Super Training Master

v5 Chapter 326: Close to the final!

After finishing the goal, Chen Zhaoji felt very excited.

He just had a long-range shot and also made a big threat, but the ball was still saved by the opponent goalkeeper Li Yun.

This attack was in accordance with the fixed routine before the game preparation. Zhuo Zhuo took the ball forward. He and Hao and Jiang Shihao followed up to run. Unexpectedly, the opportunity really came. Zhuo Zhuo's passing position was very good, so he Got a good chance.

At the moment of shooting, Chen Zhaoji didn't think about anything in his mind, so when he finished scoring, he felt very excited, and also surprised that he could score such a goal.

This is a shot from 30 meters away from the goal. In any case, it can be called a world wave. The wonderfulness of the goal is undoubted. More importantly, he scored the first goal of the game to help the team Leading the Korean team!

"I scored a goal !?"

"The first goal of the audience !? The goal of the Asian Cup semi-finals !?"

"Goal against South Korea !?"

Chen Zhaoji was very excited.

After stunned for a while, Chen Zhaoji raised his arms high and clasped his hands tightly, and then he jumped up and waved his fists fiercely. The excitement made people feel like they were insane , But everyone can understand his mood.

Because, he completed the goal!

Many teammates and Hong Kong fans are even more excited than him. Although they are not direct scorers, they belong to the Hong Kong team. They are celebrating wildly and feeling the joy after scoring.

At the same time, various media commentators also continuously reported goals.

After repeating the goal screen again and again, the narrator also started to introduce Chen Zhaoji scoring goals, not to mention in the world, Asia, even in China and Hong Kong football, Chen Zhaoji is not famous, compared with Zhuo Zhuo ’s stable position in China ’s Hong Kong team is much worse, because he has always been. In fact, they are just substitutes for Hong Kong, China.

The performance of the Hong Kong China team is a mess. Their reputation is not even as good as that of the ‘Hong Kong China Star Alliance’, so there are a few names of ‘Chen Zhaoji’ who can know. I can imagine.

But as Liu Jianhong, a central TV commentator, said, after this game, many fans must know Chen Zhaoji's name.

At the Asian Cup, Chen Zhaoji almost became famous in one battle.

Including this goal, Chen Zhaoji has scored a total of three goals. China scored a total of eight goals, he and Zhuo Zhuo scored three respectively, the number of goals tied for second place in the Asian Cup scorer list.

A player who has not changed his name in Hong Kong, China, can be on the Asian Cup shooter list. I can imagine how many people will know Chen Zhaoji's name, and I can imagine that there will be higher and better contracts after the Asian Cup Holding him.


After Chen Zhaoji scored a goal, there was not much time in the first half.

The game restarted. The time has entered the stoppage time. There was not much time in the first half. The referee only gave 2 minutes of stoppage time. After a wave of offenses ended, the whistle sounded.

The two teams returned to the locker room to rest.

The looks of the players of the two teams are very different. All the players in Hong Kong, China, walked off the court with a lot of laughs. Many people are still talking about the goals just scored. The whole team is satisfied with this relaxed atmosphere. Since the South Korean team has the opposite, They all walked off without a word, and many players remembered behind scores. They all felt very depressed. Before the game, they never thought they would fall behind in the half match against Hong Kong, China.

During the intermission, the media also talked about the game.

They just talked about the situation in the first half. To analyze the situation of the game, the relevant media separately "suggested and advised" the two teams. Of course, they said that these did not make sense at all, just to give fans a simple analysis and express some "self-righteous" views.

While talking about the situation. Chen Zhaoji's goal must also be talked about. Many media continue to praise Chen Zhaoji and analyze Hong Kong's style of play.

In fact, many media commentators are surprised by Hong Kong, China's solid defense.

Throughout the first half, the South Korean team seemed to be helpless in facing the solid defense of Hong Kong, China. They failed to break the defense of Hong Kong, and attacked half of the time. They did not pose a great threat to the goal of Hong Kong, China.

