Super Special Forces King

Chapter 675: Arms explosion

Chapter 675


At this moment, Zhang Feng's body was crawling directly above the box, and the muzzle of the pistol in his hand was still smoking.

The so-called fighting saber is just a ruckus, or a means to confuse the opponent.

This is entirely a psychological game, Zhang Feng has already thought that the other party will not honestly fight with himself.

Zhang Feng had never thought about it this way from beginning to end. Fighting a knife is not only risky, but also a waste of time and physical energy, both of which are very important to him!

A sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth, and he jumped down from the gunpowder box and ran to the corpse.

Seeing that the deceased was a black man, wearing American camouflage combat uniforms, and the automatic rifles on the ground were also the M4 series of the Mi Army's standing, his identity was naturally obvious.

US special forces!

It turns out that the United States has been basically determined to be involved in the internal fighting in Rwanda. Does it now appear?

The United States not only blended in, but even directly intervened, otherwise it would be impossible to send its own special forces to Rwanda to assist the reactionary forces.

America? Humph, this time you are a tiger, and you want to nest in one-third of an acre in Rwanda. ,

Open your mouth, Zhang Feng will dare to pull out your tiger teeth!

Reach out, and Zhang Feng will chop off your tiger claws!

After careful inspection, it was confirmed that there were no more reactionary guards on the first floor.

It seems that Horsley's guard of the Tibetan munitions is tight on the outside and loose on the inside.

After confirming that there were no guards, Zhang Feng hung up the weapons and equipment around the body.

Turning open the boxes, I found that all of them were munitions, and all of them were American equipment, which should have been the support of the reactionary forces by the United States.

There was a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, and he said in a cold voice: "Horsley, I don't know how painful you will be. Unfortunately, I can't see your expression with my own eyes. It must be very exciting!"

With a sneer of sneers, Zhang Feng opened the box full of gunpowder, poured out the gunpowder inside, and sprinkled it on the ground.

After getting it done, directly follow the collapsed first stairway passage and climb to the second floor again.

He took a cigarette out of his pocket, lit it with a lighter, and took two puffs. The butts of the cigarette flashed scarlet in the dark night.

Squirting disgust from his mouth and nose, with a flick of his finger, the cigarette with scarlet butts swirled around and flew away...

Turned around and walked quickly towards the rooftop, jumped down from the old alley, turned on the wireless microphone and said: "The dancer, I succeed here, you are waiting for the opportunity! The black and white impermanence special combat team, the Huangquan special combat team, start to act, hum , Tonight we are going to upset the site of the reactionary army!"

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

The dancers, goshawks, hunting dogs, and Tyrannosaurus Li Jian have reached the wireless wheat one after another.

The blood slaughter brigade caused more casualties than expected due to the opportunistic tricks of the Cheer House. This made the dancers suffocated their anger and there was no place to spread them. They had already been eager to take action against the reactionary army. Talk to Cheer Fang again!

But the goshawk and the hunting dog, the two special forces of black and white impermanence they carried, have been lurking in the territory of the reactionary army for a while, and their hands have already been itchy.

The Huangquan Special Operations Team, Tyrannosaurus Li Jian and Monkey's team had already found the target to strike, and they were waiting for Zhang Feng to give orders.

As for the student Wen Kaiqi, after hearing the news of Zhang Feng's success, he was secretly relieved.

Just after Zhang Feng's body was completely submerged in the dark alley, a red bright spot on the chest of the black man's corpse was constantly flashing, flashing through the pocket of the camouflage combat uniform, constantly alternating.

Even if Zhang Feng was here, he wouldn't know what the red light was.

This is Mi Jun’s latest equipment, with GPS positioning system, vital signs detection effect, and camera function.

If it is only one of the functions, it is not particularly powerful, and even the three functions are not difficult to combine.

But now this device is only the size of a fingernail and is compatible with these three functions. The difficulty can be imagined.

To be precise, this device is detecting the situation that the vital signs are constantly weakening or disappearing when it is used, and it will automatically turn on the camera function, and the shooting is uninterrupted, and feedback to the server terminal!


A violent explosion suddenly sounded, accompanied by a huge fireball, a powerful shock wave directly razed the second-story hospital to the ground, and a mushroom cloud rolled and rose in the dark night.

Zhang Feng looked back and smiled at the corner of his mouth. This disturbance is really big enough. It seems that the Mi Army has provided a lot of munitions to the reactionary army. Just now, the time is tight and there is no time to check it carefully.

However, the more the better, because the more reactionary leader Horsley, the more painful it will be. Naturally, the more troublesome the United States is!

Horsley, who was sitting in the room, stood up suddenly from the sofa, and the violent explosion caused the windows of the room he was in to rattle and even shatter a few pieces.

Feeling the direction of the explosion, he kicked open the door and rushed out, just in time to see the mushroom cloud rising up.

His facial features are twitching, as Zhang Feng expected, his expression is very exciting.

Anger, irresistible anger!

It was the latest Mi Army equipment, and it was a complete set, enough to be fully equipped with a team of three hundred people. Before I had time to distribute it to my subordinates, it exploded like this. Just after listening to a movement,... Did you watch a firework?

The flesh on Horsley’s angry face was shaking, and the reactionary soldiers standing beside him stood still on the spot, with their heads drooping, for fear that their eyes would anger Horsley at this time and become him. A venting bucket of anger.

"What's the matter? Who can tell me what's going on?" Horsley roared hysterically.

No one answered, and no one dared to answer.

At this moment, several explosions sounded around. Although the sound was not as violent as the explosion just now, it was a real explosion.

Then came the sound of shooting one after another...

Jingle Bell.

The phones in Horsley's temporary command room rang one after another, and several phones rang one after another.

His expression was somber as if water could drip out, and his eyes were fierce as if a knife could kill people.

He turned around and walked into the room, facing the phone that was all ringing, he picked up the innermost one, which was his personal phone, and the person calling now must be the contact person in charge of contact between the United States and himself.

The phone connected, and a jealous voice rang: "Horsley, all the arms I gave you exploded, right?"

"Mr. Waltz, I'm sorry." Although Horsley was fierce, he didn't dare to play a temper with his gold master.