Super Special Forces King

Chapter 606: loyalty!

Chapter 606 Loyalty!



Zhang Feng cleared his throat with a dry cough, faced the black pressure, held the gun at his mercenary, and said loudly:

"Everyone, I am the head of the Huangquan Mercenary Corps. I will introduce myself. My name is Zhang Feng!"

"I believe that many of you have seen the persuasion letter I wrote, or learned about the existence of the persuasion letter from others."

"I can tell you clearly that the content written above is absolutely true!"

Hearing that, the mercenaries of the Death God's Scythe Mercenary Group are a bit surprised. In their opinion, the content of the persuasion book is just made up, the purpose is to make them surrender, and they are all fake.

I never thought that someone would say in person that these contents are true!

This situation made the mercenaries of the Death God's Scythe Mercenary Group feel a little moved.

After all, I came to Africa as a mercenary, pinning my head on my waistband for money.

If you can get one hundred thousand dollars, an annual salary that you can't even think of, and even a death pension that can only be enjoyed in a regular national army!

Their minds are a little shaken, but they still have doubts about Zhang Feng's words, are they lying?

Zhang Feng went on to say at this moment: "I know there are still some of you in doubt, it doesn't matter."

"Some things are fictitious when you hear them, but believing when you see them!"

"I can assure you that as long as you put down your weapons and join the Huangquan Mercenary Corps now, and when you return to the mercenary regiment's station, I will provide you with ten thousand dollars! Listen to me, first pay one. Ten thousand dollars, the remaining ninety thousand dollars will be paid directly to each of you after you have served one year!"

Zhang Feng's move is considered to be a loss. If Zhai Qiang, who is in charge of financial management, hears him at this moment, he will probably spew a pound of old blood and fall directly to the ground!

The mercenaries surrounded by the Death Scythe Mercenary Corps, after removing the more than 200 people who were killed along the way, there are still about 1,500 left!

Ten thousand dollars per person! That's 15 million dollars!

Moreover, this is not considered to be the eating, drinking and sleeping of these mercenaries in the later stage, and other things that need to be invested!

Just after Zhang Feng's words were said, some of the mercenaries were completely moved!

In their opinion, they are now completely surrounded here, and if they don't agree, there is probably only a dead end.

It is better to choose what Zhang Feng said, if it is exactly what he said, you can get a generous commission.

If he is just a lie, he can save his life for the time being, which is better than death now.

Immediately, a part of the mercenaries put down their guns and threw them on the ground, indicating that they were willing to surrender.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng nodded secretly in his heart.

Although only a small number of people chose to surrender, there were fewer than 300 people, but it was a good start.

Turning his head and said to the dancing boy: "The dancing boy, take your man, and take care of the surrendered mercenaries."

The dancer nodded, and immediately took the soldiers of the blood slaughter brigade, and picked up the mercenaries who had surrendered their weapons from the brigade.

When they finished their work, Zhang Feng sat on the tank with his legs on the barrel, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it on his mouth, and slowly smoked it.

The first batch of mercenaries who surrendered had been dealt with, and his good temper was exhausted.

Throwing out the cigarette butt, he said in a deep voice: "The good things that should be said just now, I have finished talking to you!"

"And what about you? It seems that you don't understand your situation? I'm here to tell you clearly."

"As long as I give the order, I guarantee that no more than 10% of you will survive. Do you believe this?"

Although the words became ugly, the mercenaries of the Death Scythe mercenary group knew that he was not lying.

If artillery, tanks, and heavy machine gun positions on both sides fire at the same time, I am afraid that it will be difficult for anyone to survive at that time. 10% is an overestimation!

The mercenaries who didn't choose to surrender immediately, all of them rolled their Adam's apple, spitting along fiercely, not knowing what to choose for a while.

They are not the regular army of the country, and they have no so-called beliefs and beliefs. Now that I have chosen to become a mercenary, I have already deducted all the words that go with the noble in my mind!

If the soldiers besieged at the moment were replaced by Huaxia's army, Zhang Feng would definitely not dare to make a public appearance like this!

Because it is guaranteed that someone will hit his black gun! There is no doubt that the faith and blood of the soldiers of the Huaxia Kingdom have been tested by war!

"I will give you five minutes to think about it now! If you don't want him to die, just throw down the weapon, and surrendered and walked out. I promise to treat everyone equally! You will all be included in the blood of the Huangquan Mercenary Corps. The reserve force of the Tu Brigade!"

"Of course, in five minutes, you can also choose not to surrender! Then don't blame me for being polite!"

"I gave you the choice, it's up to you to cherish it!"

After speaking, Zhang Feng limped off the tank and did not forget to remind him: "I talked so much just now, you have four minutes left!"

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air!

Zhang Feng stopped talking, there was no gunshots, no explosions, but the mercenaries of the Death Scythe mercenary group looked extremely ugly!

death? Or choose to surrender?

This seems to be a multiple choice question with a very obvious answer? Does anyone want to die? I'm afraid not. It's better to die than to live.

Choose to surrender? It's not a glorious thing, even for these mercenaries.

After all, some people chose to live in front of death.

Throwing away the weapon in his hand, bowed his head and walked out of the position of the Death Scythe mercenary group, step by step towards the blood massacre brigade that received the captives.

Negative emotions can be contagious, especially surrender! The so-called defeat is nothing more than that!

One after another, the mercenaries walked out of the battlefield and walked to the camp of the Blood Slaughter Brigade. They squatted on the ground with their heads ‘obediently’, like children.

Someone chooses to surrender, naturally they do not want to surrender, but choose to die!

Zhang Feng's face was heavy. Compared to the mercenaries who surrendered, he admired the diehards who were willing to die!

Loyalty may sometimes be called a stupid, silly look.

But I have to admit that he is worthy of respect!

But respect belongs to respect, Zhang Feng didn't want to let go of their thoughts, loyalty is valuable, but it is not for himself, not for the Huangquan mercenary group!

"Don't blame me for not giving you the opportunity to choose, you don't cherish it."

Zhang Feng's eyes were slightly narrowed, and the cold light burst out: "Kill!"