Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1265: Heavy truck has entered Heizhou

In a blink of an eye, it has been two years since I came to Grassland City.

The sky of the grassland is still so blue, and the land of the grassland is still so vast. From a distance, you can see a flock of sheep, eating weeds leisurely, and nearby is a roaring large factory. .

The North Industries Corporation, the leading enterprise in the entire Prairie City, now has almost 70% of the population of the Prairie City, all related to the North Industries Corporation.

Some of them work directly in the northern heavy-duty truck factory, while others are downstream companies that process various parts and components for the northern heavy-duty truck factory. Even if they open a hotel near the northern heavy-duty truck factory, they are full of people every day. The people who were waiting to pick up the car from the northern heavy truck factory were very anxious. Although the order was announced to the outside world, they also waited early.

Prairie City has become prosperous because of the development of the heavy truck factory in the north.

The area of ​​the factory has tripled. The newly invested workshops and technology are almost synchronized with those of the Western world. The welding, stamping, and baking workshops are almost one-stop, standing on the vast ground.

"Brother Guan, you have been busy for the past two years, so you have not disturbed you. Now, our factory has realized your original plan with an annual output of more than 100,000 heavy trucks." Standing at the door of the factory, Qin Guan was greeted Of the team, Heriba with a smile on his face. In its own hands, the Northern Heavy Truck Factory has finally developed into the largest heavy truck factory in the country and a well-known heavy truck factory in the world. This development is inseparable from Qin Guan. Without Qin Guan, this place is about to be transformed by the country’s economic transformation. It's just a tank factory on the verge of bankruptcy.

"Yes, not bad." Qin looked at the heavy trucks that had just come off the production line, and was surprised to find that the steering wheel of these heavy trucks was actually on the right!

"These cars are for export?" Qin Guan asked.

In China, all vehicles are driven on the right. Therefore, for the convenience of driving, the steering wheel is on the left, so that it is easy to know and overtake.

The steering wheel is on the right, which is only available in countries on the left.

"Yes, we will export these cars to Heizhou." Heribala said: "In the West, there are century-old truck factories, such as Mercedes-Benz, Scania, Volvo, etc., we can't compete, but, In Heizhou, our heavy trucks have been successfully opened for sale. Our quality is not bad, and the price is low, which quickly won Heizhou’s welcome."

Qin nodded his head. Europa is an old-brand capitalist country. It has developed industries very early. There are many old-brand auto companies. It is not easy to compete with them.

However, in Heizhou, relying on price and durability, they have successfully opened up a market. After all, the black people in Heizhou drive very hard.

They drove and often turned over. There were various terrible accidents. The cab was gone, thinking that people would be finished. However, when they saw the cab, they would find black people in a place that only accommodated them. On the body, his mouth was cracked open, and the white teeth inside were so conspicuous.

Now, northern heavy trucks have begun to export to foreign countries. This is a good start. Under Qinguan’s layout, the northern heavy truck plant is constantly researching the engine emission system. In this way, it will wait until Europa’s exhaust emissions are upgraded. At that time, Han's heavy trucks will have the opportunity to enter the Europa market.

"It's not just our heavy trucks. Now, our ongoing van project is also very popular. Haihe Automobile Plant is also preparing to further expand its production scale." Heribala continued, "Mr Qin, your vision, It's unique."

Whether it’s a heavy truck or a van, it was Qin Guan’s proposal. Now, these projects are quite successful. This gives He Ribala full of confidence, and Qin Guan’s ability to judge the market is quite good. respected.

"Where is Sandra?" Qin Guan asked.

Sandra is Heribala’s wife and a technical cadre of the northern heavy truck factory. Now, when Qin Guan asks about Sandra, Heribala immediately said: "She is in the Haihe Automobile Plant. Improvement is inseparable from strict management, so Sandra often goes to Haihe Automobile Factory to take a seat."

"For the sake of our country's automobile industry, your husband and wife have to live apart in the two places," Qin Guan said.

Heribala scratched his head, a little embarrassed. Needless to say, when Sandra left, Heribala really missed her. At first, this Great Ocean Horse came and almost made a wave in the Prairie City. In the end, it was regained by Heribala. Suddenly, Qin Guan thought about it, and the few people around him were finally married. , Xiucai had Xiaolu, Xiang Jing had Andrew, um, Chen Rui was left. Chen Rui, this guy, has never been married. The old Chen family is still waiting for his grandson. It seems that he has to work hard. One hand, we must make Chen Rui's affairs clean.

"Mr Qin, although our northern heavy trucks are still in hot sales, we also know that the appearance of this truck is always imitated. Therefore, we want to design a beautiful and generous cab by ourselves. Become a new generation of northern heavy truck.

The three core parts of heavy trucks are now available. However, the cab of heavy trucks is still the most common Steyr cab. No matter how improved, this type of cab is outdated. Now, it has entered eight. In the ten's, domestically produced heavy trucks could no longer be copied, and they should have their own innovations.

For heavy trucks, the cab also has technical content. It must be beautiful, strong and reliable. In case of an accident, the cab is the last bridge to protect the driver. At the same time, it is also the place where the driver lives and works. , It needs to be more and more comfortable.

Hearing Heribala’s words, Qin nodded his head: "Yes, we can develop a new generation of cabs. If our artistic level is not high enough, we can find designers from the West."

In the later generations, Han had many heavy-duty truck manufacturers, but no one was willing to build a beautiful and generous cab. Everyone used it directly, looking at foreign heavy-duty truck cabs, comprehensively imported products, even the second automobile, Specializes in making a living by picking up rags. If you don't need them abroad, you can continue to produce them.

Only FAW has produced a J6, which was designed by a designer from the Noodle Country.

Regardless of the appearance of the car, this must be done by a master-level figure to have a unique sense of beauty. There is a lack of such talents in China.

Hearing Qin Guan's words, Heribala was stunned: "Brother Guan, we still want to ask you to design."

I? What can i do Do you really think of me as an all-rounder? Qin Guan thought secretly in his heart, but after another thought, he was relieved. What's the problem? I simply exchanged it directly from later lives!