Super Special Forces King

Chapter 459: Calculation of Kurt (3)

Chapter 459: The Calculation of Kurt (3)


Although Kurt was sitting on pins and needles facing Zhang Feng's cold muzzle and bombs, he could only smile strongly on his face.

He still hasn't figured out what exactly the two men came to his house to find themselves for? If the people sent by the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group died with him, then the matter is a big deal, and he doesn't want to die.

Licking his nervous lips, a ugly smile squeezed out of his fat face, Kurt said, "I don't know how to call it? I think there should be no holidays between me and the two?"

"You don't need to know what we call you! But, is there really no feasts and conflicts between Kurt and our blood wolf mercenary group? Mr. Kurt won't be so forgetful, do I need to mention it to you? Wake up?" Zhang Feng said coldly. He came to Kurt today to put Pinsang’s death and his hacked hat on the blood wolf mercenary group’s head. Only in this way can he give Huangquan servants. The Corps won more time.

And not only is to get the Blood Wolf Mercenary Corps to be shackled by himself, Zhang Feng has other purposes.

Kurt secretly cursed the blood wolf mercenary group in his heart, and at the same time loved and hated the dead Ping Sang, he had clearly told him not to sell the arms to the mercenary group, and now he got himself into such a big trouble. Not only that, but his heart also had murderous intent, considering whether to use government forces to kill the blood wolf mercenary group?

However, this kind of murderous intent can only be thought of. If you want to destroy the blood wolf mercenary group, you must use a large number of troops, but a huge amount of money must be needed.

Money is what fights in war! Moreover, the anti-government armed forces are making a lot of trouble and have to guard against it.

The other is that mercenaries can't stay in the garrison stupidly waiting for you to attack, I'm afraid they will get into the depths of the jungle and grassland when they hear the wind.

When the wind has passed, these mercenaries will naturally refuse to give up, and they will definitely come to retaliate, just like now, they can directly find a few people who are not afraid of death to break in. How many heads do they have enough for others to blow?

After every thought flashed through Kurt's mind, he finally said with a smile on his face: "You don't need to remind me. The matter of the hacked arms is between your blood wolf mercenary group and peace sang. It doesn't matter to me Kurt, I'm just asking about this matter."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Feng sneered in his heart. Although Kurt was verbally soft, it didn't mean that he would have such thoughts in his heart. It was nothing more than a violation of yang and Yin.

If there is a chance to retaliate against the blood wolf mercenary group in the future, this Kurt must be the first to jump out, and this is enough.

Zhang Feng laughed as if nothing had happened before, and said: "Actually, the two of us came here today to discuss a business with Mr. Kurt. I wonder if Mr. Kurt is interested?"

Kurt was even more confused. The face of a dead person was still a second, but now he is smiling, but it makes people feel cold and unreliable in his heart.

Shaking his head, he said, "I'm afraid there is no business to discuss between us, and I serve in the Rwandan government army and I don't do business."

"Really? Kurt, do you think you can deceive a three-year-old child by these words? Where did Pingsang get the arms? Isn't this something we know well?" Zhang Feng sneered , Continued: "Mr. Kurt, kill Pingsang and hack his arms, just want to find the source of his behind the scenes, so as to cross the second trafficmen like him and directly cooperate with you."

Hearing that, Kurt's brows were tightly furrowed together, and if it was reasonable, it would be nothing more than sending money to the door.

But the money of such a mercenary group is so easy to make? I'm afraid it is life to make money, but life to spend money, so it is better not to make money at all.

Still shook his head, Kurt said: "The investigation by the government is too strict now, even I can't get a large amount of arms, so the business will stay in the future."

When he said that procrastination was a disguised rejection, Zhang Feng could naturally hear what he meant.

Without any anxiety in my heart, he took out a note from his pocket and handed it to Kurt, saying: "Mr. Kurt doesn't have to refuse so simply. Let's take a look at the arms we want to purchase and the price we pay. I guarantee you can make a lot of money."

Kurt took a note of the suspicious result, but he didn't know it, and he was taken aback!

According to the above price, you can earn at least 50%! This is already a considerable profit! We must know that if this transaction is really completed, the total amount of the transaction will probably be around 100 million US dollars! That is, I can earn 50 million US dollars, and I can get political asylum in any country I want to go to with this money.

Thinking of this, Fatty's palms trembled slightly.

He wanted to agree, but in the end he chose to refuse! Because this batch of munitions includes not only the infantry fighting vehicles of the Rwandan government forces, but also tanks and long-range artillery! If these weapons fall into the hands of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Corps, they can even threaten the safety of the Rwandan government if they are effectively used!

Although money is easy to make, Rwanda is his foundation and he must not lose!

Putting the slip of paper in his hand almost soaked with sweat on the coffee table again, Kurt shook his head firmly and said: "Sorry, I really can't do it!"

"Really?" The smile on Zhang Feng's face also disappeared, with the cold muzzle in his hand resting on his Tianling Cap, and he said coldly: "Mr. Coulter, you should know the power of this desert eagle in my hand. Pull the trigger lightly and the bullet will blow your head, just as easy as breaking a watermelon."

Kurt bit his cheek tightly, his teeth rattling.

"Although you carry bombs, if you kill me, you two will never get out alive."

"Kurt, this is the funniest joke I've heard today!" Zhang Feng sneered: "Just a few stinky fish and shrimps patrolling outside can also keep the two of us? What is this not a joke? !"

Speaking of this, Kurt’s cold sweat behind him has already gone down, and he secretly regretted it. He should verbally agree to them. After sending these two evil stars away, he can tell whether the arms are not what he said. Count?

When he was regretting it, Zhang Feng changed his conversation and said, "But... Kurt, I won't kill you! Hahaha, don't you be afraid? The business cannot be righteous, and we may be friends. What? I will give you a present today!"

With that, Zhang Feng moved the muzzle down and pulled the trigger at Kurt's calf.