Super Special Forces King

Chapter 871: Leave the cell


Once you enter the tiger's lair, you have to bear the risk of being swallowed by the tiger.

Zhang Feng knew this very clearly in his heart. Even he knew better than anyone just how risky this mission was.

So before he started the mission, he had already explained everything around him that should be explained.

The business aspect of the Huangquan Mercenary Group was handed over to Zhai Qiang. The underground forces in Rwanda handed over to the second strong son, that is, Zhao Qiang.

The most important Huangquan mercenary group was handed over to his most trusted dancer.

As for his comrades-in-arms, Tyrannosaurus Li Jian, Jackal Chaichong, student Wen Kaiqi, and Monkey, Zhang Feng helped them arrange their way forward.

They must have their place in the reconstructed Huangquan Special Operations Squad. Whether they return as combatants or as instructors, they can return to the Huangquan Special Operations Squad in justified ways.

As for the current situation of Hades, Zhang Feng is not clear. But the one Zhang Feng doesn't worry about is Yan Wang, because Yan Wang has his own things to do, and Yan Wang is an independent person, so there is no need to worry.

The rest, the one Zhang Feng could not let go of, was his woman.

Zhuo Chaoyun, Yun Qian, Chen Wanru.

But Zhang Feng didn't know how to settle them. This was what he regretted most.


The Chinese Taoist school pays attention to everything. Tolerance is great, standing on the wall, and strong without desire.

Zhang Feng recalled everything he had done before. As time passed slowly, he found that all his thoughts flowed smoothly.

Without the crux of hatred in the heart, there is no fear.

When a person has no fear in his heart, then there is no subjective weakness, at least psychologically.

The silent environment and the cramped space can no longer be a tool to break his psychological defense.

A faint smile curled up at the corner of his mouth and slowly lay on the ground.

Since there is no concept of time, no matter what time it is now, as long as the most basic ideas are guaranteed, you can stay here without desire.

Someone will eat food, and no one will be hungry. Sleep when you're sleepy. After you wake up, you can think of something, or you can push up until you get tired.


Handsome Tom reported the matter without concealing it, and the meaning of the above was very clear: Ugly Tom would immediately take Tyrone out of the first cell.

For them, Tyrone, the living experiment of SSS's physical talents, is very important.

Once the transformation is completed, a real super soldier will be brought. The combat effectiveness of such a super soldier is definitely not comparable to the sum of several SS super fighters.

But Ugly Tom stared at Zhang Feng in the surveillance video, that is, Tyrone, as if nothing happened.

He became more and more unwilling in his heart. He didn't believe that someone could actually stay in the first cell for half a month, and there was no sign of mental breakdown.

But he also couldn't stand the above order, so he could only order Zhang Feng to be taken out of the cell.

The door of the cell was opened from the outside, and Zhang Feng, who was lying on the ground, stood up and turned to look towards the door when he heard the sound of the door opening.

Two soldiers with live ammunition walked in silently, with their loaded muzzles resting on him, escorting Zhang Feng out of the cell.

They didn't say where to go in the winding corridor.

But Zhang Feng remembered the route when he came, and now he is taking the route when he came, that is to say, he wants to return now.

The corners of his mouth curled up with a sneer, and his head drooped slightly.

Sure enough, he returned to the dormitory, and the iron door of the dormitory was immediately locked.

Caldera, who was lying on the bed, saw Zhang Feng suddenly jumped out of the bed, and said very excitedly: "Tyron, I thought you were..."

He also realized that he had said the wrong thing and did not continue, but the meaning was very obvious.

Zhang Feng shook his head faintly, and didn't care what he said, just opened his mouth and said: "How long has passed since I left?"

"Twenty days! Exactly twenty days." Caldera said solemnly. He remembers the time very clearly, because since Zhang Feng left, he is also very worried.

Although his mind is simpler, he is not stupid. Knowing that Tyrone came here for another purpose, and that he was his helper.

So after Zhang Feng was taken away, his heart was also very uneasy.

As time went on, his anxiety grew stronger, and he almost counted Tyrone with his fingers and hadn't returned for a few days.

There are also two other people in this Super Soldier Institute who are as worried as Caldera.

Those were the two people that Zhang Feng contacted through the cloth strips. They both thought that the matter had been exposed, and they were always worried.

Twenty days?

Zhang Feng has no concept of time, and he didn't expect such a long time to pass.

He frowned slightly and asked, "What have you done in the past twenty days?" He is now worried that he has missed too many things.

According to his plan, he will contact several people as his secret helper. But now that twenty days have passed, I don't know if I have enough time for myself.

Caldera replied: "It's training, nothing else."

"What did you train?" Zhang Feng continued to ask.

"Kill!" Caldera uttered two words.

Zhang Feng's brow furrowed even tighter! Hearing these two words, he knew that there was really not much time left for him!

From fighting to fighting, these are two completely different concepts.

It's like a fighting contestant and a special soldier who takes murder as their profession. These two completely different concepts!

Not talking, lying on the bed with a frown. He was considering a question, that is, will there be training for firearms and thermal weapons after the grid kill?

After thinking about it, Zhang Feng still believes that there will be!

A true super soldier cannot only master unarmed combat and unarmed killing. It should be able to adapt to various environments, master various weapons, and be able to master killing skills under any circumstances.

Just like, special forces must not only master various weapons, but also master the driving methods of various vehicles.

From small motorcycles to large chariots, tanks, and airplanes. Even some special operations arms must master the driving of nuclear submarines.

Therefore, Zhang Feng determined that the current training is not about to end, there will be some time.

As he was thinking about it, Caldera held his stomach in his heart, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Tyron, what have you been doing for so long?"