Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1571: Very advanced

After all, it costs hundreds of millions of eagle dollars to replace all vehicles, which is too high.

"Yes, Your Highness, if you decide to buy, we can sign the contract this time. The construction period can only move forward. You can produce and assemble as soon as possible. You can also send personnel to the factory to coordinate and supervise. We It's the most fair, absolutely childish." Qin Guan said.

After a while, they negotiated a one-million-dollar contract. After these contracts are obtained, all the development costs of this missile launcher will be recovered. If it is produced for our own army, it will cost a cost price!

Ten million, you know, in China, your own F-14 fighter is only ten million. It is absolutely unimaginable that a truck can be sold for the price of an aircraft. However, this is also in line with international practice.

No way, if you really want a mobile launch vehicle for ballistic missiles, there are really not many, and there is only the bear country in the world.

Even the Eagle Nation does not have it. Even though the Eagle Nation is a big technological country, it was only in the 1970s that they had the form of tractor-trailers to launch militia missiles by maneuvering. The exterior was camouflaged as a container. Later, they started. What about airplanes and submarines? They didn't develop this kind of all-wheel-drive off-road chassis vehicle.

Han Guo also got the technology from Ermao at the beginning. Otherwise, Han Guo didn't have such a big guy. Now, they can't buy from Xiong Guo, they can only buy from their own. As long as they like it, money is not a problem. .

When the two were discussing, the vehicles came in and out. One after another, the huge heavy chassis was loaded with missiles. After they came out, they stopped to the side. The camouflage net was covered on it, and there was no way to see what it was. .

"Everyone, welcome to our missile factory." At this moment, the leaders of the factory finally arrived.

"It happened to be here. Take your Royal Highness. Let’s take a look at the missiles we are still producing. When our batch of missiles is delivered to the port, and when we come back to transport the second batch, the remaining missiles will be produced. "Qin Guan said.

This is also Qin Guan's first visit to a missile production plant.

Similar to the production of automobiles, the missile factory does not produce all the parts of the missile. The engine is produced by the engine factory. The inertial navigation equipment is produced by a special inertial navigation factory. The shell of the missile is mainly produced here. Assembly.

The first thing I came to was the shell production workshop. As soon as I entered, I could feel the heat wave, and there was a stove inside!

Qin Guan was stunned for a moment, as if it had really come a few decades ago, or the age when the native method was used and the steel was practiced, how could there be a stove in it?

Then, I saw the fire in the furnace, a worker in a thick uniform was using a steel drill to clamp out a piece of flaming material inside. If I put it on a bench vise and smash it a few times, absolutely It is the age of ancient swordsmanship.

What is this again?

"Here we have a heat treatment process. Spacecraft must be resistant to high temperatures. Real gold is not afraid of fire. We need to perform heat treatment in advance to increase the strength of the material." The director introduced.

Qin Guan’s face was a little embarrassed. Fortunately, he thought of something as soon as he turned his mind, and continued: "Yes, although it is aerospace engineering, the material is the first step. Our missile shell is used The newly developed 406 steel, which has excellent performance, is the most successful example of low-alloy ultra-high-strength steel."

What Qin Guan said is actually the steel used by Julang No. 1. Don’t look at the thin steel plate of the shell of the missile. It is quite particular, especially for solid missiles and large solid rockets. The shell is originally the engine. In this way, the required materials are very particular.

Unlike liquid missiles, solid missiles are originally stuffed with propellant in a shell and then ignited directly, just like the second kick. In this way, the shell is very important and requires ultra-high-strength steel.

The two-stage engine shell of Julang No. 1 made of 406 steel has a strength greater than 1715MPa and a KIC greater than 72MPa? m1/2, more advanced than the steel used in submarines, if analogy, it has reached the D6AC steel used in the first-level engine shell of the Eagle Country "Polaris A2" missile.

Of course, Qin Guan would blow a little bit now, otherwise, there really isn't much to visit here.

"It's too hot, let's change a place and go to the electronic assembly workshop." Qin Guan said.

The electronic assembly workshop should be tall. This is of course only Qin Guan's idea. In his mind, his own IC workshop appeared. It was spotless and the air-conditioning system was quite comfortable.

It is a pity that Qin Guan has forgotten that this type of missile uses electronic tubes!

If you lead them to visit the new missile base and visit the production workshop of Dongfeng 21, it will definitely be modern and have a different feeling. However, the factory here was originally intended to be abandoned, and it was deliberately stayed because of this production task. , Such a workshop is not advanced at all.

Qin Guan was very embarrassed, and hurriedly led everyone into the electronics workshop.

Although the various components are provided by the lower-level factories, after all, this is the final assembly, and each product needs to be tested and finally assembled.

When Qin Guan walked in with everyone, he still wondered if he wanted to change clothes, wear hats, or something. Who knows, just when he walked in, he saw a row of tables, in the hands of several workers, I'm holding an electric soldering iron, where I'm soldering the wire ends.

Is this too backward? Qin Guan couldn't help being surprised. Although the connection of the circuit must be soldering in the end, with the advancement of technology, it has long been manual soldering, such as the circuit board of an electronic computer. After the circuit components are inserted, it is Once immersed in the solder bath, all the wires are soldered. Now, this kind of manual soldering is really rare.

"The No. 3 tube is faulty and needs to be replaced." Someone yelled. Then Qin Guan saw someone and picked up something like a small light bulb. Qin Guan knew that this was the first use of the circuit. Tube.

The earliest development of electronic systems was electron tubes, just like light bulbs. They needed to be warmed up for a few minutes before they could work. Later, they were transistors, which used the unidirectional conductivity of semiconductors to work. Later, they were integrated circuits. , China has entered the era of integrated circuits a long time ago, but I didn’t expect that the electron tubes are still being operated here.

However, it is normal to think about it. After all, the Dongfeng-3 missile was developed in the 1960s. In that era, electron tubes were the most used.

"Our product has the ability to fight under strong electromagnetic interference, even if it is a nuclear explosion, it is impossible to affect its circuit." Qin Guan said from the side.

To talk about the benefits of electron tubes, it must be able to fight in a nuclear war, otherwise, the bear people will not hold this thing.