Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1674: Xiangzhuang sword dance is intended for

Xiangzhuang sword dance is intended for Peigong.

It is very difficult to say that the bear people continue to fly over for investigation. This time they flew over at a super low altitude. After that, the island country will definitely increase their vigilance. The early warning aircraft will rise into the sky every day so that they will not. There is a second chance.

As long as the people of the Xiong nation can't fly to the seas of the island nation, it is almost impossible to fly to their own seas. However, this excuse is justified. Now, after all, everyone is fighting against the Xiong nation. what!

You island people are too weak to be able to do it at all. In case the bear people flee over, we must be prepared.

Therefore, for this purpose, this air defense identification zone was established.

However, as long as it is established, no one will be spared. Those civil aircrafts, what if the automatic answering equipment breaks down? Wouldn't we think it was an incoming enemy plane? We have to take off frequently to intercept fighter planes. On the one hand, we consume it, and on the other hand, it also brings tension to civil aviation. Those civil aviation planes have to worry about encountering fighter planes every day. What if they go wrong?

Therefore, all civil aircrafts must be reported in advance!

"We issued the announcement of this air defense identification zone. As long as in this area, any aircraft must be under our control." Qin Guan said: "This airspace is completely controlled by us. We have reason. According to. Aircraft flying in the Canghai Air Defense Identification Zone must provide four identification methods: flight plan identification, radio identification, transponder identification, and sign identification, and obey the Canghai Air Defense Identification Zone management agency, if there are unknown targets."

Everyone’s eyes lit up, and Qin Guan continued to speak: “The target’s route is not on a civil aviation route. The altitude and speed are not in line with the civilian aircraft. We need to take off fighter jets to intercept it. Investigate and collect evidence, establish communication links, and inquire about intentions. If the other party does not answer, our fighter jets can be accompanied by flying. We are ready to expel at any time."

Now, we are targeting the country of Xiong. The plane of the people of the country of Xiong is coming, isn't it expelled? This time, we will all be deported to the airspace close to the island country.

The area of ​​this air defense identification zone is of course quite huge.

"Yes, let's do it!" General Lin said: "This air defense identification zone, we must enclose this area!"

His hand waved on the map.

The area of ​​that piece of land makes everyone feel very excited.

"However, it seems that only AWACS can provide such a huge range of early warning. Do we want to keep the AWACS patrol every day?" someone asked.

"Of course not." Qin Guan said: "If the early warning aircraft is dispatched in this way, it will reach its service life very early. We must rely on the radar system on the ground. On the islands in this sea area, we will build several long-range radar stations. , It can perfectly complement the blind area. In the rear, we build a large ground radar, enough to cover this airspace."

The early warning aircraft is used during combat, and is used only when there is a conflict. It is usually used for training. If used throughout the world, its lifespan will soon be exhausted, and no one can afford it, even if it is. The aircraft carrier's early warning aircraft does not operate around the clock, and mainly relies on the fleet's radar system.

Now, if we want to establish this air defense identification zone, of course ground radar is also needed.

This must be coordinated from two aspects. On the one hand, the establishment of a ground radar system on the island in front can effectively supplement the ground’s blind spots and imitate the penetration of low altitude defenses. As for the large-area search, it is still dependent on ground radar stations. Radar station! What is this large radar on the ground?

"President Qin, do you mean the 7010 radar?" General Lin asked.

As far as phased array radar is concerned, it seems to be a highly sophisticated thing. Only the current Han country has just mastered it, and it can be said to be the most advanced in the world.

However, this refers to the active phased array radar. In fact, the phased array radar system has been available for a long time. Passive phased array radars can use ferrite for phase shifting, but it is only volume and weight. They are all very big.

The MiG-31 is such a radar. Although it is very important, it has good performance.

There is no such problem when deploying radars on the ground. Large-scale phased array radars can also be installed on the ground, which is being studied by all countries.

Huge radar antennas are difficult to rotate and are often equipped on a wall or even on a hill. In this case, the antenna cannot be moved, and the radiation direction can only be changed by a phase shifter.

Speaking of this kind of radar, it is the paved claw that countless military fans can directly lift.

The AN/FPS-115 "Paving Claw" long-range early warning radar, a masterpiece of Raytheon, is installed in a 32-meter-high multi-storey building. It has two circular antenna arrays at 60 degrees to each other. The front is tilted back 20 degrees, with a diameter of about 30 meters, and consists of 2,000 elements.

Of course, it can also be three-sided, which provides a comprehensive 360-degree scan without blind spots, but it is useless, because it has its own airspace behind it, and there is nothing to monitor.

How powerful this kind of radar is, you can tell by just one piece of data. The detection range is generally 4,800 kilometers, and the detection range of submarine-launched ballistic missiles with high ballistics and a radar cross section of 10 square meters can reach 5,550 kilometers.

This kind of radar is prepared for the early warning of ballistic missiles. The satellites used to detect outer space are all right, and it is a piece of cake to detect aircraft.

Such a radar was later exported to Baodao from the Eagle Nation, which made Han extremely angry. Although deployed on the Baodao, it could monitor every move of fighters on the opposite continent.

Of course, if there is a real war, that thing must be destroyed first.

This kind of radar is owned by Eagles, Xiong, and Han. The codename is 7010.

It was born in that special era. At that time, Xiong State had millions of soldiers on the border of Han State, and it would come at any time. The ballistic missiles of Xiong State people could also fall on the land of Han State at any time. Han State must have a right Long-range early warning capability of ballistic missiles! As a result, this project was launched, and it was still completed by Institute 114. After all, Institute 114 was studying ground radar in the early days.

This is a giant radar, how huge is it?

It is built on the **** of a mountain. Its antenna surface has a huge area of ​​thousands of square meters, which is equivalent to two and a half basketball courts. The control system equipment behind the antenna is as high as an 8-story building!

The scanning distance is 3,000 kilometers, and the fan shape is enough to cover most of the bear country where ballistic missiles may be launched.

If you squat down such a radar in Huating, the whole sea will be under your own surveillance, even farther!