Super Special Forces King

Chapter 814: During the operation

Chapter 814


After repeated blood tests, Zhang Feng used his genetic modification to hit the sandbag under the condition of the test.

After exercising with sufficient intensity, the various index data obtained, after consultation and discussion, came to the conclusion: "The headache is due to high-intensity fighting, which has exceeded his body's capacity."

"This kind of overloaded use of the body harms not only Zhang Feng's muscles and bones, but also nerves."

"Nerve fatigue again and again, accumulate each other, and reach a critical point, and pain will erupt. This is a stress response of the body!"

The direct cause of Zhang Feng’s headache was determined, and the date of Zhang Feng’s operation was also determined, three days later!

In the next three days, Zhang Feng began to adjust his physical state as much as possible, and his mental state.

The body is adjusted to the best condition, only in this way can we survive the operation to the greatest extent.

The psychological state must also be adjusted. The closer the operation approaches, the more serious the fear of people, even Zhang Feng, who has experienced too much life and death, cannot avoid it.

Rejecting the counseling of the psychologist, Zhang Feng sat alone in the ward.

His way to soothe his mind is to recall, recalling his childhood, recalling the uncomfortable experiences with his mother, but it was the happiest day in life.

In such memories, Zhang Feng's heart slowly calmed down.


Three days later, Zhang Feng was walked into the operating room.

More than a dozen doctors in white coats all looked at Zhang Feng with a faint smile on his face.

Although they were wearing hats and pockets, Zhang Feng could recognize Yun Qian at a glance. After all, Yun Qian was pregnant and had a special body shape.

Walked over, touched her cheek with the palm of her hand, turned and lay on the operating table.

The shadowless lamp flashed and the anesthesiologist injected anesthetic. Because nerve surgery is involved, the amount of anesthesia is larger than normal. In addition, Zhang Feng has certain antibodies because he wants to suppress headaches and has taken drugs.

The anesthetic was injected into the body, and the exhaustion quickly attacked Shang Feng, and he felt his eyelids heavier.

The hands and feet also became heavier, and slowly, it became difficult to hook the fingers, and the whole body was not obeying his wisdom.

In the end, he couldn't even think anymore, slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

The anesthesiologist rolled Zhang Feng's eyelids and said with certainty: "The operation can begin."

The doctor in charge of the craniotomy took the craniotome and slowly cut a gap in the back of Zhang Feng's head.

The blood suddenly flowed out. On the other hand, Xiao Zhenhua, as the commander of this operation, immediately asked the doctor to start a blood transfusion to Zhang Feng to prevent excessive blood loss, which would cause irreversible consequences.

After the craniotomy, Yun Qian took a deep breath and walked closer.

Her eyes are close to the microscope, only then can she see the tiny neurons clearly.

The air current scalpel slowly went deep into the wound.

At this moment, she had forgotten that the person undergoing the operation was Zhang Feng, otherwise she would not be able to perform the operation at all.

All she has to do now is to process the neurons that are glued to the neural control chip. Some of these neurons are diseased or even necrotic, and this part needs to be cut off.

The other part is the neurons that are still good, this part cannot be cut, but peeled off from the chip.

Her hands were very stable, without the slightest tremor.


After four hours, Yun Qian had only dealt with one-third, but no one dared to urge it, because none of them could do better than Yun Qian.

Maybe Xiao Zhenhua could do it ten years ago, but now, even the first surgical operation is impossible.

At this age, he has been unable to perform such a high-intensity operation to keep his hands extremely stable at all times.

"Wiping sweat." Yun Qian said.

The top researcher standing behind her, acting as a nurse at this moment, quickly picked up the towel, stretched his hand from behind, and slowly wiped off the sweat on Yun Qian's face.

For four hours, the spirit was always highly nervous, which was not easy for Yun Qian, especially when she was pregnant.

However, she can only persist.

Four hours passed after processing the first third. Six hours have passed since processing the next third.

Ten hours passed, Yun Qian's lips were also a little white, but the operation could not be stopped at all, it must be continued.

During these ten hours, she could not eat, and could only drink a small amount of water with the help of an assistant.

The only thing that made her feel relieved was that the child in her stomach was surprisingly quiet, which did not cause her any trouble.

All the researchers in the room took a sigh of relief. In the end, there is about one-third left, and it will take at least nine hours to proceed at this speed.

The entire operating room was terribly quiet, without any sound. Everyone even breathes carefully, for fear of affecting Yun Qian who is undergoing surgery.

She called wiping sweat more and more frequently, because her physical energy was consumed faster and faster.


In the past five hours, Yun Qian has always insisted on high-intensity surgery for more than fifteen hours.

Her face is no longer bloody, her lips are even paler, and the hair in her hat is already soaked.



Finally, the last tiny neuron was processed, and Yun took a deep breath.

The faces of other researchers in the room also had unconcealable excitement, but everyone was holding back.

At this moment, Yun Qian's body fell backward. Fortunately, the researcher, who was acting as her assistant, had eyesight and quick hands, and helped her.

Xiao Zhenhua hurriedly said: "Quickly, send it to rest and infuse nutrient solution."

"Don't stop the operation!"

His big apprentice immediately rushed to Yun Qian's position just now. The latter has solved the most difficult part of the entire operation. All he has left is to take out the nerve control chip and suture the wound.

Although not difficult to say, it is also relative to Yun Qian.

The tiny forceps penetrated into the wound, carefully clamped the nerve control chip, and slowly took it out.

The distance between the nerve control chip and the wound was only about half a centimeter, but it took him close to an hour.

Because he wants the chip to avoid all nerves.

Take out the chip, seal it up immediately, and use this chip for scientific research.

The operation has reached the final step, which is to close the wound.


Zhang Feng was pushed out of the operating room and sent directly to the ward to be monitored around the clock. The effect of anesthetics will not pass until at least four hours. As for the postoperative risk period, it takes at least one week.