Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1810: Friends and opponents

"Mr. Qin, thank you very much for the rescue of Han Guo this time. I heard that you supported it. Even if you cross the border, you must carry out rescue operations so that the impact of the accident did not expand." Hancock said.

If it were not for timely rescue, the crash that killed four to five hundred people would have become the world’s most civil aviation disaster. The aircraft with the most fatalities in one accident, the Boeing 747’s notorious reputation, I’m afraid it will never be washed away. In this case, Boeing will probably have a very bad influence.

Now, more than 400 people have been fished by Han, and dozens of people have really been killed. This is easy to cover up, and Boeing also let out a long sigh.

Now, after hearing Hancock’s words, Qin Guan shook his head: “We rescued not for Boeing, but for the passengers. After all, they are all innocent. We are in a humanitarian spirit. For Boeing, I personally feel very disappointed. After the accident, you have always wanted to put aside your relationship. If it weren't for your repairs, this plane crash would not have happened."

What Qin Guan said made Hancock's face embarrassing, but it was indeed the case. Now, he watched Qin Guan drink a cup, and he also drank a cup, and then he changed the subject: Yaxing, come here to have a look, this is the most prosperous place in the island country."

"Yes, I have no other hobbies, I want to buy things I like."

When I went to Eagle Country, Qin Guan also bought and bought an office building there for North Industries Corporation. Here, Qin Guan said that he would buy the place here. That is completely normal. A high-tech company, if you want to How to buy a house to buy a home, on the contrary, it is something that people can rest assured.

"Congratulations to President Qin," Hancock said.

"Of course, my personal funds are not enough. Therefore, with the help of bankers, Yamamoto is the most famous banker here, and you may be able to communicate with each other in the future," Qin Guan said.

There is a relationship between the company and the bank. In the course of the company's operation, once the funds are insufficient, they will go to the bank to borrow. Now, Yamamoto was originally a small role in the banking industry, but now, he has seen it For his own future, he will soon become a first-class big banker, with cooperation with Han Guo and a relationship with Boeing.

"It's nice to meet you." Yamamoto said to Hancock, "Please advise."

Yamamoto respectfully handed out his business card. He felt that the plane crash brought him all kinds of good opportunities. Because of this plane crash, his life was once again glorious.

Hancock took the other party’s business card. Now, he doesn’t have much interest in the banker. He is still thinking about this incident and the aviation market of Han. With the development of the 10-series aircraft, is Boeing leaving the Han market from now on?

"Mr Qin, how is your Yun-10 passenger plane produced at Douglas?" Hancock asked Qin Guan.

"This is a commercial secret." Qin Guan said: "Do you think I will tell you? Besides, I don't know. I have already handed it over to the most trusted subordinate."

"No, no, I didn't mean that." Hancock said: "We care about our peers. After all, according to the Monopoly Act, if we are the Boeing Company as a single company, we might face a fine."

Hancock mentioned a very key thing, that is, monopoly. In a capitalist society, monopoly is considered to be quite detrimental to economic development. It disrupts the balance of the market and hinders economic development. Therefore, no industry can There is only one giant.

In 1890, the Eagle National Congress passed the famous "Sherman Antitrust Law". This law played a very powerful role. For example, Pepsi and Coca-Cola were enemies of each other, but they had to support each other together, such as Intel and AMD. Also love and kill each other.

In Eagle Country, in the civil aviation market, Boeing and McDonnell Douglas are two giants. If McDonnell Douglas falls, Boeing is the only one, and maybe it will be heavily fined for suspected monopoly.

But in later generations, this kind of thing did not happen, which fully demonstrated that these laws are just their fig leafs.

The Boeing merger with McDonnell Douglas was finally submitted to the Federal Trade Commission for review. At that time, the Eagle State Ministry of National Defense played an important role in antitrust review. The Department of Defense reminded the Federal Trade Commission to consider that the company’s biggest customer is the Eagle State government.

Under the belief in so-called democracy, the government single-handedly promoted the merger to pass.

But that was all later. Now that Hancock said this, he was naturally looking for a topic. He watched Qin Guan’s face ease, and continued: "So, does it mean that you will fully purchase and transport in the future? Ten passenger planes?"

If Han Guo only purchases Yunshi, then Boeing will lose many potential customers. Especially under the current circumstances, Boeing has a crisis of confidence. Will Han Chinese be in trouble?

"That depends on whether our airworthiness certificate has encountered unexpected resistance during the application process." Qin Guan said. As a major passenger aircraft manufacturer, Boeing is very easy to get involved. Now Qin Guan still serves this matter.

"If there is no resistance, only helpers?" Hancock asked.

"Our country's passenger aircraft market is very large, and the civil aviation sector needs a large number of passenger aircraft. It is not enough to have only transport ten. There will certainly be foreign products, either Boeing or Airbus." Qin Guan said.

If you don’t make trouble and let us pass it smoothly, we will definitely be able to purchase. After all, the civil aviation market is big, and if all purchases are made, it will not be conducive to competition.

"I believe you will definitely have a helper," Hancock replied.

The Boeing Company now has to join Qin Guan. They need helpers, not opponents, to overcome this difficulty.

"We hope so too." Qin Guan said: "Cheers for our future cooperation!"

Originally, I wanted to use the Boeing 747 incident to continue to make a fuss. However, since the other party has made such a statement, then Qin Guan can let him go. After all, he has to look forward. There are still more things to do. .

I just talked about this. Outside, there was another knock on the door. Now, when Yamamoto opened the door in person, he saw more high-level personnel, all of whom are big figures in the island country! Although they are wearing casual clothes, they can know that many of them are senior military officials from island countries.

President Qin's face is too great, Yamamoto thought to himself in his heart.