South Korea National Sports TV commentator Park Yongxin said, "The defense of Hong Kong, China is very stable. Their orderly defense across the board makes the area around the penalty area tight. Now for the Korean team, how to break through the defense of Hong Kong, China has become the key!"

"For the first half, Verbeck's South Korean team seems to have no choice. We hope that in the second half, Verbeck will make some adjustments to the offense to make the South Korean team's offensive play more penetrating."

Park Yongxin talked about ‘penetrability’, which is very important.

The offensive ‘penetrability’ means that the football can penetrate the defense and pose a threat to the goal. The Korean team did not play penetrating in the first half, so it did not pose much threat to the Hong Kong goal of China. D

This point, Vibeck is also very clear.

The Dutch watched the first half of the game carefully, and were very surprised by the solid defense of Hong Kong, China, because in his understanding, any defense is flawed, and Hong Kong, China, does not completely give up the offense, so their defense cannot be so. stable.

But the facts lie ahead, the South Korean team did not get a chance in the first half.

How did Hong Kong, China do it?

During the intermission, many of the defensive pictures of Hong Kong in China in the first half are constantly hovering in Vibeck's mind. He has been thinking about these things, but he has no clue at all.

Verbeck subconsciously felt that there must be a problem with the defense of Hong Kong, China, but he just couldn't figure out the problem.

So at halftime, he can only encourage the players to continue their efforts and make a few adjustments to the starting lineup-change to a forward and a forward.

This is almost equivalent to no adjustments, just expect the new forward players to perform better.

Then the second half of the game can be imagined.


In the second half, Wan Sheng smiled confidently when he saw the adjustment made by Verbeck.

As he thought, the Dutch did not see through their defensive strategy, so the team's defense will also be very stable in the second half.

Before the match, Wan Sheng had only 50% confidence in the game, but now it has increased to 80%. As long as South Korea does not perform extremely explosively, there is basically no suspense in winning or losing.

However, the Korean team's offensive is still very fierce. In the second half, they constantly launched an offensive against Hong Kong, China. Even if you don't understand the loopholes of Hong Kong's defense in China, after all, after a half and a half, Korean players have adapted to the defense of Hong Kong, China, after adding some cooperation. It can still pose a threat to the goal of Hong Kong, China.

In the 53rd, 68th, and 73rd minutes, the South Korean team had three very good opportunities. In the 68th minute, the Korean striker Cao Zaizhen even had a chance to face the goalkeeper.

However, the weak weakness in front of the 'Korea Second Team' was revealed. There were three good chances but he failed to score a goal. Cao Zaizhen's shot even went directly out of the bottom line, even the range of the door frame was not scored. This performance of not catching the opportunity made the Korean fans look depressed. They felt that the team had originally Hope is quite big, these few goals scored, and all chances are lost.

Wan Sheng saw a good opportunity from the South Korean team and was very worried about the goal. He saw that the South Korean team did not score. He took a long breath.

In fact, from the teams with poor standards to the top teams, many have the problem of ‘weakness in front of the goal’. This mainly depends on the ability, experience and mentality of the strikers, and their temporary performance.

Therefore, only those players with stable performance in front of the door can quickly become famous, such as Fan Ni, Henry, Anelka, Torres, Gilardino, Cassano, Klose, Inzaghi ... etc., This is true, and their personal abilities are not necessarily outstanding. But they all have a stable mentality and play in front of the goal. Whenever there is a chance, they can put the ball into the goal. This is the most critical of a striker.

There is no such player in Hong Kong, China. But the point is, Wansheng has coaching skills.

Like Zhuozhuo and Chen Zhaoji, their personal abilities are not very good, but under the "shooting", "long shot ability increase" and various coach skill attribute evaluation bonuses, they can always have good in front of the goal. which performed. One or two good performances can also give them confidence. Confidence is very important for a striker. With confidence, their performance in the future will be more stable and excellent.

On the field, the match between the South Korean team and Hong Kong China was still very fierce. With the confrontation between the two teams, the game time passed quickly. In an instant, the second half of the time passed 35 minutes.

