Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1645: Direction of nuclear fusion

Qin Guan knew it, because a lot of information has been deciphered in later generations. That's right, Xiong Guo and Ying Guo have really thought about nuclear-powered rockets.

The first was the Eagle Nation, and the Eagle Nation’s ideas were the most violent. In this regard, it was more like the Bear Nation’s approach. They used a nuclear bomb to advance.

That's right, a nuclear explosion is the first power that mankind has mastered. This is simply not an engine, but a pulse again and again.

According to the idea of ​​the Eagles, the spacecraft carries a large number of low-yield atomic bombs, one after another, and then detonates. A propulsion disk is installed behind the spacecraft to absorb the shock wave of the explosion and push the spacecraft forward.

If this project can be implemented, it can be imagined that Eagle Country’s astronauts are like getting into a rocking car, shaking and shaking constantly.

This plan is very perverted. In order to reach Mars, it needs to carry 2,000 atomic bombs. Of course, this method is also quite advanced. With the weight of the current rocket, it has achieved a load of 150 people. There are thousands of tons of load, so they can live comfortably after arriving on Mars.

However, the continuous detonation of nuclear bombs in the atmosphere must be quite destructive to the surrounding environment. Later, the Bear State and the Eagle State signed a treaty banning atmospheric nuclear tests, and this plan was eventually terminated.

The use of nuclear bombs to advance is itself an extremely imaginative operation.

In contrast, Xiong’s plan is more feasible, and it is like a reactor type, using the huge heat of the reactor to heat and expand the propellant carried by the spacecraft, and then spray it backwards to propel the spacecraft forward. .

This method is also the most feasible, but, like the current chemical rocket, it also requires a huge propellant, so the efficiency is not high.

When the space station is finished, what is the next plan? Nuclear powered rocket?

Qin Guan knew, I'm afraid he can't see it anymore, can he fight for decades? During the period of my own struggle, it is impossible to see this technology mature, more like a science fiction statement.

So, what should I do now? Should I deny it?

In Qin Guan's heart, there was a voice saying that as a technology leader, one must look forward and look forward!

There is no end to the path of science. Only looking forward and looking forward can the country truly develop and become stronger. Take a look at how many years of modern science and technology are in total. Technology is developing at an accelerated rate. I can’t see it now. Maybe, after a short period of time, the technology will break through?

Besides, I have my own crossing. I came here, and it has greatly promoted the country's scientific and technological development. If it weren't for myself, the J-10 would not have a finalized flight test until the end of this century.

Thinking of this, Qin Guan finally resisted his disapproval and changed his attitude. If he wanted to support, then he should set a direction.

Nuclear explosion type? Of course it is not possible, nuclear reactor heating? Of course not, there is only one kind of real hope, and that is nuclear fusion!

"This nuclear-powered rocket is not something we aerospace engineers want to start for the time being." Qin Guan said: "This is the research topic of our nuclear power engineers, especially the subject of controllable nuclear fusion engineers. Only after the breakthrough of controlled nuclear fusion can we enter the real research."

Controllable nuclear fusion is a new research direction, and now there is almost no breakthrough.

The release of nuclear energy requires mass loss. There are only two methods for mass loss, heavy nuclear fission and light nuclear fusion. Among them, the fission method has been widely used, whether it is a nuclear bomb or a nuclear reactor. , But light nuclear fusion is different.

It needs to compress two nuclei into one nucleus, and needs to overcome the huge Coulomb repulsion between the nuclei. The only way now is to detonate it with an atomic bomb and heat it to a high enough temperature to cause a fusion reaction. This reaction process, Destined to be uncontrollable.

Only when nuclear energy can be controlled and released steadily can it be used by humans, not as a weapon.

But this is not easy. Even in 2020 when Qin Guan comes here, there will be no practical application of this technology, but it is obvious that once controllable nuclear fusion is realized, it will bring about a radical change in the energy system.

The fuel required for nuclear fusion exists widely in the sea. Nuclear fusion is reliable. Once a failure occurs, the fusion will stop immediately. There is absolutely no danger of current nuclear reactors, so it is the safest and most efficient.

Once mature, conventional energy sources such as oil and coal will all stand aside. As long as this type of nuclear fusion is sufficient to maintain the needs of all humans on the earth, it will not be exhausted for thousands of years.

Mankind will no longer worry about energy.

This is not science fiction, because now, some nuclear physics engineers have begun to study nuclear fusion reactions, studying how to release the energy of nuclear fusion smoothly.

This is also one of the country's basic research.

We aerospace engineering experts, don’t have to think about those anti-sky solutions. Let’s quietly wait for the breakthrough in nuclear fusion technology. If a breakthrough is possible, then we can start in aerospace. If we can’t make a breakthrough, then continue to work in chemistry. The Rockets are ready.

"Mr. Qin, you mean that nuclear fusion is the only way of aerospace application?" Ren Lao asked.

Qin nodded his opinion: "Yes, so for the time being, we still don't worry about this new generation of engines. Let's do a good job of the Long March No. 5 in front of us. This is our key project in the future, and we must continue to follow up. With Svia’s commercial satellite launch project, we are striving for the first shot. By the way, we can invite them to visit our factory." Our rocket factory is still confidential. In order to convince customers, we will take them. Go take a look and see how advanced your rocket manufacturing process is and dispel their worries.

This commercial launch has historically been our own project, but we can’t let this project go bad. This is also a key project in the future. Once this is a good start, we will be able to undertake more projects.

The meeting on the third day mainly discussed the networking and commercial applications of Beidou satellites. This is also a major event in the space system. Now, this project has entered the most critical period. The huge upfront investment is a stumbling block. In Qin Guan's eyes, none of this is a problem.

The meeting of the aerospace system slowly came to an end. Qin Guan’s mission here was basically over. At the same time, in 1984, the curtain came to an end.

This year, Han has also made a lot of progress, especially in aviation. This air show has brought Han to the world.