Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1454: Low profile high profile

Since it was the first flight, there were not many passengers. Qin Guan brought a lot of people, such as talents, Xiaolu, Xiang Jing, Andrew, Chen Yutong, Chen Rui, almost the original team, with Andrew joining, you can When many organizations are doing sabotage, they have to think about all the costs. This Andrew simply provides Qin Guan with an extra amulet.

In addition to them, there are only a dozen guests. This first flight is definitely a loss. However, with the normal operation of the route, Qin Guan believes that it will gradually turn losses into profits. The purchase cost of the airliner is the lowest.

With the continuous flight on this route and the accumulation of flight time, Yunshi will be able to use time to prove its reliability sooner or later. As for the problem of its engine, it really can't be solved right now, it can only use the backup engine of civil aviation. The big deal is that North Industries Corporation directly purchases.

This voyage is a long one, and it needs to stop once in the middle for refueling. It sailed more than 13,000 kilometers in a straight line, which has exceeded the maximum voyage of Yunshi.

The long voyage is a great test of human endurance.

Fortunately, with Chen Yutong by Qin Guan's side, he was no longer lonely on the road.

Everyone else is a one-on-one, except for Chen Rui’s wife Lin Xiaoxia, because Lin Xiaoxia is pregnant, she can’t come out with Chen Rui anymore, and Chen Rui also officially returned. This time she came out, of course. Of purpose.

"Brother Guan, it's been a long time since I came out." Chen Yutong said to Qin Guan: "The last time we came out, it was two years ago."

Qin nodded in view: "Yes, time flies quickly."

Looking out the window, Qin Guan thought about it.

"Brother Guan, there are many things, you may need to prepare psychologically in advance." Chen Yutong said to Qin Guan.

"What do you mean?" Qin Guan asked Chen Yutong.

"It is the past few years, why have my parents never come back?" Chen Yutong said.

Back then, for the sake of career and family, the two sent Qin Guan to the 4447 factory. At the same time, they also went to Heizhou. Qin Guan only knew so much. Qin Guan didn’t know why the two came to Rainbow Nation or why they did. Stayed there forever.

If it is only to learn the advanced medical technology there, you should have learned it in the past few years, right? It's time to come back.

If there is any political problem between the two, Qin Guan has risen in the past few years, enough to shelter his parents from wind and rain, why have their parents never returned?

What is going on in the middle?

Qin Guan was actually worried about this issue. There must be inside stories in it, and Major Yang might even know it, but Major Yang didn't tell Qin Guan that Qin Guan always had this question in his mind.

What is going on here?

"It's useless to think about it now," Qin Guan said, "When we get there and see my parents, we will know it naturally."

Qin Guan is no longer a small worker in the old factory. Qin Guan already has enough abilities. Whether it is financial or technical, Qin Guan believes that there is nothing he can't solve.

As long as he landed in the Rainbow Nation, after going down, Qin Guan's first trip was to find his parents.

For Qin Guan's trip, there are many plans, some are secretly entering, some are openly entering.

In the original plan, it was originally intended to enter secretly, and there was even a plan to let Qin Guan pass by in a submarine, but this plan was quickly rejected.

No matter how careful a plan is made in advance, it is impossible to keep secrets. After all, Qin Guan is too dazzling. If he does not appear in Han, he will be paid attention to by intelligence agencies. After all, Rainbow is not Han, and it is impossible to have such perfect security measures. Or, in other words, who knows if there are agents from other countries here?

It can be said that once Qin Guan appeared in Rainbow Nation, he would definitely be known. If Qin Guan entered secretly, it would be even more unclear.

As for public entry, for example, as Qin Guan, you can take a special plane and come over comfortably, but this is too ostentatious and inappropriate. In that way, it is clear that it is here to discuss business.

Therefore, Qin Guan's plan to come to the Rainbow Nation has been rejected several times because of various issues that need to be considered. If it is an ordinary country, it will be much easier.

Now, as an ordinary guest, Qin Guan enters by a civil airliner. In this way, he is as low-key as possible, but not completely hiding his whereabouts.

Although the whole world is punishing the Rainbow Nation, Qin Guan went to the Rainbow Nation to visit his parents, and no one could find a flaw.

Moreover, Qin Guan also wrote that poem, which has already explained his attitude. He is an ordinary foreigner, and he came to Rainbow Nation just to do an ordinary thing.

Ten hours of long-distance flight will make many people feel tired, but to Qin Guan, it seems that he is born with no idea what fatigue is.

Finally, the passenger plane landed gently on the runway. When it slid to the tarmac, Qin Guan already knew that there was a sea of ​​people below.

Reporters and representatives from all over the world surrounded this place. Qin Guan couldn't help but smile. These guys, the news is really well-informed. He originally wanted to keep a low profile. Now he can't keep a low profile anymore.

If this is the case, then it might as well promote it.

"Mr. Qin, are you here on behalf of the North Industries Corporation?" A group of western reporters greeted me as soon as I got off the plane. Although the airport security had stopped them, everyone stopped me in their appearance. Can't help.

The first question was asked so sharply. Qin watched the reporter and said, "What shall I do on behalf of North Industries Corporation? Do you sell weapons? As far as I know, it seems that we have nothing to sell to Rainbow. Many weapons here have reached the top level in the world."

Although foreign countries are under blockade, it is precisely because of the blockade that they are self-reliant, continue to develop, and create advanced military industries. Many military industries are of advanced global standards.

"If you have a brain, would you think that an arms dealer who tried to challenge the basic norms of the world would take a passenger plane to negotiate here?" Qin Guan said.

On Thursday and Monday, he burst into laughter. Obviously, if Qin Guan was here to sell arms, he would definitely not take a passenger plane.

And now, Qin Guan just happened to attract everyone's attention to the passenger plane behind him.

"Now, I solemnly introduce to you that the passenger plane I took this time is a Yun-10 passenger plane designed and manufactured by our own country. It has completed all test flights and is capable of commercial navigation. This time it is flying. More than 10,000 kilometers, reflecting its outstanding reliability."

If Qin Guan didn't say anything, everyone would think it was a Boeing 707. Now, can Han Guo also make a large passenger plane?