Super Special Forces King

Chapter 770: Precious

Chapter 770


"Okay, I have this intention." Chen Wanru nodded.

Zhang Feng got off the bed and sat on the sofa, frowning slightly.

In retrospect, when he left the army, why did the old man let himself go to Rwanda?

That should be regarded as a kind of inheritance, or a test.

Back then, the old man founded the most powerful iron-blooded mercenary group on the land of Africa, and then he smashed into the sand on that land.

That's why he wanted to stand up from where he fell and see where he could go.

Carefully ponder the reason why Chen Wanru said the iron-blooded mercenary group was defeated. As the head of the mercenary group, the old man undoubtedly knew that it was a trap, and he had to issue an attack order, which was the direct cause of the defeat.

As a commander, this kind of recklessness is extremely unwise!

Was it worth the death of thousands of soldiers of the Jagged Mercenary Corps for the lives of a family?

The answer is definitely not worth it, but thinking about it from another perspective, if he was a commander at that time, would he make the same decision as him, Zhang Feng himself is not sure.

The direct cause of the defeat was the command of the old man.

What about the root cause? Zhang Feng found the fundamental answer through Chen Wanru's words.

That is, the iron-blooded mercenary group always maintained the same fighting style as the guerrillas, without its own base area, so it was like duckweed, it had no roots, and was naturally unstable.

Compared with the current Huangquan mercenary group, although the pace of development seems to be much slower than the iron-blooded mercenary group.

But the foundation is very solid, with Rwanda as a base, advancing and retreating can be defended. And now there are the Shengtang Club and the gold mine as the pillars of the economy, every step is particularly solid.

Moreover, compared with the iron-blooded mercenary group, the Huangquan mercenary group developed secretly, and did not attract the attention of the four major mercenary groups prematurely.

Pinching out the cigarette **** in the ashtray, Zhang Feng never thought about asking the old man about these things.

He still understands the old man's character. Since the old man said he asked Chen Wanru to ask him, he would definitely not say anything.

Moreover, these memories are definitely unwilling to the old man, and Zhang Feng doesn't want to tear the scars he covered up again.

"You have a good rest!"

Said to Chen Wanru who was lying on the bed, after all, she was tired after tossing for so long.

Stand up, get dressed, and walk out the door.

Although there is still a plan to accept the blood kill for the time being, and the Huangquan mercenary group is also handed over to the dancers, but it does not mean that Zhang Feng can do nothing.

Going out, I saw Delil and Sharapova chatting.

Go straight to sit down, look at Sharapova: "I want to talk to you about something, is it convenient?"

"What's the inconvenience, let's talk about it." When Sharapova saw Zhang Feng being so solemn, she also put away a joke.

"I want a place for the Halberd of the God of War training camp." Zhang Feng said straightforwardly.

Sharapova was not surprised. She already knew that Zhang Feng had seen through her true identity, "You have already obtained 20 places in the Halberd of the God of War training camp. By the way, there is 100 million US dollars, which is not enough. ?"

Zhang Feng shook his head slightly, and said: "One hundred million dollars is just a joke, I don't need it. Those 20 training places need to be given to my motherland. I need other training places."

"Do you mean to exchange that 100 million dollars for the quota?" Sharapowan asked.

Zhang Feng shook his head again, "I don't want the 100 million dollars, because protecting friends does not require compensation! Asking you for other training places is also a friend's request, you can refuse me."

When Sharapova heard what Zhang Feng said, she smiled heartily, "According to you, we are friends, right? I like this relationship! Is the quota? I can't promise you, after all, everything is mine. Father has the final say, but I will try my best to fight for you when I go back. So, are you satisfied? My friend."

"of course!"

Zhang Feng turned his head to look at Dai'er and said, "I'm sorry to tell you! I promised to protect you, and now I will send you to China. It may be contrary to the original intention of the client."

Since Ms. Elizabeth chose a mercenary group to protect Dai Er, it means that she does not want any country to be involved in this matter.

Zhang Fengming knew this, and sent Dai'er to China, so he wanted to say sorry.

Dai'er shook her head and smiled: "You and Sharapova are friends, aren't they with me? You don't need to say sorry between friends!"

Zhang Feng chuckled twice and rubbed his palms, "You say that, I am a little embarrassed to be paid, oh."

Dai'er smiled lightly.


The next day.

The plane stopped slowly at Kyoto Airport.

The already prepared special forces have already emptied the vicinity of the dedicated apron, and no one is allowed to approach.

Chen Wanru will return to Europe to take charge of the blood killing and will not stay in Kyoto. Therefore, without getting off the plane, after Zhang Feng and others had left, they would directly follow the plane and return.

Contrary to Zhang Feng's expectation, the old man was just like Chen Wan, and did not get off the plane.

Both Daier and Sharapova left the airport under the protection of everyone, but Zhang Feng was left alone.

The people present seemed to have deliberately ignored his existence and ignored him.

Zhang Feng was so happy and at ease.

Stepping out of the airport, the smog in the air is indeed a familiar formula and a familiar taste.

The people who come and go speak Huaxia with an accent from the south and the north, which sounds uncomfortable.

I found a fast food restaurant near the airport and sat down. I took my mobile phone out of my pocket and dialed a phone number I haven't contacted for a long time.

Zhuo Chaoyun, who was sitting in the office busy with business affairs, heard the buzzing of her mobile phone and frowned. Who would call herself at this time?

Answer the phone, "Hello, who are you?"

"It's me," said the other end of the phone.

Zhuo Chaoyun's hand holding the phone trembled, her teeth bit her lip tightly, and crystal tears appeared in her eyes.

"How are you now?" Gritting her teeth, not letting herself cry, but the trembling voice betrayed her.

"I'm at the fast food restaurant here at the airport..."

Before Zhang Feng finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhuo Chaoyun: "You are waiting for me there!"

Pop, the phone was hung up.

Zhang Feng shook his head with a wry smile, put the phone in his pocket, and looked out the window.

Only those who have been in places like Africa can understand how safe and comfortable the country is.

On the road, you don’t have to worry about inexplicable explosions, and you don’t have to fear that someone will suddenly appear and shoot crazy with a gun.

These ordinary ones, but now they seem to be precious.