Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 149: beg for mercy

At this time, it showed the boss's ability.

Brother Xue didn't fall, he used his unbound left hand and waved upwards, so the people behind also stopped.

When they stopped, they didn't stand, but sat down on the ground, gasping for breath.

Wang Lijun vomited out in one mouthful. He vomited out all the food he ate yesterday. He even felt that bile was vomited out. The amount of exercise today is really too great.

Wang Lijun looked at the front with hatred, expecting that after the police came, he would be able to complain to the police with blood and tears, restrict personal freedom, and force him to run, just like treating a prisoner. This is absolutely illegal, yes, it is illegal!

Uncle police, let us be the master, wait, it looks like aunty police? not good!

Wang Lijun suddenly remembered something. The policewoman riding a motorcycle in front was very familiar, wasn't it the one I met in Wangyue Tower last time?

bad! I know, this time, you may not be in charge of your own side!

Yes, it is the female police officer Guo Cong. Although it is cold to ride a motorcycle in winter, in this era, riding a motorcycle is already very good. It is similar to driving a sports car in later generations. In the age when others even a bicycle is a luxury, It is not easy to be able to ride a motorcycle.

Guo Cong's face was a little red from the cold. She got out of the car, moved her hands and feet, and shouted to Xiang Jing: "What's the matter?"

Then, in the back door, Qin Guan came down.

"Officer Guo, the people behind are all our friends. We are carrying forward the spirit of Lei Feng and helping each other." Qin Guan said: "They helped us push the cart just now, and now we help them exercise."

Exercise? Guo Cong glanced backwards. Officer Guo knew the man with his arm tied to the rope. They were all thorns in the grassland city. They often made trouble here. They were people who didn’t make big mistakes and kept making small mistakes. , At most, go in for education, but cannot be sent to prison.

These people are a thorn in the heart of the police in the grassland city. Now, these people have been rectified. It seems that they are really relieved.

"Oh, it turned out to be helping each other, yes, yes, you guys continue." Guo Cong said, returning to his motorcycle.

The other two people on the motorcycle did not get off at all.

"Buzz, buzz." Guo Cong twisted the accelerator and the motorcycle drove forward. The gangsters behind were immediately dumbfounded.

Uncle police, help!

"Come on!" The policeman on the back seat of the motorcycle raised his arms at them and clenched his fists.

"My mother." A little **** is completely speechless, how can you be so helpless?

A puff of blue smoke rose from the back of the motorcycle and left. The gangsters present had just breathed out. At this time, Qin Guan in front raised his horn again.

"Have you taken a rest? After a short break, our movement started again!" Qin Guan's voice made them feel extremely frightened, almost hitting the soul directly, causing the soul to tremble all at once.

Running like this is going to kill you!

"Several uncles, I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't hang around outside, and follow Brother Xue. In the future, I will definitely change my evil and become a good man."

The one in front was dragged twice and ran for so long. At this time, his heart was trembling all the time, his legs were completely weakened, and if he ran again, he would definitely be dragged and would kill. Ah!

He has collapsed, now, hurry up and beg for mercy!

"Stop playing with me, sirs, you guys do well!"

"Really?" Qin Guan got out of the car, walked over, and said to the guy who was about to collapse: "Okay, then let you go, tell you, if you can't do anything with your strength, then work and do it. Live, rely on your own strength to support yourself, don't do these unearned activities."

As he said, Qin Guan stretched out his hand and didn't know how to do it. It was like a trick, and he untied the rope on his arm.

"Thank you, thank you, I know." Whether it's true confession or going through the scene now, in short, the first scum appears, and then there will be a second, a third...

A dozen people all begged for mercy one after another, couldn't run, and couldn't kill them. They were all heartbroken and wanted to re-behave. In this way, there were less than ten left on the scene.

These people are all Xue Ge's confidantes, and at the same time, they have done a lot of bad things. After leaving Xue Ge, they have nowhere to go. Now, they are all gritted their teeth and are not afraid!

Wang Lijun was among them.

"Are you ready?" Qin Guan asked: "Our running, then start!"

"Wait!" Xue Ge said: "Qin Guan, when are you going to play?"

There has to be an end. The truth of the small **** realm, you can fight if you can, and you can be reasonable if you can't. Now is the time to be reasonable.

It’s enough for you to play us once, don’t you want to play forever?

Qin watched the unconvinced expression of Brother Xue, and asked Xiang Jing in front of him: "Hey, when are you going to play with them?"

Qin Guan said nothing, it was not Qin Guan who played them, but Xiang Jing in front.

When Qin Guan asked this question, Brother Xue knew it was wrong. This Qin Guan is still reasonable. The woman in front is not necessarily reasonable. Don't reason with a woman, because they have no reason at all. Words!

Sure enough, the previous Xiang Jing said: "Of course I play until I am satisfied. Come up, let's start, this time I want to increase my speed."

Aunt, please spare us! At this time, Xue Ge was regretting in his heart.

run? It must be impossible to run, then the next one can only be cruel.

No one should run, see how far she can drag everyone! The police didn't care about it just now, but if the game kills people, the police will also arrest people.

Only then, it's a pity that you are the one being played!

Qin Guan got into the car, Xiang Jing stepped on the accelerator again, and the car rumbling forward, this time, no one followed?

The first one was dragged down. He didn't say a word, and just slid on the ground. Anyway, there was a lot of snow on the ground and it slid smoothly. Moreover, when he was just dragged down, he posed his posture, with his **** underneath, and his **** was grinded.

Then, the second and the third, they were all dragged down, sliding on the ground like a dog sled, except that they became sled dogs.

"It's boring." Xiang Jing couldn't help muttering when he looked at the back from the mirror and fell down. It's really boring to continue like this.

But then, her eyes lit up. Fortunately, don't you want to move anymore, do you want to end it soon? Let's finish with the fence in front today!

That is a fence woven with thorns!