Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1747: Realistic catapult

This exercise is quite realistic.

When an accident happens to a pilot's aircraft, the pilot needs to eject to escape. For many pilots, this is absolutely undesirable for a lifetime, but experimentation is necessary.

Ordinary pilots have skydiving training every year. They jump from a transport plane. This can give them experience. In case of an accident, the basic essentials of skydiving must be mastered, especially how to control a parachute in the air. How to touch the ground after landing? An untrained person can easily break his legs at the moment of touching the ground during the first parachuting, and may even endanger his life. This is the reason why ordinary civil airliners are not equipped with parachutes. Even if an ordinary passenger jumps down, the chance of survival is quite small. If there is the sea, the wasteland, and the forest below, it will be even worse.

Originally, Chen Rui thought that his parachuting was just getting on a transport plane. He would never have thought that in order to make the simulation training more realistic, the Eagles actually transferred two modified A-4 Skyhawk attack planes. Special ejection seat testing machine!

The seat under the pilot’s buttocks is the ejection seat. When needed, it can take the pilot out of the cockpit directly. This set of ejection seats is also worth hundreds of thousands and is a one-time consumable. The same as an airbag. The Eagles are rich! Chen Rui was shocked by this kind of behavior of the wealthy Eagles.

Chen Rui and his radar officer, the two boarded the two planes, and then went to the sky. This was also the first time Chen Rui sat in the back cabin and watched others fly.

After all, he can't fly his own fighter plane. If his fighter plane jumps out, the plane will be useless.

Now, he looked at the sky on both sides, very comfortable, under the buttocks is Martin Baker's ejection seat.

To say that the most powerful of this era is the K-36 ejection seat of the Xiong Guoren. In the last air show, this seat was immediately famous, but the system is different after all. For the West, there is still a lot of equipment. This kind of ejection seat produced by cattle country.

Domestic ones still need to come on.

It was the first time for Chen Rui to eject from the ejection seat. Now, he actually felt a little nervous, or excited. He could still distinguish the landmark below, which should be 200 kilometers north of the base.

"Attention, prepare to eject." The pilot in front said.

"Understood." Chen Rui said, he counted down in his mouth, and when the count reached zero, he pulled the tab between his legs.

There was a sound from the broken cover gun above his head, and then a huge thrust came from under his buttocks. His legs were brought together and rose in the raging fire, and he was already flying!

After this ejection, it is not enough to replace the ejection seat. Even the interior of the cockpit is blackened, and more technical force is needed to recover.

Of course, ejection is also risky. For example, this violent overload may damage the spine, but as long as the posture is correct, there should be no major problems. At this moment, Chen Rui felt that black vision was about to occur.

Right next to him, his radar officer was also ejected from another plane, and two flames shot into the sky, like two sky monkeys. At the highest point of the ejection, the seat and the person were separated. , And then the parachute opened automatically, a whirring wind came from their ears, and the two opened their eyes again.

The blue sky, the white clouds, the earth, everything is so beautiful.

At the same time, the seat has fallen down, and on the seat, an automatic distress signal is constantly being sent out.

This is also the reason to use the ejection seat testing machine. Only when the seat is ejected, the seat will automatically send out a distress signal, and it is also the time when the rescue officially begins, it depends on who finds them first.

In fact, when really on the battlefield, many pilots are reluctant to use this automatic distress signal, because it will expose themselves, and the enemy will follow this signal source to find themselves and bring disasters to themselves. Besides, After landing, they will stay far away from their seats.

Of course Chen Rui is the same.

The parachute fell down, and he and his radar officer were separated by about three kilometers. Then, his feet touched the ground, buffered, and easily completed this standard maneuver.

Parachute jumping is also a matter of character. Every time you train, you are unlucky, being blown to the other side of the mountain by the wind, landing in the woods and being hung on a tree, etc., and even life may be in danger.

Chen Rui looked around. He was bare and there was nothing. While waiting for the rescue, he still needed to do something.

The parachute has already been thrown away. If you are in China, you have to put it away quickly. This parachute is also very valuable! But here, anyway, everything is provided by the Eagles, so I don't care.

He waved to the radar officer and shouted: "Let's go over there!"

There is a bare hill not far away. Only there can hide people, hide there, and wait for search and rescue personnel. This may be a long process. After all, the signal from the ejection seat may also be disturbed. A combat aspect of the enemy and ours.

The flying leather boots stepped on the dry ground, and the two marched towards the hill over there. When the sun was shining down, they could feel quite scorching people. This was regarded as a field survival training.

"What is that?" At this moment, the radar officer shouted to Chen Rui, pointing his finger in the distance.

What kind of animal seems to be on the ground in the distance? The animal was walking back and forth slowly, carelessly.

Both of them have very good eyesight, and Chen Rui's eyesight is even stronger. He looked at the animals in the distance and looked similar to Erha. Canines, with gray fur all over, and green eyes. If it was at night, it would definitely be even more dazzling.

The tail is drooping downwards, and both ears stand up, seeming to be listening here.

Chen Rui stopped and murmured a few words from his mouth: "That's a gray wolf."

It looks similar to a dog, but it is definitely not a dog. It is also quite large. The Tibetan Mastiff is almost the fiercest canine. However, these gray wolves are as big as Tibetan Mastiffs, and they can bite easily. Two dead Tibetan mastiffs!

The most terrible thing is that this kind of animal is a group. If there is only this wolf, then forget it, you can easily solve it, but it is very likely that there is a group nearby!