The game has entered the final stage, the score is still 1: 0, Hong Kong, China leads.

Some fans who have just turned on the TV will see that the score is the South Korean team's lead the first time they see the score, but after careful attention, they are surprised to find that the leader is Hong Kong, China!

"The competition is almost over, Hong Kong, China is still leading?"

Many fans find it incredible, but this is the game. After more than 80 minutes of hard work, the South Korean team still has not broken the door of Hong Kong, China.

At this time, the South Korean team was replaced and Verbeck replaced a defender with Cui Chenguo.

This adjustment immediately caught Wan Sheng's attention. He turned to look at the South Korean coach seat, and Wei Beck also looked at it. The eyes of the two exchanged in the air, and Wei Beck was full of resentment. Wan Sheng smiled gently. He knew that the Dutch finally saw their tactics.

However, eighty minutes have passed, and now I see ... too late!

Verbeck really understood the defensive methods of Hong Kong, China. He had always felt that the defense of Hong Kong, China should not be so stable. There must be some problems, but the backcourt of Hong Kong, China, is very complicated and it is difficult to understand them. How did it run, the defensive formation also appeared a bit messy, so that it is not easy to understand.

However, after another 20 minutes in the second half, the South Korean team had several passes from the middle to cooperate, and it was easy to penetrate the Hong Kong defense of China.

This discovery surprised Webbeck.

For general team defense, the position before the penalty area is the most dense. It will definitely be the center of gravity of the defense, so that when the opponent is attacking, he will rarely attack directly against the middle, often through two sideways. To find opportunities.

"Second Korea Team" is even more extreme, because there are a few Korean stars who are not on the call list, so their offense is mainly played on the two sides, rarely going to the main attack, they subconsciously feel that the defense there It will definitely be tighter.

Therefore, when it was discovered that Zhonglu was the weak point of Hong Kong, China, Verbeck knew that he was being played by the other party.

Think about the embarrassment of yesterday ’s press conference, and then think about the tactics that are now being played on the court, and Vebeck gritted his teeth at Wan Sheng.

Would n’t it be great if we knew that Hong Kong, China, is playing like this?

After affirming his thoughts, Vibeck chose to put in a midfielder for the first time, and came to the side to tell the players that he will continue to look for opportunities in the middle.

At the same time, Wan Sheng also came to the sidelines and told the team to do the final defensive work.

The last defensive job is to give up most of the offense and focus everyone on the backcourt, so that the midfield defense will also be solid.

As long as it lasted until the last time, the game won.

Of course, Hong Kong, China can't defend like this for a whole game ~ ~ But with the lead, it's nothing to continue to defend for ten minutes.

Keeping is victory, everyone understands this truth.

So after the South Korean team made adjustments, Hong Kong, China also made adjustments. The South Korean team had to face how to break the solid defense line composed of 11 people in Hong Kong, China within ten minutes.

Next, it is clear that the Korean team is even more difficult to score.

At this time, the South Korean team almost did everything to attack, and soon Vebeck used up the last substitutions in order to increase the efficiency in front of the goal.

But in Hong Kong, China, all players are defending. At this time, they are like a classic metaphor of Mourinho. The kind of strict defense makes the South Korean team's attack more difficult.

Hong Kong, China has completely abandoned its offense and put all its experience in front of the door. Every player knows that as long as they persist for a few minutes, the team can win and they can get close to the final.

With this kind of encouragement, the Hong Kong players in China are fighting hard, and they are fighting harder on the court.

On the contrary, the South Korean team is very anxious to score, the offense is very anxious, and the threat to the goal of Hong Kong, China is even smaller.

In this situation, time passes by one minute and one second.

3 minutes.

1 minute.

30 seconds.

All Hong Kong fans in China have started the countdown, while South Korean fans are watching the game anxiously, hoping the team will score a goal in the final time.

Unfortunately, in the end, the South Korean team still failed to break through the gates of Hong Kong, China.

"Beep ..."

With a long whistle from the referee, the game was over.

All the players, fans and supporters in Hong Kong, China, cheered wildly. (To be continued.)

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