Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1668: Remote training

"Ambassador Brandt, we solemnly inform you that if we want us to sign this ballistic missile export restriction treaty, we must agree to these requirements."

It didn't take a week, just four days. When Brandt again protested to the relevant authorities on this project, the latest plan was finally available.

This is just a balance of interests.

Ballistic missiles are easy to manufacture and easy to proliferate, but they are not easy to guard against. It is very difficult to intercept ballistic missiles. Therefore, the Eagle State and the Bear State dominate this export restriction treaty, which is beneficial to them and prevents their hostile countries from getting it. This kind of weapon, even if it is a weak country, will have the ability to threaten them with this kind of weapon.

However, it doesn't matter if the Han country does not seek hegemony, and there is no need for global deployment. There is no pressure to sell this weapon in a country far away from its homeland, and there is no need to worry about being threatened.

Now, there are many potential exporting countries in Han. For example, date palms and Shah is willing to pay a lot of money to buy them. If Han signs on it, it is equivalent to breaking oneself. If there is not enough interest , How can you sign on it?

Looking at the above terms, Brandt was speechless. There were too many requests above, how could he agree? In particular, it is also among them that the requirement to ship ten to obtain the airworthiness certificate of Eagle Country is among them.

If Yunshi really gets it, it means that Yunshi can occupy this intercontinental transportation market! It is a major blow to Boeing and McDonnell Douglas!

This is a very strange regulation. Without this certificate of airworthiness, it means that the aircraft cannot fly over their heads. Even if the airlines of China want to open routes to Eagle Country, they cannot operate the transportation. Come, because Yunshi is not eligible to fly over Eagle Country, they can only buy Boeing and McDonnell Douglas aircraft.

Of course, if Han is strong enough, it can also issue its own airworthiness standard and issue its own airworthiness certificate. If you are not satisfied, you will not be able to fly over your head. However, it will be many years before such a scene. Only then, wait until Han is really strong, then it will be almost the same.

At present, Yunshi can only find ways to obtain the airworthiness certificate of Eagle Country, Europa, so that it can fly all over the world, but this also means that this huge market will be divided by Yunshi.

Impossible, impossible!

Brandt knew that it was impossible for them to agree to one of the requirements.

Brandt was helpless.

Compared to Brandt’s helplessness, Qin Guan was very comfortable. After the old chief inspected, the Air Police 2000 early warning aircraft was officially finalized. There is only one early warning aircraft, so subsequent orders have begun to be placed. At least four planes are needed. At the same time, the smaller and cheaper Air Police 200 and Air Police 500, which are large plates and balance beams, will be the next goals of scientific researchers.

And this first early warning aircraft, after successfully completing all the projects, was first equipped to the Northern Military Region and deployed to the front line of the bear country.

Yes, until now, Xiong is still the biggest threat to Han. Airborne early warning aircraft can rely on advanced radars to build a reliable air steel Great Wall!

When the early warning aircraft was experimenting, almost all of them were electronic experts, and all of them were Han's most precious brains. Therefore, if anything happened to the early warning aircraft, the loss of Han would be huge.

But now, when the early warning aircraft has begun to finalize and equip the troops, it is the specially formed early warning aircraft force that is responsible for the operation.

Just when the Han country began to disarm by one million, the army also began to develop in the direction of high technology. For example, for the first time, the army recruited a group of high-quality talents from college students, who were specially recruited to enter the army.

For example, can you wear glasses? can!

Can you fail the 100-meter run? can!

What are the hard conditions? It is technology, they are technical arms!

The current Air Police 2000 requires specialized technical units to operate. Not only do they need to be able to type on the keyboard and watch the screen, but also when the early warning machine fails, they can judge the fault and then perform on-site maintenance.

Just look at Xiong Guo’s An-50 early warning aircraft. When taking off, he always carries spare parts. Any problems encountered can be repaired in the sky. Once the repairs are completed, they can continue to work.

Although our early warning aircraft is very good and reliable in performance, the circuit principle of the early warning aircraft must be mastered. If it encounters a failure, it is necessary to determine where the failure occurs.

This kind of repair, of course, is not on the circuit board, looking for which component is faulty, as long as you can determine which circuit board it is, and then directly replace it.

Almost all of Han's first early warning aircraft force were specially recruited from college students.

Now, in the Yunshi early warning aircraft, almost half of the people wear glasses, and they are undergoing a training session.

With the early warning aircraft, the military's tactics will also change. How to fight under the command of the early warning aircraft is a brand-new subject, which naturally requires people with a pioneering spirit to study.

For example, Chen Rui.

Chen Rui was transferred back to the Air Force. The first Air Police 2000 was destined to belong to the Air Force. The Navy will not be in turn for the time being. Besides, if the Navy needs it, it is best to get it in place in one step, directly as a carrier-based early warning aircraft. When there is an aircraft carrier in the future, there is no need to carry out secondary equipment, just board the ship directly.

Although it belongs to the Air Force, since it is fighting under the command of an early warning aircraft, it is best to be remote.

Therefore, this kind of training is set up on the sea far away from the mainland. In order to avoid various accidents, Canghai is the best choice.

Canghai is located in the eastern part of Han. At that time, Cao Cao had a famous poem. It faces Jieshi in the east to view the sea. Therefore, the sea in eastern Han is called Canghai.

The AWACS aircraft carrying the large plate is flying in the 8,000-meter cruising airspace. The turbofan engines on both sides are roaring. The large plate on the top has already released electromagnetic waves into the surrounding airspace without rotating.

Next to the early warning aircraft, the flying leopard was accompanied by a flying leopard. After the flying leopard became a star product, the air force also began to break the tradition of good horses not turning back to the grass, and ordered a large number of them at low prices, low operating costs, and cost-effective. The ratio is quite high.

However, this Flying Leopard is different from ordinary ones. Look at the electronic warfare pod hung below it, and look at the sturdy antenna on the vertical tail. You know that this is an electronic leopard.

Early warning aircraft, of course, must operate jointly with electronic warplanes. This will exert the greatest effect and is also the basic method of electronic warfare.