Super Special Forces King

Chapter 769: The story of the Jagged Corps


"Well, you continue to say." Zhang Feng said with a deep thought.

Chen Wanru said: "You should have heard of the Jagged Mercenary Corps in Africa for so long, right?"

Hearing Chen Wanru's words, Zhang Feng's interest was aroused. Naturally, he had heard of the name of the Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group, and not only heard of it, the name of the Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group was simply thunderous.

Known as the legendary mercenary group in the mercenary world, if it were not for the four major mercenary groups to encircle and suppress, the iron-blooded mercenary group would not die. No one knows what they are now.

Moreover, the most fascinating thing is that it is said that the Jagged Mercenary Group was probably founded by Asians, or even a mercenary group founded by Chinese veterans.

"If you have not even heard of the name of the Iron-Blooded Mercenary Corps in Africa for such a long time, then it would be a fool."

"Yeah. Then I'll talk to you about the Jagged Mercenary Corps first."

Chen Wanru said as she picked up her underwear, covering the proudly standing Shuangfeng, and continued: "The Jagged Mercenary Group was founded by Huaxia!"

"What?" Zhang Feng did it suddenly.

Although he had such a speculation, he couldn't help being surprised when he heard such a positive statement from Chen Wanru.

"The Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group was indeed founded by Huaxia people. After listening to me, you will understand!" Chen Wanru said again and again with great certainty: "Twenty years ago, one of our soldiers in China was seriously injured and left out while performing a mission. Going to Africa. Unwilling to accept the humiliation of other mercenary groups, he wanted to start a mercenary group. So he found several like-minded comrades in the country, thus founding the gentleman of the iron-blooded mercenary group, the iron-blooded group!

"The Iron-Blooded Team is not used for other mercenary groups. They don't easily recruit personnel. All the soldiers in it are veterans from the Huaxia Kingdom! So the team can always maintain high combat effectiveness and absolute loyalty."

"As the Iron-Blood Team continues to grow, it gradually attracted the attention of various mercenary groups. The Iron-Blood Team also began to spread their butchers, sweeping the various mercenary groups on the African land, it can be described as invincible! Almost all of them at that time The mercenaries are trembling, afraid that the iron-blooded butcher knife will rest on their necks."

"The Iron-Blooded Team has also been renamed the Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group from now on! They have no fixed camps, which can be used to describe them without a trace! They also don't have any large-scale weapons. They rely solely on the strong personal combat power of the soldiers and the team. A perfect match!"

"The four major mercenary groups feel that their status is threatened, and they are mercenary groups from China. This is something they cannot bear. Western countries even more sinisterly believe that the iron-blooded mercenary groups are our training outside China. field."

"The four major mercenaries united and used the conspiracy to kidnap an overseas Chinese young man to attract the iron-blooded mercenary group into the encirclement. In fact, before the battle began, the head of the iron-blooded mercenary group realized that this was a trap. But he did not hesitate to issue an offensive order."

"As a result of the final battle, the iron-blooded mercenary group rescued the hostage family. The iron-blooded mercenary group had fewer than five hundred soldiers left! The four major mercenary groups also paid an extremely painful price. "

"In this encirclement and suppression, the four major mercenary groups mobilized more than 30,000 people. In the end, at least 10,000 people were completely buried in a pool of blood."

"So far, the Jagged Mercenary Corps has disappeared on the African continent!"

Speaking of this, I can see Chen Wanru's expression is a bit low, with tears in the corners of her eyes.

Zhang Feng's brows were also tightly locked together.

Although what she said was not very detailed, she could tell from her words how fierce the battle was.

30,000 people fell to one 10,000, one-third of the battle loss ratio!

The iron-blooded mercenary group only broke out with five hundred people with the rescued hostages, almost the entire mercenary group was maimed!

Such behavior is absolutely worthy of the word Jagged!

Zhang Feng raised his hand and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Chen Wanru's eyes.

I had guessed in my heart that Chen Wanru should be the little girl who was rescued back then, otherwise she would not know so clearly, nor would she empathize.

Chen Wanru leaned her cheek on Zhang Feng's shoulder and continued: "The founder of the Jagged Mercenary Group was the master."

"What? Isn't it? The old man?" Zhang Feng was completely shocked by Chen Wanru's words.

He didn't see a trace of iron blood from the old man's body at all? However, thinking about time, when the old man taught himself in the country, it was probably the iron-blooded mercenary group that suffered a heavy blow to his return.

"It's the master! He always talks about his unworthiness to be a qualified leader, so he is always looking for a suitable heir! Later, he found you!" Chen Wanru said.

"Me?" Zhang Feng pointed to his nose in disbelief.

The old man is actually looking for what heir to be heir? Wait, is it so good for the Jagged Mercenary Group?

Quickly asked the question in her heart, Chen Wanru replied: "After that, the iron-blooded mercenary group left Africa, and the remnant moved to the European underground. The current name is Blood Kill!"


Zhang Feng can't help but swear words!

The Jagged Mercenary Group was renamed Blood Kill! When it comes to blood killing, how could he not know, it is one of the top ten killer organizations in the world!

Although it is relatively low in the top ten, it is because they have very strict requirements for receiving tasks! Those who have no way to die will not kill!

Although the ranking is low, but in terms of reputation, it can definitely be ranked in the top three.

Because as long as it is their next task, the completion rate is 100%, and they have never missed!

Zhang Feng really didn't expect the old man to be such a ruthless character!

Chen Wanru continued: "I left the country 01 and started to take over the blood kills according to the master's order. This is also the master's arrangement, let me pave the way for you to take full control of the blood kills! Now that the master said, give me to you, then explain He makes you need to start preparing to take over!"

Take over the blood kill?

Zhang Feng frowned tightly, took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it, and then slowly smoked it.

This incident came too suddenly, completely unexpected, and must be carefully pondered.

After smoking two cigarettes in a row, Zhang Feng slowly said, "I can only say that I can't take over the blood killing for the time being! The reason? When the time is right, I will tell you, and I will tell the old man too! Blood killing, you still do as usual Be responsible."

"By the way, you can contact my brother, the dancer. Now the Huangquan Mercenary Corps, I have handed it over to you."