slightly. He knew the power of the vultures, but a single person could kill the entire team of vultures. Then the strength of this person must be extremely terrifying! If this person is really rushing to the blood wolf, then things are a bit troublesome. If you are fighting with a vulture by chance, there is no need to worry.

"Scarface! This matter continues to be traced! Since the vulture was scratched by the African lion before his death, it means that the opponent is likely to have such a combat partner by his side!" Beveridge said.

"Yes! I remembered the leader!" Scarface agreed and walked out of the leader's room.


The African lion in Beveridge and Scarface’s mouth was the peak, and Fengzheng and Yun Qian stared at them.

Zhang Feng's leg injury had not healed, so he half-lied on a recliner, while the African Lion Peak was curled up on Zhang Feng's feet, extremely docile.

During this period of time, with enough food, the peak growth is extremely fast, at this time the body is half a meter long.

"Zhang Feng, where did you find the puppy, so cute!"