Super Special Forces King

Chapter 923: Caldera Pass

Chapter 923 Caldera Passes


Can't just watch Caldera die in front of him!

Zhang Feng promised Caldera to take him away from here alive. Since he said that, the promise he made must be fulfilled!

Zhang Feng is not a good person, and can even watch life fall in front of him calmly, without any movement at all.

But he is definitely not a villain, if he speaks out, he must do it!

And from another point of view, this incident had nothing to do with Caldera. He wanted a helper. He felt that Caldera met his requirements and forcibly pulled Caldera into his plan. in.

Therefore, in the sense and reason, we must do what Caldera promised!

Even just now, he wanted Caldera to run first, and he wanted to save Caldera's life as much as possible.

The first one to run is the safest, because the first one can completely avoid stray bullets. You only need to rush forward with your life!

There is no need to consider the element of luck, as long as the speed is fast enough to pass through the passage and save your life.

But now, Zhang Feng rushed into the passage, naturally still to save Caldera's life.

He saw the laser beam just now. Although it didn't hit Caldera, it was rubbing his back, dangerous and dangerous.

Being so close to Caldera's body means that the laser beam will soon be able to completely lock Caldera. If nothing else happens, the last 20 meters will be Caldera's burial place!

Zhang Feng naturally couldn't watch this happen, so he rushed directly into the passage.

When another target appears in the channel, it will attract the ‘attention’ of some laser weapons in the past to lock onto the new target Zhang Feng!

This will reduce the pressure on Caldera!

Of course, this is also a drawback of computer-controlled weapons! If it is a human being to operate the weapon, it will naturally choose to kill Caldera who has appeared on the edge of the cliff first, and then turn around and shoot Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng's speed did not immediately increase to the fastest level, but almost remained relatively consistent with Caldera's speed.

With two breaths, Caldera had rushed to the end of the passage. At the last step, the whole person almost threw out and fell to the ground severely.

His chest undulated violently, and he was breathing heavily.

Just now, he was completely engrossed in running wild, and he himself didn't feel that his clothes had been completely wetted by sweat.

He didn't even feel the scorching pain in his back. Now the highly tense nerves relaxed a little, and there was a sudden tearing pain.

Only living people have pain, dead people have no intuition!

His eyes couldn't hide the excitement of surviving by chance. He turned his head and looked into the passage, and he was seeing Zhang Feng racing through the passage quickly!

The people on the other end saw Caldera really rushing through the passage alive, with unconcealable excitement on their faces.

They saw hope. They thought they would be trapped here and couldn't pass the c3 channel at all, but now Caldera really passed!

Now that Zhang Feng rushed into the passage, everyone was eager to try!

Since Caldera can rush to survive, they are also likely to rush to survive!

Before they could do anything, the hunter rushed into the passage without saying a word. The distance from Zhang Feng was only about 20 meters.

His speed is not as fast as Zhang Feng's, but he constantly changes the position of his body left and right, which can also delay the locking time of laser weapons, which is similar to faster speed.

Seeing Caldera had already rushed over, Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, his speed increased again, and he rushed into the passage faster.

The speed of light was almost chasing him and shooting behind him, and Zhang Feng could even feel the terrible heat carried by the laser beam.


He followed Caldera and rushed in, and he had to bear the stray bullets that were shot without aiming at Caldera!

Zhang Feng's body suddenly rushed forward, his body lowered, and the speed of light continued to rub his scalp, only a dozen centimeters away!

high temperature!

Zhang Feng could feel the pain of being burned on his scalp, and the smell of burnt feathers filled his nose. It's just that this is not scorching feathers, but his hair was burned to ashes by the heat!

The body suddenly fell to the ground without any stay, and rolled forward like clouds and water. With the force of the forward thrust, he stood up directly with his hands on the ground, and instantly increased the speed to the fastest, directly towards the end of the passage Rush away.


The laser beam seemed to be chasing Zhang Feng, shooting at the place where he stayed for a moment. It can be said that even if Zhang Feng's speed was a little slower, or his movements were slower, there was a transparent hole in his body.

And if such a situation occurs, it means it is over and life is gone!

Caldera's mouth grows big. He was engrossed just now and didn't feel the danger at all. But now that Zhang Feng came through the passage, he knew how lucky his life could be.

At the same time, even if his head is relatively slow, he can see how good Zhang Feng is to let himself rush over.

At this time, more and more people couldn't bear it. They saw Caldera rushing over, and Zhang Feng immediately rushed over. Finally, they couldn't help it, one by one like moths into the fire Into the channel.

However, as Zhang Feng said, the most dangerous thing happened. There were too many people in a channel, but the difficulty of computer locking would increase. However, there is not much difference between a computer calculating the position of one person and the simultaneous calculation of ten persons. And there are so many people at the same time, as long as they are shooting with laser beams, few are free, because there are so many targets!

It's like a heavy machine gun. When you use it as a sniper rifle, it is almost impossible to hit the target.

But if it is used to shoot a large number of charging targets, the lethality he causes is definitely not comparable to a sniper rifle that shoots one bullet!


A single person was hit by a laser beam and fell into the passage. Before they swallowed their last breath, they were all struggling desperately forward, and many climbed even a little, and they might have more chances to survive.

But the dying struggle is futile after all.

It's all with a knife on the neck, who has such a noble sentiment but can save his own life than others?

Only one person stayed at the end, and that was Silgarva, his brows frowned tightly, everyone rushed into the passage, and he stayed at the end.