Super Storm

v4 Chapter 473: My three connected people are here, just

The world-class winger once again plays the key role, Liverpool's strongest ace is Yang Yang!

The day after Liverpool beat Chelsea 3-1 away, the Liverpool Echo published such a headline on the front page headline.

The cover is a photo of Yang Yang's second goal after all of Liverpool's players flocked to celebrate him.

With two goals, Yang Yang once again scored twice, scoring five goals in the four Premier League games he participated in, and also provided two assists. The echo report describes Yang Yang ’s perfection. The Premier League starts.

"I believe that everyone who has watched the game will be able to easily find that Yang Yang is gradually becoming the core of Liverpool's frontcourt attack. Especially in this strong dialogue, his left side has become Liverpool's most threatening offensive line. . "

"Yang Yang and Aurelio's left combination is offensively sharp, and also has a very good defensive ability. From the first minute of the game, Chelsea's right road has fallen into a desperate situation, especially Yang Yang, even more so Very good. "

"Second again, scored twice, while planning the third goal, Yang Yang undoubtedly showed an impressive impression, he is a key figure in Liverpool's ability to beat Chelsea away!"

The Liverpool Echo said that after joining the team at a record value of 40 million euros, Yang Yang has suffered injuries but soon proved his strength and value with practical actions.

"I believe that after this strong dialogue, all doubts about Yang Yang can be stopped."

"Even Chelsea coach Mourinho said publicly at the press conference after the game that the key factor for Liverpool to win this game is that Benitez has one more Yang Yang than him."

Benitez also admitted that Yang Yang is gradually becoming a key member of the team, but he does not think that Yang Yang has reached his best state because he was only 20 years old by the end of October, and Benitez also Call on everyone not to pay too much attention to Yang Yang, but to give him more space.

"This is the first season he joined Liverpool and landed in the Premier League. We have no reason to ask him what kind of results must be achieved. That is unrealistic. Yang Yang ’s performance so far has proved himself enough. At the same time, he It also makes us all believe that he can succeed in the Premier League. "

"But at the same time, we should also see that there are still many difficulties in front of Yang Yang. He still needs to continue to grow and continue to work hard, especially by the winter break at the end of December. For players who have experienced the Premier League test, it will be a difficult challenge. "

But Benitez finally stated that he firmly believes that Yang Yang will succeed in the Premier League.

Echo commented that after playing five rounds, Yang Yang overtook Bobby Zamora of West Ham United with five goals and appeared alongside him at the top of the Premier League shooter list.

"After Irving left the team, for the first time we have players leading the scorer list. I believe all Liverpool fans will be excited at this moment, because the team finally ushered in a top scorer, and Yang Yang will not be disappointing. "


Yang Yang: Even three people? Me too!

Telegraph headline reporter Henry Winter wrote an article on the headline of the newspaper.

In this article, Winter publicly stated that he became a fan of Yang Yang.

"There were four goals scored in this game, but the first three were all very good goals."

"Yang Yang's first goal was under the double attack of two Chelsea defensive players. He took two consecutive shots and then dunked Essien. Then he scored a goal with a right-footed arc. The whole goal process fully reflected Yang Yang's excellent foot technique and physical flexibility. "

"Not to mention the second goal. In the face of the opponent's two defensive players, Yang Yang suddenly started. Using speed and technology, he suddenly rushed away the two defensive players. Then he used it again. The skillful pendulum has played tricks on the top Premier League defender Terry, and finally hit a single shot in the penalty area. "

"It can be said that either of these two goals is enough to be so exciting that I can't sleep overnight, but Yang Yang got two in one breath, which shows that his current state is indeed quite good."

"Everyone should remember that when Manchester United played against Tottenham a week ago, Cristiano Ronaldo staged a series of three people, and then the Portuguese celebration was hailed as a one to Yang Yang. Kind of provocation. "

"After media reporters chased Melwood, Yang Yang said that he had also scored three consecutive goals, but at that time, many media clearly did not believe that they believed that the three consecutive players in the Dutch League The three consecutive people in the Premier League are two very different things. "

"But now, Yang Yang has slapped these people hard with a scoring from three consecutive people."

"He tells everyone with iron facts that he can connect three people in the Dutch League and three in the Premier League. Even the Buffalo Essien from Ghana, the cannibal Boraruz from the Netherlands John Terry, who is known as the first iron-blooded defender of the Premier League, can't stop him. "

"And Chelsea's zero-error Mr. Bolaraz, in front of Yang Yang, has completely turned into a colander!"

