Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 113: Set off to the capital

The Hummer has recorded too many things, such as the first encounter between Qin Guan and Chen Yutong, such as the encounter with prairie wolves, such as the extra thing in the brain, all related to the Hummer.

Also related to Xiang Jing.

Now, upon hearing Qin Guan say this, Xiang Jing is also an inspiration: "Yes, those guys, who have studied for a long time, should return the car to us. Let's drive to the capital. With my technology... "

"I'll drive." Qin Guan said. With your skills, it is possible to drive abroad again!

"Okay." Xiang Jing said: "When shall we leave?"

"Tomorrow morning, let's try to arrive tomorrow night and try not to walk at night."

The road conditions in this era are very poor, and the law and order is not very good either. You can encounter robbery in broad daylight, let alone at night.

Qin Guan is not afraid, Xiang Jing is here, he won't suffer a loss, he is afraid that those robberies will suffer, um, this reason seems very funny.

"Okay, let's get ready." Xiang Jing took Chen Yutong's hand and walked out happily, just like a good sister.

Qin Guan shook his head helplessly. With this woman, he didn't know what was going to happen on the road!

"Boom." The door was pushed open.

Qin Guan just packed up two things and turned his head again. In his own memory, He Ribala hadn't been so reckless before he came in without knocking on the door?

"Qin Guan, I heard that you recommended me to be the new engine workshop director?" He Ribala looked impatient: "How can this be done? I don't have the ability. If I were forced to do it, things would go wrong. "

Heriba is very anxious.

After the meeting, some flatterers ran to find Heribala, and when he heard that he would be the workshop director, Heribala was anxious.

"If you can't, then others can't do it." Qin Guan said, "Hori Bala, do you plan to be a small workshop worker for a lifetime? Don't you have a bigger ideal?"

"My ideal is... Forget it, I can't do it anyway," Heribala said.

Qin Guan knew that Heribala’s ideal was to raise a large herd of sheep and graze on the grassland. This ideal was too far-reaching. Now, Heribala was not convinced, and was suddenly placed in charge. , He was very worried.

"If you can't do it, you have to do it." Qin Guan said to He Ribala: "If you still plan to be good friends with me, then you have to be the workshop director."

"A good friend and the workshop director are not at odds." Heribala said.

"No contradiction? Have you seen that the workshop director and the worker are good friends? The director and the worker are good friends?" Qin Guan said, "Think about it, I am already the director now. If you don’t match my position, our relationship will gradually become alienated."

Heriba sank.

Everybody is right, and friends are all of equal status, so that the relationship can be closer, and the people of the prairie value friends most.

Heribala was clear, so when Qin Guan began to rise up step by step, Heribala also began to pick up the books and study technical issues.

However, the news came too suddenly.

Heribala was not mentally prepared.

"Heribala, in this factory, I only have you as a true friend." Qin Guan said: "We will walk up from the workers together, and we will go further together. Now, at this step, you must Push up, understand?"

Heribala nodded.

"That's right." Qin Guan said: "Don't worry. In the initial stage of your job as a workshop director, I will still sit in the workshop. Whatever problems I encounter, I will appear as soon as possible and we will solve them together. "

"Okay." Heribala smiled. You said it earlier, I would understand if you said it earlier? In short, the workshop is still yours, and I am just telling you.

As long as Qin Guan is behind him, what is there to be afraid of? Any problems will be solved!

Looking at Heribala's smiling face, Qin Guan patted him on the shoulder: "Come on, the position of the factory director is waving to you."

"Sister Xiang Jing, what do we need to bring on the road?" Chen Yutong asked Xiang Jing when he drove the Hummer back from the nearby troops.

The first time I went out, I didn’t know what to bring, and now it’s an era of scarcity, and there are really not many things I can bring.

"Of course it is for food." Xiang Jing said to Chen Yutong: "Think about it, when we go to a place where we are not familiar with our lives, eating is a problem, so we must bring a lot of delicious food."

Chen Yutong blinked and nodded, as if it made sense.

"Then let's take a few buns?"

"How can it work!" Xiang Jing said, "Let's bring some snacks, peanuts, melon seeds, or something, um, let's buy it from the supply and marketing agency here."


As soon as the sun showed his head from the east, the large Hummer roared, Qin Guan stepped on the accelerator in the cab and started the car.

let's go!

The capital is to the east of Prairie City, so as long as you keep going east, Qin Guan still bought a national traffic map. In this era, there are no navigation equipment and can only look at the map.

The road to the east of Prairie City is not hardened at all. It is an ordinary dirt road. The suspension of the Hummer system is very hard, so it is bumpy all the way. Fortunately, the shock absorption effect of the seat is not bad.

Sitting in the car, Qin Guan looked at the two women in the back seat through the rearview mirror while driving. They had been eating since they got in the car.

Are all snacks in that big bag?

Recently, Xiang Jing seems to be a little blessed? Qin Guan couldn't help but have such a thought. Compared with when she first saw her, she seemed to be a bit fatter, and even her chest came out.

She always eats and doesn't exercise, it seems to be much easier than her in the army.

The sun was slowly turning and turning, and at noon, finally, the rolling mountains could be seen in the distance.

In later generations, it only takes three hours to drive. Now, Qin Guan has been driving for more than six hours, and now he is leaving the grassland and entering the mountains.

Originally, I was thinking about wandering around in Wucheng and looking for a restaurant to eat. If I settled down in Wucheng, I would definitely miss the capital tonight.

Thinking about this, Qin Guan couldn't help but stepped on the accelerator, and the car bumped even more.

"Attention, look ahead." At this moment, Xiang Jing, who was holding five-ren moon cakes in one hand, said to Qin Guan while eating.

Ahead, I have reached the mountain pass. On the road to the mountain pass, there are a few big rocks. Although the road is not blocked, the car can't drive directly.

This place has been haunted by bandits since ancient times, and it is still the case now, especially in the border area of ​​the two provinces, which is a typical three-no matter zone.