Super Special Forces King

Chapter 990: Breakthrough (6) second more

Mime private 990

If you ask who has the most ugly face right now, it must be the black tower.

He never thought that the Super Soldier would suffer casualties so quickly. No, it was death.

Every super soldier is transformed, and the cost required is enormous. Of course, in terms of their combat power and the tasks they can perform, these costs are worth it.

Therefore, every super soldier is not polite to say that it is a strategic existence.

But I didn't expect to be killed so soon.

Ten dead, twenty ordinary soldiers dead, the black tower doesn't care, but it's absolutely painful to die a super soldier.

He had already thought Zhang Feng's combat effectiveness was high enough, so he sent six super fighters to besiege him, although later because of Tom's appearance, six super fighters became five, that is also a powerful enough combat force. But just like this, a super soldier is still damaged, how can he not be angry?

Also, who knows what kind of reagent this Tom is taking, can actually become so powerful that the frontal confrontation super soldier actually has the upper hand against the guest.

The Black Tower found that everything was not going the way he expected, which made him extremely annoyed.

Shen Sheng said: "Separate another person, let me handle Tom quickly! As for Tyrone's side?..." He hesitated for a moment and said, "Suspend him temporarily, don't touch him directly, hold him , As long as he doesn't forcefully break through, let him do whatever he wants!"

The black tower's order was transmitted to the super soldier's ears through the headset, and immediately a super soldier slowly backed away and turned to join the besieging Tom.

The intention of the Black Tower to give such an order is already very obvious. Isn't you Tyrone, that is, Zhang Feng, very powerful? Okay, then I won't fight you head-on, right? You can do anything, don't break through, we will accompany you to consume it.

What's the use of it? But don't forget that there are still four super soldiers in the tunnel that are speeding up towards the Wuming Lake.

When they arrive, the number of super fighters will almost double, and then they will surround Zhang Feng and attack Zhang Feng. At that time Zhang Feng will definitely end up badly.

Five super soldiers besieged Zhang Feng, but he killed one, leaving four, and now one left to besiege Tom, so only three super soldiers besieged Zhang Feng.

The three of them strictly followed the orders of the black iron tower, and quickly retreated, leaving Zhang Feng about ten meters away. Although maintaining such a distance, their faces still maintain a high level of alert.

The companions just now died in front of them like this, how could they not tremble in their hearts.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Feng's brows wrinkled slightly, why? Consume with yourself?

Is it because he killed one of them? But what good is it for them to consume it like this? Get a rest? wrong! They are resting, and they are also resting, and obviously their physical injuries need more time to rest.

How can it be because of? There is only one explanation, that is, there is support!

Moreover, this support is definitely not an ordinary US soldier, but a super soldier like them. Only in this way, it makes sense for them to wait and wait.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng's brow furrowed even tighter!

And the support of super soldiers? Is the super soldier so worthless?

Although he complained so in his heart, it was also clear that the total number of super fighters definitely exceeded his imagination.

It can be estimated like this.

The number of samples in each batch of live experiments is sometimes large and sometimes small. On average, the number of people in each batch is about 150. There are two batches of test products every year, so if you count it, you get three hundred people.

It has been nine years since the Super Soldier Research Institute was built. The first two years can be counted as infrastructure construction and equipment debugging, and more of theoretical research. Then for the next seven years, there will be 300 people every year, for a total of 2,100 people!

At the beginning, the success rate of in vivo experimental research was very low, and the rate of successfully completing the transformation into a super soldier was about 20%, or 20%. In the middle and late stages of the experiment, with the continuous derivation of the theory and the enrichment of experimental experience, the success rate continued to increase, and the success rate soared to about 70%. In this way, the success rate in the early and middle and late stages is equal to each other, about 45 percent.

Two thousand one hundred people, multiplied by 45 percent, equals nine hundred and fifteen people!

You must know that these more than 900 people are not ordinary soldiers of the US Army, but real super soldiers.

No matter how powerful a person's combat power is, it is impossible to challenge a complete formation of a corps. Under the powerful firepower, any individual heroism is nothing but a bubble.

But if the 900 super fighters are organized into operations, coupled with first-hand weapons, Zhang Feng can't imagine what else can stop this group of people. In other words, what an unacceptable price must be paid to annihilate them.

Returning to the current situation, since Zhang Feng has seen through the opponent's strategy, naturally he will not let them succeed.

Do you want to drag me here with Lao Tzu? Then ask whether I agree or not.

Turning his head to look at Tom who was being besieged by two people, his lips curled up with a sneer, and he roared: "What's the skill for two fights! Add me, isn't it just right!"

After that, Zhang Feng trot directly towards Tom. He wanted to see what the Super Warrior would do next?


With two cold snorts, Zhang Feng directly joined the battle group. Originally, the two super fighters played against Tom, but they were only able to take a small advantage. Although Tom looked embarrassed, he was not actually hurt.

After Zhang Feng joined, the situation changed directly, and the balance of victory fell directly on the two of them.

After taking the reagent, Tom became violent and bloodthirsty, but did not completely lose his mind.

Only he himself knows that the validity period of this reagent is only three hours. After three hours, the side effects will be completely reflected!

While attacking the super fighters frantically, he said: "Tyron, kill them, let's rush out quickly, time is running out!"

Talking to smart people is easy. Zhang Feng heard the implied meaning in his words, and he became more fierce when he started. The knives in his hands went straight to the point, the speed was fast, and the angle was even more tricky!