Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1456: Mental explosion

"Eileen, is it okay?" Just then, a doctor walked in outside.

This doctor has gray hair and is obviously an old doctor. In fact, this month is the last month before his retirement. After the routine inspection of the ward, he visited the doctor’s office as usual. The appearance of Qin Guan's mother.

Qin Guan's mother is called Zhao Ailing. Here, everyone calls her Ai Lin, which happens to be a transliteration, which is also in line with the Western name.

"Dr. Christian Barnard, it's nice to meet you, I'm Qin Guan." Qin looked at this shameless old man and knew that he was the most famous expert in the Rainbow Country and the world's most famous heart transplant surgery. He has made history because of the successful implementation of the first human heart transplantation operation, and is also famous in the world.

After that, he performed more than 70 heart transplants in several decades, and accumulated valuable experience for similar operations in many countries around the world. In particular, the longest one successfully survived for more than 20 years after the operation and definitely made a history.

But now, Qin is still confused when watching this respected surgeon. What is wrong with his mother?

"Blame me, the above has notified me of the news, but I thought you would come tomorrow, so I plan to tell Irene when I get off work today." Dr. Barnard said.

"Doctor, what's wrong with my mother?" Qin Guan asked. For many people, it is not easy to meet this famous heart transplant expert. Qin Guan should be very honored. However, Qin Guan is the best What I care about is my mother's condition, so I have no time to express any enthusiasm.

Dr. Barnard looked at Qin Guan's mother solemnly, and after seeing the other nodding, he said, "Please come with me and come to my office."

The scholars behind and the others immediately wanted to follow. In such a place, it is obviously inappropriate for Qin Guan to follow the doctor alone. It is too easy for a doctor to kill.

They must protect Qin Guan's safety.

"I'm fine." Qin Guan said, "You are all here, Yutong, you can talk to mom."

This is the private matter of Qin Guan's family, and Qin Guan is absolutely sure of his safety. This doctor is not malicious, and only communicates his condition privately with the patient's family.

Chen Yutong understood, and walked to Qin Guan's mother: "Auntie, don't get excited. I am Chen Yutong. We live in a compound in a small courtyard. I often see you."

Chen Yutong's hand was gently held on Qin Guan's mother's hand, conveying the temperature, and the other's eyes were full of love.

Qin Guan walked into Barnard's office and closed the door gently. Barnard said, "Mr. Qin, you are a famous person. This time, for your mother, you are willing to fly half the earth. This filial piety makes us touched. ."

"Doctor, this is what I should do." Qin Guan said, "My mother, is my heart uncomfortable?"

"Yes, originally, I was not willing to accept your parents, but they learned very seriously and quickly." Dr. Barnard said: "They are my most proud students. I believe that if they can Back in Han, you can definitely become an authority on heart transplantation."

"But, they can't even leave Rainbow Nation now. Moreover, my mother can't be excited. Could it be that she has also received a heart transplant?" Qin Guan has guessed what, his mother, not seeing herself, is afraid of meeting each other Excitement, what happened to my mother? Even for ordinary heart transplants, there are not so many taboos, right?

"Just four years ago, your mother had completely mastered the heart transplant operation. Together with your father, you successfully performed two surgical transplants here, and they were all successful." Dr. Barnard said at that time. , The two of them have already decided to return to China."

Four years ago, at that time, it should have been not long since I crossed over.

The parents just said that they came to Heizhou, maybe because of the international status of the Rainbow Nation, it’s not easy to talk about it. The parents came here to learn the most advanced medical technology and return to China to treat more patients. If you can go back, then you can honor the elderly, and your parents are by your side. How nice it would be!

"However, just the day before returning to China, your mother had a sudden heart attack. When she entered the hospital, she could not be rescued. The only option was to have a heart transplant immediately." Dr. Barnard said, "But, you You know, heart transplantation requires luck. It is impossible to have a ready-made heart for transplantation. Your father wants to contribute his own heart. However, this is definitely not in line with the law. We would not be that way. made."

His father's love for his mother is great, and Qin Guan secretly thought in his heart that if something happens to Yutong, he is also willing to dedicate everything he has to Yutong.

"Later, in order to rescue your mother, your father had no choice but to think of a way." Dr. Barnard said.

"Put on the animal's heart." Qin Guan blurted out suddenly.

Dr. Barnard was taken aback for a moment: "Mr. Qin, you are really amazing. In all aspects, you are a genius. Can you even think of this?"

Can you think of it? how is this possible?

At this time, Qin Guan's brain was also occupied by huge surprises. Just now, Qin Guan discovered that the mental point of the opposite Dr. Barnard suddenly burst.

That's right, each of the spiritual points is just like millet grains. This is the first time that the spiritual points have been realized, and they are no longer a symbolic measure.

This mental point, if the millet grains are average, then they continue to grow bigger and become peanut grains, and then they explode. After exploding, Qin Guan’s brain captures this sentence, changing the animal’s heart.

what does this mean? Your own system evolves again, you can already disassemble the mental point, know the contents?

What is this, is it the power of family affection? Qin Guan didn't know, he tried hard to dismantle the second mental point, but found that the super power just disappeared, no matter how much energy he used, he couldn't explode the second mental point.

Could it be an unexpected process that suddenly appeared in the system?

Abandoning further investigations into the system, Qin Guan's main concern now is still his mother's condition.

"The transplantation of animal organs to humans is condemned by strong public opinion. Some people think that this will transfer certain viruses that are unique to animals to humans. Therefore, even we are doing this. The matter is kept secret. In order to avoid accidents, your father promised that he will never leave Rainbow Nation."