Super Special Forces King

Chapter 561: Get angry

Chapter 561


Holding the hand of Chen Wanru who was about to leave, she saw her pull back into her embrace.

The rough palm of the gun held all the year round against her delicate jade neck, her thumb pushed up against her smooth chin, and she looked down at his eyes, with a playful smile at the corner of her mouth, and whispered, "You are playing with fire. ,do you know?"

Loosen her tender palms, and the palms embraced the thin waist of the willow that she was holding tightly, and the distance between the two people disappeared instantly, and they fit together completely without any gap!

"I'm really playing with fire, but do you dare to make your upper body angry?" Chen Wanru licked her delicate lips with a playful little tongue, and looked at Zhang Feng provocatively with her eyes.

Zhang Feng's eyelids twitched twice.

"Since you know me, you know that I am not necessarily responsible!"

"Do I need you to be responsible?" Chen Wanru said without concession.

The fire has burned to this level, if Zhang Feng is withered at this time, he is really not a man.

He hugged Princess Chen Wanru directly and walked towards the bedroom in a stride.

Chen Wanru held the clothes on Zhang Feng's chest with her palms, and said softly, "Be gentle."


Zhang Feng was lying halfway on the head of the bed, and Chen Wan was like a sleeping kitten, with her head resting on his chest and her body curled up.

He still feels a little confused now, but what has happened has already happened, and it is naturally impossible not to admit it.

Although he said that he might be irresponsible, Zhang Feng thought he was not a ruthless person, not to mention that there were extremely red petals on the white sheets.

He knew that Chen Wanru was not asleep, but was sleeping on a fake day, and whispered in her ear: "You can lie down for a while and get up again. I'm going to get old comrade-in-arms."

"Yeah." Chen Wan promised like a mosquito.

Zhang Feng stood up without evasiveness, put on his clothes in the room, and walked out of the room.

Driving out of Chen Wanru's villa, she shook her head with a wry smile. It seems that this evil fate has increased by another point.

Dealing with emotional matters is not Zhang Feng's expertise. Don't just think about these things, just take one step at a time.

He wanted to meet with Yan Wang and others of Huangquan Team, and finally returned home, and he was uncertain when he would be able to return.

While driving towards the Kyoto Military District, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed Yama's number.

"Beep." After two beeps, a drunken voice came from the phone: "Hey, who?"

Ok? Zhang Feng can be sure that this voice is the king of Hades, but why is it drunk? Huangquan Team is a special force, a standing force, and no alcohol is allowed at all! Hades is the captain of Huangquan team, it is impossible to know mistakes.

Thinking of this, a bad idea arose in his mind.

"Talk, who? Don't talk, hang up!"

In a dazed free time, Hades's impatient voice sounded again.

Zhang Feng's brows became tighter. In his impression, Yan Wang was an absolutely restrained person who knew what to do when. He absolutely did not believe that Hades would drink too much.

But now is not the time to make random guesses and say, "Hell, it's me."

The phone did not hang up, but was silent for a long time, and finally the deep voice of Hell came from the phone: "Madman? Are you not in Africa? When will you be back?"

Zhang Feng did not answer his question, at least some topics are not suitable for talking on the phone.

"where are you now?"

"I don't know where I am? Wait for me to find someone to ask." Yan Wang said.

After a while, a woman's voice came from the phone, telling Zhang Feng the address of Yan Wang.

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng suddenly braked, and the wheels rubbed a long trace on the ground, turning his head towards the address the woman said on the phone.

I took out my cell phone and wanted to call you Li Jian or Monkey, or Wen Kaiqi, or Jackal Brother again, but after thinking about it, I gave up this plan. He had a bad feeling in his heart. When he saw Hades, he should be able to get the answer from his mouth.

An hour later, the car stopped at the door of a KTV.

Because it is daytime, there are not many singing people in KTV, and there is no noise at night.

Seeing Zhang Feng coming in, a waitress trot over immediately.

"Hello, sir, are you here to find a friend?" Seeing Zhang Feng nodded, she continued: "I was the one who told you the address on the phone just now. Please come with me. There are other things to do. You solve it."

"Something else? What?" Zhang Feng asked in a puzzled way.

The waitress's expression also froze. She didn't know how to speak, and said nervously, "Your friend spent a total of 47,000 yuan in our store. Besides..."

"What else? Just say it if you have anything, without hesitating? Also, how did he spend 47,000 yuan?"

Zhang Feng noticed that the decoration of this ktv is average, and the location is not very good, the consumption level is naturally not high, how can Yan Wang consume nearly 50,000 yuan.

"That's it, sir. Your friend has been lazy in our shop for three days without leaving, and drinking non-stop, we are all on the consumption list." The waitress explained.

Hearing what he said, Zhang Feng was startled, and Yan Wang actually drank wine for three days and three nights! What is going on here?

"By the way, what did you mean just now?" Zhang Feng continued to ask.

"Yes... it's like this. Originally, your friend didn't leave, we were going to send him to the nearby police station, but he broke his arms for all four waiters!"

"This!" Zhang Feng was speechless for a while. The Huangquan team has a clear stipulation that it is not allowed to act on civilians, and the king actually interrupted the arms of four waiters! What happened to Hades?

Nodded with a sullen face, "I will be responsible for your losses. Let your manager calculate the specific compensation amount, and then come to me!" After finishing speaking, the waitress followed the waitress to the box where Hades was in a stride.

"You wait at the door."

Zhang Feng opened the door alone, walked into the box, and saw Yan Wang lying on the coffee table. The whole person was buried in messy wine bottles, and the wine bottles were poured on the floor. The whole room was filled with strong alcohol.

How could Hades languish like this? Is this the Hades you know?

Fists smashed together, took two deep breaths, relaxed again, and walked towards the king of Yama who was lying on the coffee table.

When he got close to him, Yan Wang's body suddenly bounced, and the big fist slammed into Zhang Feng's face.