Super Technology Extractor

Chapter 27: Dad is drunk

The development of things, the occasion and environment at the time will lead people to make different choices.

Wu Fanghao felt that this time he was bragging, and thinking about going home, it was not difficult to make a war college in his mouth.

Even to a certain extent, he is equal to the need to build various war weapons, of course, it will be hundreds of times less difficult, after all, he does not need to be exactly the same, as long as he can destroy the remaining "model" ability.

Speaking like that, that doesn't mean it's easy.

"Hey, it doesn't matter, anyway, it won't be finished at 1:30 anyway, it should be a year or two after you get on the field." Fang Hao thought very openly. The time from planning to completion of such a base would be For a few years, when it was time for him to start building various models, he felt that he would be fine at that time.

Fang Hao did not return home, but went to his own factory at the foot of the mountain. Since the equipment started production a few days ago, Fang Hao has never returned to his home.

At present, the company's current momentum is very good, and the employees are very motivated. Qin Shiqi will do simple work reports to Fang Hao every day. Now the company has received a total of 745 model orders, which are all the required business units. It is the full version.

On the one hand, thanks to that incident, on the other hand, Yan Hongshuo's special police squadron took the lead. After that time, Yan Hongshuo took the initiative to report and apply for a climbing model to take the lead. Fire and special police have bought one or two trial cars.

For this reason, 745 model vehicles brought more than 95 million sales to Starfall Technology. Excluding taxes and costs, half of the profits can be made. According to this momentum, Fang Hao believes that his company's assets will be in the middle of next month. It can reach a scale of 100 million.

Is just a matter of personal assets, Fang Hao said a little trouble.

The notion that company assets are equal to individuals is also legally wrong, but corporate bosses in large departments often say that the company has a lot of feats such as how much money the company has, and treat the company as its own cash machine, and any expenses go to the company Report.

Bian Fanghao certainly will not do this, the public and private must be clear, and since the system clearly specifies the difference between the company and the individual, then there must be a reason.

Bian Fanghao didn't think much about it. He was a wholly-owned company. In the end, he would have to pay himself a huge annual salary. Without any accident, Fang Hao thought that his level would definitely be improved within one and a half months.

But now Fang Hao thinks he needs the most. He needs a car, and the taxi only turned around after charging a full 100 yuan charter fee. In fact, he is not far from the city. Reluctant to collect money on the meter.

He shook his head, picked up the mobile phone, turned on the flashlight function, and looked far away. There was a bright light flickering under the dark background, and Fang Hao was able to hear the sound of the machinery's operation.

The fence has been completely built. In order to hurry, Fang Hao finally invited a construction team, including the ground was also refurbished, and the concrete was poured. At this time, Fang Hao had not completely dried up. Just walked to the door of the plant.

The machine was operating according to the setting left by Fang Hao. Two biological robots, one gray and two gray, were not here. They were arranged in a basement by Fang Hao to make climbing belts.

There is also a warehouse in the industrial park to store the remaining parts. The assembly of the model car is placed in the office rented floor.

Fang Hao arranged this naturally to prevent people. The value of the model car is not cheap. It is all money to be taken away randomly. The assembly work is arranged in the office building, and there is security at the entrance. Anyone wants to take it away. Model cars must go through a corridor full of other employees. Unless they are invisible or they are invisible with a medium-sized luggage, someone will definitely find them.

"Smoke one by one ..."

Wu Fanghao was counting the number of climbing belts they produced. The phone rang, and the number was his own dad.

喂 "Hello, Dad, why are you calling me at this point?"

Fang Hao felt very weird. Maybe it was because the dry machinery was too hard when he was young. He stayed up late for three days and caused a lot of minor problems now, so now his dad has become extremely regular. He must sleep at 10:30 at night. Already.

"Fang Hao, have you done anything else?"

"Dad, are you drinking?" Fang Hao couldn't hear Fang Binming's tone was good or bad, but the tone was the same as those who drank too much, but his dad never touched alcohol.

"Oh, yes, it's good to drink a bite."

Wu Fanghao put three black lines on his forehead. "Dad, mom, you still let mom answer the phone."

"Okay ... oh, no, I ask you, what star meteor technology company did you start?"

As soon as Fang Hao was about to speak, the conversation was suddenly taken away, and then he heard the voice of his mother, "Xiao Hao, ignore your dad, a few cat pee drank in the drunkenness."

"Okay ... okay." Fang Hao smiled awkwardly, and didn't wait for him to ask ~ ~ Shen Xue said the reason, "But Xiao Hao, that star meteorite technology company is really you Yes, this time you can give your dad a long face. I told you that the boss drove to a banquet today. The banquet was a great boast of your dad. He said that your dad has cultivated a good son and called on the old comrades to be like you Dad learns and inherits his skills. "

My mother was also very happy, and then I talked about Fang Hao's model car, the technology it may contain, etc., but my mother is not a mechanical machine, and those special terms ca n’t be remembered. Just follow me, if it's not your nerd to follow your dad. "

"Call me, give me, I want to have two drinks with my son!"

方 On the other side of the phone, Fang Binming is still in trouble. Shen Xue scolded, "Get off your shoes quickly," and then quickly said to Fang Hao, "You rest early, your dad is having trouble tonight."

"Okay, mother, pay attention to your body too."

Tong Fanghao hung up the phone with a smirk, but it also indirectly proved that his reputation for starfall technology began to rise.

The head of Hangyao Machinery is not the director of Hangyao Machinery but Guoyao Heavy Industry. Hangyao Machinery Factory is an important unit of Guoyao Heavy Industry.

Tong Guoyao Heavy Industry is a large-scale heavy industry group with a scale of nearly 100 billion. The forklifts developed by it are said to be too late to produce. Those who want goods are driven directly in line with trailers on cash, first come first served.

Such a big man has heard of his own star meteor technology and praised Fang Binming at the banquet. Fang Hao felt that his father was drunk.

The development momentum is getting better and better. Fang Haozi introduced the polyethylene solution melted into the mold into the mold, turned off the lights, and went to sleep. The temperature in the mold will cool down tomorrow morning, so the company can come again. Take a trip.