Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2302: Airborne technology

The front was boring, and I couldn't understand it. Qin Guan was like a child, interested in everything.

Now, he came back again.

The air-dropped tank has already removed the camouflage net covered on the outside. After the tank is driven up, it is placed in the air-drop chassis prepared in advance, so that it can be pushed down directly during the airdrop.

Two light airdrop tanks and two infantry fighting vehicles, all in the form of crawlers, occupy all the space in the middle of the cabin. On both sides of the cabin, there are paratroopers with camouflage on their faces. Their umbrella bags The back is a big umbrella bag, and the front is a small one, sitting on a pony-like seat that is turned over on the side of the cabin. Everyone has a calm and serious expression.

For paratroopers, every airborne landing is dangerous. Even if you make any preparations in advance, there may be extreme situations such as the parachute being deflated by the wind, for example, when you come down, you suddenly encounter a pond. Wait, they also have death targets in peaceful times.

Brigadier Liu's expression was also serious at this time. He was the officer who led the team. When parachuting, of course he had to be the first to jump down. They were the first to jump if there was any danger.

"Our equipment, shouldn't it be possible for people and vehicles to airdrop together?" Qin Guan said to Brigadier Liu, anyway, before they parachuted, Qin Guan sat next to him and chatted with him.

According to Qin Guan’s understanding, when the airborne troops are landing, because they do not have logistical support, etc., they are in urgent need of all kinds of heavy firepower. This kind of paratroopers' tanks can provide them with firepower support, which is quite necessary. .

However, under normal circumstances, the paratroopers’ tanks and paratroopers are separated, so that after going down, it takes a certain amount of time for the paratroopers to find their tanks. Therefore, some people have proposed this. the opinion of.

The man and vehicle are airdropped together. During airborne operations, the paratroopers sit directly on the paratrooper’s chariot and land with the chariot to the ground. At this time, it is the fastest. As long as they land, they can immediately go into battle. It landed on the enemy's territory. Therefore, it is necessary to race against time. After going down, the tank can be put into battle immediately, which is of great significance.

In fact, Xiong Guoren has already tried this. All Xiong Guoren's airborne combat vehicles, from BMD-1 to BMD-4M, have such capabilities, and even the 2S25 "octopus" airborne anti-tank gun specially developed for airborne troops. You can do that too. Moreover, even as early as 1973, Zuyev and Alexander, the instructors of the Xiong State Airborne Academy, carried out the world’s first man-vehicle airborne test in a BMD-1 tank and achieved success. In later generations, in Qin Guan’s In that world, Xiong Guoren did this several times, and each time it brought a sensational effect.

Therefore, Qin Guan said his thoughts. Who knows, after hearing Qin Guan's words, Brigadier Liu firmly shook his head: "We believe that this idea is inappropriate. The airdrop of people and cars together is not a small gimmick, but it is of little significance."

In fact, even if it is Xiong Guo, who has conducted many airdrop experiments for people and vehicles, they have not applied it on a large scale, and they do not even have the level of large-scale integrated application.

Because this is too dangerous.

Airborne soldiers use parachutes to descend from the sky, which is already very dangerous. If they sit in a tank again, the risk factor will be increased many times. Because if you want to drop a paratrooper tank by air, one parachute is not enough. There are many parachutes open together. If a certain parachute is not successfully opened, the posture of the chariot landing will change, and it may even be reversed. Think about what the people inside will look like.

Besides, the vibration of this thing when it hits the ground is great, and the strength of the impact may exceed the strength of the human body.

It's not that everyone is afraid of sacrifice. To become a qualified fighter has already put life and death out of control. However, the value of risk is not worth taking. There is a measure.

"When we were airdropping, the paratroopers who were in charge of operating the tank were discharged alongside the tank. After going down, they landed while controlling the parachute, as close as possible to the position where the tank landed. So, soon I can find my own tank," Brigadier Liu explained.

The paratroopers are the most elite paratroopers. They have many times of parachuting and rich experience. When they descend, they can control the parachute and get as close to the landing place as possible. Therefore, there is no need to engage in risky people and vehicles. Up. This statement won Qin Guan's approval.

"Yes, instead of doing such flashy experiments, it is better to develop more equipment. I think that for paratroopers, many equipment needs to be updated. For example, the round umbrella you use is not as good as the airfoil. I It is suggested that the elite paratroopers can be equipped with airfoil umbrellas so that they can master more complex controls." Xiucai joined the discussion on the side.

Ordinary paratroopers use round umbrellas. This kind of umbrella is easy to manufacture and cheap. After opening, it basically does not require human control. It is suitable for public use. Moreover, the umbrella surface is not easy to overturn, and it is safe and suitable. Beginners and paratroopers mainly use this kind of parachutes. After all, even paratroopers can’t jump several times a year, and there is not so much money for them to jump on the plane.

However, this kind of umbrella also has shortcomings. The umbrella cannot automatically control the direction. It depends on the direction of the wind. Although it can be controlled by pulling a rope, it is not easy to change the direction. Therefore, if you are not lucky when you come down, you will be lucky to hang on the tree Yes, it is quite dangerous if it falls into the water.

Xiucai came out as a special force, and used more equipment. Many of the equipment they used were elongated, which looked like bird wings, so they were called airfoil umbrellas.

After this kind of parachute is opened, the entire surface of the parachute is like a wing. As long as you pull the ropes on both sides, it can deflect in different directions, so it can control the direction.

In fact, controlling the direction is secondary. It can also glide. After all, the umbrella surface has the same effect as the wings. It is the smallest glider. If the height is enough, it can float for more than ten kilometers before landing and landing. The speed can also be adjusted, so the maneuverability of this parachute is better. However, this parachute is too difficult to use. Those who like skydiving can use this airfoil parachute, but it is large-scale equipment. The paratroopers of China have no such ability.

After all, not everyone has this ability. For example, looking at a paratrooper sitting over there, his face is a little pale.