Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1038: We never brag

Different targets require different warheads.

For example, air-to-air missiles are almost all broken-rod warheads. They do not rely on direct collision and explosion to kill, but rely on the metal fragments formed by themselves. Fighters come at high speed and hit the metal fragments, just like an airplane hitting a bird. The fighter plane of the United States cannot withstand a pin-like metal impact and will be damaged.

But the battleship is different.

The battleships are all made of steel. Although they don’t use as many centimeters of armor belts as the previous battleships to protect against the high-speed armor-piercing projectiles on the opposite side, the steel of the battleships is still quite hard.

Therefore, anti-ship missiles use semi-armor-piercing warheads.

If they were all armor-piercing bullets, it would be a complete steel warhead, nothing else. In the battleship era, such warheads existed.

It relies on kinetic energy to kill. When flying out of a cannon with a caliber of several hundred millimeters, the speed is enough Mach. When this speed comes, the energy is quite large, and it can tear the armor of the battleship fiercely. Take a big hole.

But missiles can't work.

If it is a supersonic anti-ship missile, such as those big guys in the country of Xiong, that can fly to Mach 3 in the final stage, that's okay, but the C801 is subsonic, at a speed of Mach 0.8, without much kinetic energy.

Therefore, it must carry explosives.

In the 165 kg warhead of the C801 missile, the front is a rigid steel warhead, and inside is a 65 kg high-strength explosive.

"Boom!" The hard warhead in front tore apart the hull, and then the warhead exploded inside.

This explosion, in an instant, the hull was exploded with a big hole.

The sea water poured in violently.

Since the warhead is not powerful enough, we have to use a clever method. The C801 missile attack is just above the waterline of the ship, so that once the big opening is opened, it can be pulled just below the waterline.

If the target is a warship, it happens to explode to a position such as a naval gun, which may cause the explosion of ammunition, and other positions are choking.

But as long as the ship is shaking and the sea is surging, it is difficult to make up for this large opening.

"Successfully hit, a two-meter-wide opening was exploded on the port side of the hull, and the sea is pouring in!" The captain shouted over the radio: "If you want to rescue the target ship, please instruct!"

Although it was rebuilt by a scrapped ship, the target ship is also valuable after all. It seems a pity to watch it sink like this. At least it will have to get a few more missiles, even if it is to train one's own Skyhawk attack aircraft.

Sure enough, a voice soon came from the radio: "Don't worry about it, our aircraft carrier is about to start attack training."

The navy has planned for a long time, and the value of this target ship must be maximized.

Because the distance is too far, it takes a long time for the land-based fighter to fly. However, at a position of more than 100 nautical miles in the southwest of this sea area, the only aircraft carrier of the Silver Nation, the May 25th, has been Be prepared.

On the business plane, Boileau’s expression was extremely ugly. The Han Chinese fighters fired missiles and easily hit the target ship. He did miss the target. Now, can the Baiyin Chinese still be interested in their flying fish missiles?

Even Commander Huo Hei's face turned black, and he said nothing.

Boileau didn't know what to say, the flying fish missile missed, what excuse can he find?

"General Huo Hei, our C801 missile has very good performance. It can be equipped not only on our fighter planes, but also on guided missile boats. We also have a high-speed guided missile boat with a speed of up to 50 knots. Not interested in your navy sense?"

Qin Guan took advantage of his missiles to show off his power, and could not help but start a new lobby.

In addition to fighters, there are also guided missile boats, which are tailor-made for the Niu State Navy. Stealth missile boats. When the time comes, the Niu State Navy will be buried here. See if they are still awesome.

50 knots? Boileau suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Chief Qin, there must be a limit for bragging, right? 50 knots? The missile boat can reach 40 knots and it is against the sky."

"We rely on facts and never brag, General Huo Hei, if the Navy is interested, how about we talk after getting off the plane?" Qin Guan said to Huo Hei.

There are so many people here, our secrets must not be known to the people of Ji Country.

Hearing Qin Guan's words, General Huo Hei finally nodded: "Yes, let's get off the plane and talk again."

Boileau's face was dark.

The Flying Fish missile missed the target and greatly lost face. It is estimated that the Air Force’s orders cannot be kept, and the Navy seems to be disgusted. It seems that you have to spend more money to manage it. I am afraid that this arms sales will not make money.

He didn't know, the blow was not over yet, and the bigger blow was still to come.

Francois drove the fighter plane and had already embarked on the return journey. At an altitude of 8,000 meters, he saw the aerial tanker in front of him.

Baiyin owns two KC-130H aerial tankers, which are improved aerial tankers based on C-130. As a famous Hercules, it can carry more than 30 tons of fuel at a time, and it can also transport more than 20 externally. Tons, enough to refuel the Super Ensign fighter.

When he came, he didn't refuel in the air. Now, the fuel tank of the fighter is almost empty. He must refuel in the air.

François looked at the tanker in front, and the tank had been released, and the cone was floating in the air, as long as he could dock it.

As an experienced pilot, Francois has no idea how many aerial refuelings he has conducted. He is extremely skilled. Now, the aerial refueling probe in front of the nose has been extended, and he is operating his own fighter. Flew up slowly.

The distance between the cone sleeve was getting closer and closer, and it was about to be connected. Suddenly, his eyes were dizzy, and the inside of his brain became blank. Then, he heard a bang.

Opening his eyes again, I saw that the front of the nose was all greasy aviation fuel, and also on the windshield. He just flicked through the refueling cone and flew to the front. As a result, the air refueling pipe shook. Like a whip, hit it up!

His refueling probe was broken into two sections, the refueling pipe was broken, and aviation fuel continued to spill out at the broken position. In the sky, it was like a snake dancing.

Francois screamed in his heart, no, what happened just now? Did you have a flying obstacle? Now, he faces even more terrible results.

The refueling probe is broken, and he can no longer refuel in the air. What should he do? The existing fuel will never fly back!