Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1357: Must stop

At night, finally, the inspection is over. The containers on the cargo ship are even less likely to have them inside. Although there are mechanical equipment, they are all small pieces. They are definitely not the kind of large multi-axis linkage CNC machine tools.

Kate has depression on her face, how is it possible? Why is there nothing? Is the information I got wrong? The maids are exhausted. In their eyes, the employer of Qin Guan is too difficult to serve. This person will really enjoy it!

"Mr. Kate, you should know that our technology is more advanced than that of the island countries. We import their machinery and equipment not because their quality is good, but because we are out of cost considerations."

Qin Guan said softly in Kate's ear.

"We are just a routine check." Kate's heart is full of frustration, but his face is still the same as before. It is understandable that he is engaged in intelligence and encounters such setbacks.

"So, now, can I go back?" Qin Guan said.

"Yes, you can go now."

"Mr. Tanimura, send all the bills for today's expenses to this gentleman. I believe they will be reimbursed 100%." ​​Qin Guan pointed to Kate and said to Tanimura Hiromi.

Tanimura Hiraki's face was embarrassed. How dare he send the bill to Kate, and Kate will come to ask for trouble three days later, how can he stand it?

Finally, the crowd on the pier dispersed, Tanimura Hiromi looked at Xiong Gudu. Although there was an unexpected expense, on the whole, they were under their control, and it was smooth.

After loading the ship, nothing will happen normally. After all, a cargo ship is also an overseas territory of a country. Even if it is a national of Eagle, it is impossible to request a cargo ship of Bear country to stop and accept inspection.

Getting on a cargo ship is equivalent to being on the territory of the bear country.

They are considered to have accomplished a major event.

In recent years, Toshiba's situation has not been good, especially their exports to the outside world. A lot of their business has been squeezed. Xiong Guo was originally their main customer, but in recent years, Xiong Guo’s agricultural production has not been very good. A large amount of Xiong Country's funds are used to buy food, and Xiong Country's purchase of machinery and equipment is quite small.

The export to Xiong Country this time is at a sky-high price. This export is enough for the machine tool department to not lose money within a year. They must do this business.

Now, I can finally rest assured.

Qin Guan also embarked on his return journey.

Qin Guan took a special plane.

After learning that Qin Guan had been obstructed at the wharf, the state immediately took it seriously. The diplomatic department was ready to protest against the Eagle Country. Qin Guan is too important to the country to let him walk around in the future, too. It's dangerous.

Although Qin Guan didn't care about his appearance, he was very comfortable being served by the maid on the dock for a day, but on the plane, Major Yang still criticized him.

"Your safety is of great importance. Your life no longer belongs to you, but to the entire motherland!" Major Yang said.

In order to receive Qin Guan, the state even used a passenger plane as a special plane to meet Qin Guan. Now, Qin Guan is sitting on this plane, listening to Major Yang’s reprimand like a Tang monk, Qin Guan inexplicably I remembered Zhou Xingxing's movie. Goku, don't throw things around, what should I do if I smash the flowers and plants?

Humans are born to their mothers, and demons are born to their mothers.

Qin Guan didn't think Major Yang's voice was as annoying as a mosquito humming in his ears. He knew it was all for himself.

"Well, ok, I know it all, I won't do this next time." Qin Guan said to Major Yang: "Brother Yang, there is a secret situation, do you want to know?"

"Say what you want, don't say if you don't want to." Obviously Major Yang already knew Qin Guan's character, he didn't need to ask for it, and Qin Guan would definitely say it.

"This time, it is a trap carefully designed by the island nation." Qin Guan said: "They launched us as a shield to cover another export project. Now, the island nation has successfully put four of the most advanced The MBP-110S type nine-axis five-linkage CNC propeller milling machine was installed on Xiongguo’s cargo ship, ready to go to Xiongguo’s shipyard."

This is a special plane, and there is no one else on the plane, so Qin Guan can tell the information directly.

At present, the most advanced in Xiong Country is the Dark Sea Shipyard, where the aircraft carrier is being built, which belongs to the largest shipyard, and these four CNC machine tools are transported to this shipyard. In this case, you have to go around in a big circle.

This also gives one's own opportunity. If the other party wants to transport these machine tools directly to the east coast of Bear Country, the voyage will be too short, and all of them are in Bear Country, and they can be protected by Bear Country’s navy and aviation at any time. Then there is no possibility for oneself to do anything.

Now, when Qin Guan said this kind of machine tool, Major Yang frowned. As an active military officer, as a high-level personnel who has been fighting in the military industry, he certainly knew what it was for. of.

"Islanders, too bold, right?" Major Yang said: "It is obvious that the bearers imported this equipment to process their propellers."

The propeller is a complex curved surface shape, and its processing accuracy directly determines its performance. Especially for submarines, which require extremely high quietness, high-precision processing machine tools are required.

Our own submarine propeller is also processed on the machine tool of the Northern Heavy Truck Factory, and the effect is quite good, but the Xiong Guoren does not have this advanced machine tool and can only import it from an island country.

"Can't let Country Xiong get it." Major Yang said, "We must find a way to stop it."

Qin Guan immediately wanted to understand. Although Qin Guan knew that in later generations, the relationship between Han and Xiong would ease, but now everyone doesn’t know. In everyone’s eyes, Xiong is the biggest threat, and it will last a long time in Han. On the northern border, the armored torrent of the bear country seems to be able to advance at any time.

The threat on land is so great. On the sea, it is impossible for the bear country to have advanced nuclear submarines. The underwater silent performance is quite high. What if you swim into your own sea area?

Thinking about the previous confrontations, oneself finally succeeded in forcing the other party's nuclear submarine to float up. Now, is it because of this reason that the other party has to purchase advanced CNC machine tools to improve their submarine's quiet performance?

Must stop! However, we still have to find a way to not arouse the resentment of Xiong Country. If it turns into a conflict, it will not be worth the gain.

"If you want to stop it, I have a way." Qin Guan said: "Brother Yang, this is not my proposition, but this is your suggestion."