Super Technology Extractor

Chapter 81: Expensive laboratory

The two kept talking about the evening.

Wu Fanghao did not expect that such a big cake would fall from the sky, and he did not expect to be picked up by himself.

For some reason, the state's investment in military spending is limited.

So, Fang Hao could not get the subsidy funds directly allocated by the military, but he could ask for policies from the government.

According to the content stated in the document, all profits of the War Academy will be exempted from taxes in the future, valid for 15 years.

不要 Don't try too hard!

However, some other matters are also noted above, avoiding places where you can drill into the hole, such as putting other business content into the war college is impossible.

Bian Fanghao has no opinion. Even if there is no tax exemption policy, he will agree. After all, it will benefit him a lot. It is enough to be directly connected with the Ministry of National Defense.

I have this level of relationship in it. If I focus on the development of military industry in the future, I will get a lot of help.

But this conversation with Sun Gong is only a preliminary intention. It will take some time to actually sign the terms. After leaving, Hao Hao took another ash and returned directly to Anlin.

I just didn't know Fang Hao. After the ashes of Da Hu and Feng Zi from Jiang University Lab were taken away, he was relieved.

It's too horrible.

In the beginning, they asked simple questions, and they were able to answer them easily. But in the later, the questions asked by them became more and more professional and deeper, and even after that, they used a face-to-face mentor to ask them feel.

这 And this is not the most critical. The key is that the amount of knowledge in mechanical engineering is huge and amazing.

多次 Many times they just answered some questions, and they were able to list several related knowledge points in one ash, and some of them had never heard of them.

Tong Yihui sat in the car with his eyes closed. If he opened his eyelids, he would find that the formulas on his pupils fell down like waterfalls.

连接 The original formulas and knowledge that could not be connected have a line of connection between them, which are connected in series to form new knowledge.

Wu Fanghao didn't know this. Yihui was relatively well-behaved in his impression. Unlike Erhui, he always had questions.

Returned the two biological robots to the temporary factory.

Tong Fanghao sat at the desk, holding his chin in one hand, and writing on the paper with the other hand holding a pen.

He is sorting out the technology he currently has:

Balance stabilizer, climbing belt, basic armor, II-1 biological ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene material, adaptive armor, poly-acrylic, mineral absorber, oxygen generator and biological fusion fluid.

Then he listed the product name after the technology. Looking at the grid chart in front of him, Fang Hao felt a little depressed.

The degree of transformation of pupa technology is a bit low. Strictly speaking, the biological fusion solution is truly transformed into a finished product, while other technologies are only castration versions.

He stared at the paper and looked at it a lot. Fang Hao connected several technologies with ghost-like symbols that only he could understand.

With the arrangement of technology, a clear development path was gradually cleared in his mind.

Time is always busy, quietly, pedestrians on the roadside have put on long sleeves.

Summer has passed and autumn has come.

Tong Fanghao rushed to the company early in the morning. After stopping the car, he picked up a plastic bag from the co-pilot, which contained his breakfast, the youngest.

Soy milk, fritters, a fried noodle.

Tong Fanghao's skin was much whiter than before, and he spent half of the summer in various workshops in the factory.

I walked into an office building, and the company's working environment is a bit crowded. The original standard of one person and one table has become a shared use of two people, and even some departments have reached the situation where three people share a desk.

But today's scene is a little different. Young men and women are laughing, and on their desks and on the ground, there are only packed boxes.

As soon as Qiu Fanghao entered the office, Qin Shiqi knocked on the door and walked in, her face also with a smile.

"Boss, you can be seen." Qin Shiqi's face was a little tired, but she was full of energy.

Tong Fanghao swallowed the noodles in his mouth and looked up. "Today is a day for housewarming. I can't possibly be a boss without showing up."

Qin Shiqi smiled and sat opposite Fang Hao. After he finished breakfast, he took out a financial report and put it in front of Fang Hao.

"Boss, this is the company's income and expenditure this month." Said she set aside a stack of thick documents aside, "This is a document that requires your approval and signature."

Tong Fanghao moved the financial report first. The company currently has a lot of money on its books, a total of 13.6 billion, but when it comes to expenditure, that sum is even more shocking.

128 billion!

Part 是 is the settlement of the project, and the equipment and instruments occupy the bulk.

Especially those four laboratories need 3.6 billion.

However, these investments are necessary and worthwhile.

Bian Fanghao flipped through it quickly, and then picked up the documents on the side to sign for approval.

He signed and asked again and again, "How long will it take for the laboratory equipment to arrive?"

"The equipment in the three laboratories of machinery, physics, and materials has been installed and debugged ~ ~ but the biological laboratory is still in the final construction." Qin Shiqi once again couldn't help but asked: "Boss, Can you tell us why we need this laboratory? "

Qin Shiqi is completely unable to understand what Fang Hao thinks. The standard adopted by the biological laboratory is anti-biochemical level. The entire laboratory is located in the basement of the experimental building.

She took the time to look at it. Just that three consecutive security doors needed more than 80 million, and the supporting facilities made her speechless.

Of course, that's all. Qin Shiqi can still understand, but what kind of ghost is the second and third basement?

The inside of the puppet is divided into a closed single room, each of which needs to be equipped with a life support system, and its function is actually used to hold animals.

做 什么 What is this to do?

Is it a zoo?

Have you ever seen an underground zoo built with more than a billion people?

If necessary, of course she has nothing to say, but is there a relationship between astrological technology and biology?

I don't have this business.

"Cough, leave it alone, I'll be useful," Fang Hao just wanted to experiment.

Yes, he's just trying to experiment for such a large price.

Technical Extractor Since it extracts from organisms and forms technology that can be transformed into physical objects, can it artificially cultivate some new species.

Wu Fanghao thinks that there should be no problem. After all, many species do not exist before. If technology can be extracted, it will be great.

"Well, you are the boss, you have the final say." Qin Shiqi sighed helplessly, and some were not surprised.

Qin Shiqi is much more busy than Fang Hao, the boss, and left after Fang Hao signed the documents that needed to be signed.