Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2109: meet

Chen Rui stood in front of his Tomcat fighter, looking at the sky.

The northwest is relatively cold and desolate. Looking at it, there are wilderness everywhere. Farther away, hundreds of kilometers away, is Lop Nur, the former nuclear weapons experimental base. Who would have thought that weapons were developed in the past, many times It was to fight against the bear country in the north, but now, it is actually going to conduct a confrontation exercise with the bear country. This world is such a trick.

The cold wind blows over. The base was abandoned for several years. Now, we can still see half-person tall weeds outside, shaking left and right under the wind, and since When you come here, everyone has received safety education and must not go out privately, otherwise, you may encounter wild wolves! As for the pilot’s gun, it is necessary to carry it all the time. This is not a joke. Outside, it is the world of beasts and the law of the jungle. Once there was a vehicle that transported supplies. It stopped because of a malfunction. The result was a wild wolf. The siege lasted three days. If the base found something wrong and sent someone to pick him up, then the driver must have been in an accident. At that time, the driver had been hungry for two days and even ate the cotton in his clothes.

The motherland is a vast territory. For various reasons, it is the most prosperous in the east, but not in the west. The villages encountered here occasionally lead a self-sufficient primitive life.

Now, Chen Rui looked at the blue sky and white clouds like this, leaning back on his plane in a daze, and then Wang Hongwei came to him. The two have been good friends for many years.

(Some of the questions used earlier, Wang Wei and Wang Hongwei are all one person. As for his prototype, most readers know it. 81192 is our eternal hero.)

"Why, what do you think? Are you thinking about your sister-in-law?" Wang Hongwei asked Chen Rui.

Chen Rui smiled. He originally had only flying in his eyes. There was nothing but flying, but who would know that Xiaoxia still slowly walked into his life and walked into his Life, although the two get together little and leave more, but when they are apart, they still think of her, this may be love.

Chen Rui turned his head, looked at the row of fighters, and said, "We will soon be in contact with the bear people. Our Tomcat fighters are heavy fighters, and their MiG 29 is a medium-sized fighter, but it has very strong thrust. Therefore, we must adopt appropriate tactics to be able to disarm them. Let's go, we will plan again."

A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier, and a pilot who does not want to win is not a qualified pilot. For Chen Rui, he has been looking forward to victory, and it is an overwhelming victory.

In the past, it was a second-generation machine. Of course, it had an overwhelming advantage. But now, it’s a third-generation machine. The most advanced third-generation machine of Xiong Guoren. In the face of this third-generation machine, how can we achieve an overwhelming advantage? What is the advantage?

At the airport here, there are not only the J-11 fighter, but also the J-10 fighter, the Electronic Leopard, and an Air Police 200 early warning aircraft modified by the Y-8. With these, the Xiong Guoren cannot realize what modernization is. In the case of air combat, is he still worthy of the title of ghost?

Let them see their ghostly air combat!

Chen Rui thought secretly in her heart.

Two days passed in a flash. In the early morning of this day, Chen Rui and Wang Hongwei climbed onto the plane, turned on the engine, slid onto the runway, spread their wings, and flew into the sky.

"Ghost, hunter, pay attention, reach the border in 20 minutes, and reach the border in 20 minutes."

"Received." Chen Rui shouted.

The radar officer in the rear cabin had also turned on the radar. Soon, bright spots appeared on the radar screen. They were now ready to welcome the arrival of the Xiong Guo formation.

This is also an international practice.

One, two, three, a total of eight targets. One of the targets has a large echo. Is this an early warning aircraft or an electronic warfare aircraft? Xiong Guoren wouldn't bring nothing, right?

The fighter was approaching quickly, and soon Chen Rui spotted the opponent visually, then adjusted his course and flew up.

"The base, I have found the target, including seven fighter jets, one transport aircraft, and the visual model is Il 76."

The opponent is not an early warning aircraft, because there is no big plate on the top, because the distance is still relatively long, it is not clear whether the opponent is carrying an electronic warfare antenna, it may be a special electronic warfare aircraft, they can not bring nothing.

The distance was rapidly approaching. Chen Rui continued to look at the other party’s plane. Now, his eyes were attracted by the transport plane. He wanted to know if it was the other side’s electronic warfare plane. At this moment, he heard himself. The radar officer yelled, "Oh, not all of their fighters are MiG-29s!"

Not all MiG-29s, is there Su-27? This kind of aircraft has flown many times, but the contest between heavy aircraft and heavy aircraft is the most exciting. This kind of feeling can only be felt by experience, but it cannot be said.

However, if it is Su-27, then his radar officer should know it.

"Oh, I guess it's the MiG 25." At this moment, Wang Hongwei's voice came from the earphones. At this time, the distance is less than five kilometers. You can see clearly. From the opposite side, you can Seeing the rectangular air inlets on both sides of the huge nose, there seems to be nothing else in this shape except for the MiG 25.

In front of the formation is the transport plane, which acts as the leader of the lead plane. Behind the lead plane, there are six MiG 29s, and the MiG 31 is flying above them. This formation looks like Very strange.

Chen Rui also moved from the transport plane to the MiG-25. This type of aircraft has also been dealt with by his side. When the White Elephant State was equipped with this type of aircraft, he couldn’t wait to come over to investigate, but he was shot down by his own side. After a while, what about now, Xiong Guoren flew this kind of plane again?

Chen Rui shook his wings and began to say hello to the other party, and at the same time communicated on the radio. When the wings were unfolded, a small radius turned in the air, and he flew with the other party.

When they turned around, they also raised their height, which happened to be at the same height as the MiG-25. Chen Rui looked at it, double-engined and double-tailed, heavy fighter, thick and long fuselage, like MiG-25, but Well, unlike the MiG 25, it is a two-seater! Moreover, it seemed to be more solid and general. Soon, Chen Rui thought of something in his mind. It was not the MiG 25 that came from people, but the MiG 31 improved on the basis of the MiG 25!

He heard from his brother-in-law that this kind of aircraft is a small early warning aircraft. It seems that they are planning to test the capabilities of this kind of aircraft!

Okay, finally there are new things. If there is only a MiG-29, it would be too boring.