"Almost all games except for mistakes, the Dutch defender never left any impression on us."


Also from the Telegraph, Liverpool famous Alan Hansen highly praised Yang Yang's performance in this column in his own column, believing that Yang Yang is gradually becoming the core of Liverpool's frontcourt offensive.

"Maybe it is indeed absurd to say that, but I still want to say that 19-year-old Yang Yang is gradually becoming Liverpool's most important offensive standard bearer. Although he has just arrived in Melwood, there has never been a new aid. Being able to achieve results like him, he only played four rounds, five goals and two assists in the five-round league. "

"Who can demand more from him?"


Evans, the editor-in-chief from the Times, also shouted for Yang Yang.

This outright Red Army fan led a group of Liverpool fans to make Liverpool beat Chelsea in this game, occupying the most important pages of the Times.

Yang Yang has become the focus of the Times's key report.

Evans believes that Benitez is fulfilling his three-year contract, and that Liverpool, with its offensive and defensive balance, has already shown its prototype.

"The frontcourt has Yang Yang as the offensive core, the midfield has Gerrard and Harvey Alonso as the core, and the back line is Carragher and Daniel Agg as the core. The entire central axis of Liverpool has been basically completed."

"Yang Yang's performance is once again striking, especially his second goal, even with three people, is even more addictive, because Liverpool have not seen such an excellent attacker for many years. , He is very reminiscent of Michael Owen. "

"But Yang Yang is even more incredible than Irving."

"Imagine that when Cristiano Ronaldo staged three consecutive players a week ago, and Yang Yang said that he can also connect three others, who would believe that his three consecutive connections would come so fast?"

"The Chinese popular saying that gentlemen revenge is not too late in ten years."

"But for young and passionate Yang Yang, ten years is too long, and he only needs one week to avenge his revenge!"

"This is absolutely an incredible performance!"

The fanatic Liverpool fan introduced Yang Yang's goal with an important page, and praised Yang Yang's performance. He even felt that there was a rhythm to kill Yang Yang.


The Daily Mail ’s Martin Samuel wrote a column that, on the one hand, was full of praise for Yang Yang ’s performance, but at the same time, he also gave Drogba ’s world wave a very high evaluation.

Martin Samuel pointed out in the column that after three years, after 46 home league games, Chelsea once again suffered a home defeat, and it was a near-shameful defeat, which brought a great touch to the Blues. .

"In the locker room after the game, a group of core players led by captain Terry and Lampard are deeply reflecting on the defeat of Chelsea in this game. They think that the team's tactics are completely suppressed by Liverpool. Many players Not even half of the usual level can be kicked out. "

"The reason for this is all due to coach Mourinho, which is obviously inappropriate, because apart from the injured Robben, Mourinho has no available wing players at hand."

"There is basically a consensus within Chelsea. The failure to introduce Yang Yang this summer is definitely a big loss for the Blues. Especially after this strong dialogue, under the background of Yang Yang's brilliant performance, Shevchenko The downturn is even more embarrassing. "

"Abramovich is paying for his stupid decision this summer!"

Martin Samuel also mentioned that the Chelsea team has gradually lost patience with the frequently injured Robben. The team is likely to introduce a more stable and reliable winger killer during the winter break.


Whether it is close to Liverpool or close to Chelsea, the comments and opinions of many media are fairly restrained.

But he always likes to make waves, and the Sun Daily, which fears the world is not chaotic, will not have so many concerns.

The UK ’s biggest-selling media posted the photo of Yang Yang and Cristiano Ronaldo directly on the cover the next day of the competition. Among them, Yang Yang ’s photo was bright and the opposite Portuguese was gray and bleak. At the same time, he was also marked with a big question mark.

The picture also added a sentence to Yang Yang's picture.

"My three connected people are here, just waiting for you!"

The Sun ’s approach was simple and straightforward, but it immediately triggered a heated discussion in the UK.

Because Manchester United is a day late than Liverpool's game, but it is also a strong dialogue.

This time, the Red Devils Manchester United will face Arsenal at their own home, which is also the focus of attention this season.

Manchester United have won four straight so far, as long as they win Arsenal, they will continue to lead with five consecutive victories.

And everyone is also concerned about whether Cristiano Ronaldo can score in ten seconds.


The British media is in a carnival, which naturally attracts the attention and hype of the media in Europe and even around the world.

In particular, China is celebrating the whole country and cheering Yang Yang crazy.

And when the news reached Spain ...