Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2436: Ready to attack

"Understood, confirm the shutdown." Salata shouted. He checked his external navigation lights again to make sure that they were all turned off, and then continued to align the route with his navigator.

Even if they are two aircraft, it is impossible to maintain a dense formation, because they are stealth aircraft, so it is easy to disperse, and their advanced navigation equipment can ensure that they accurately fly to the target: the barracks of the Butterfly National Defense Forces.

The Butterfly Nation does not have an air force, only a few armies. In fact, this attack was a sledgehammer. They just dropped four bombs at the National Defense Army barracks in the Butterfly Nation. The gifts of this first wave are enough Those soldiers fled in all directions, leaving the entire army in naught, so that their ground troops could easily occupy the barracks without resistance.

For the entire Eagle Nation army, this mission is very simple. They have never thought about the resistance they will encounter, and they will never know. In fact, someone is already waiting behind.

South of the barracks, fifty kilometers away, a hill.

The location of the hill is very good. It faces south and north. The hillside on this side is circular, facing the direction of the northern eagle countrymen. Therefore, there is no need to deploy on the top of the hill. Just at the foot of the hill, prop up the huge one. A fly swatter is enough.

I don’t know who gave it the title of fly swatter, but it looks a bit like this shape. The fly swatter is rectangular with many holes on it.

Why have it? If it's the whole beat, then when it comes, it will bring the wind and push the airflow. The flies are quite smart, and they will definitely feel this airflow and escape before the death.

Now, on this huge phased array radar, one by one cylindrical antenna components are like holes in that fly swatter. At this time, countless electromagnetic waves are radiating from it.

This is the most secret place. The surrounding area has been under martial law for a long time. Nearby, the soldiers of the vulture army are seriously guarding, and at the same time, there is a strange woman who also followed.

The woman wears a camouflage uniform, wears a military cap and smeared camouflage cream on her face. She is inconspicuous in the crowd. She can't even distinguish between men and women. However, her level is very high, and she can even order the whole The army, so everyone respects her.

This woman, Lisa, came here as Qin Guan's stand-in. At this time, she was constantly searching the surrounding area with the mental point scanning system. In the last aerial hijacking incident, Lisa gained new authority.

There is only one small village nearby. The people in the village are all asleep, because their spirit has been harvested by Lisa. It must be tomorrow when they wake up, within a radius of more than ten kilometers. , Quite calm, no accidents will happen.

Lisa was full of enthusiasm. By harvesting those mental points, she found that she was more energetic. Now, she is in the radar car, listening to the slightly nervous conversation of the operators.

"Found the target and is carrying out aerial refueling over the border."

The detection range of the meter wave radar is very long. It has not been developed in large quantities before. It is just that the accuracy is not high and can only be used as a long-range early warning radar. Now, through the array technology, various computer complex algorithms are used to improve the accuracy. They have been able to accurately find and lock the target, and now seeing the two stealth aircraft converge with a large aircraft, it is clear that it is refueling in the air.

Lisa nodded: "We don't need to worry, we will launch missiles again before they fly over the barracks, and shoot them down while they throw bombs."

This time they came here to verify the ability to fight the stealth machine. However, if the Butterfly Kingdom suddenly shoots down the stealth machine against the sky, it will definitely attract the strangers of the Eagle country. They will investigate, so the most The best way is to fake it.

The stealth performance of the stealth machine is very good, but when it opens the bomb bay, the stealth ability is destroyed. Therefore, if it is shot down at this time, then there is nothing to say, only that their luck is too much. Bad, even the oldest Sam-2 missile, they may be shot down.

"Yes." The missile operators agreed.

On the radar screen, the target quickly completed the refueling in the air, then aimed at the course and flew toward the barracks here.

After entering the airspace of the butterfly country, the two planes kept their radio silent. After all, if they used radio to talk, they might be monitored. This was the oldest method. They didn't want to expose their targets.

The two planes are like ghosts in the dark, flying in the sky, and the roar follows them as they move forward. In the dark night, it is like a muffled thunder in the sky.

Sarata took a look at her luminous watch. It was already twelve o'clock. Even the young people who like to spend the night most should have been sleepy now. The whole earth was shrouded in darkness and silence, only far away. There are scattered lights everywhere, and that is the capital of the butterfly country.

This country is turbulent, quite chaotic, and the country’s economy is also very weak. Even if it is the capital, it is almost the same as the small town of Eagle Country, and the lights on the streets are dim.

Their action this time is to overthrow the dictatorship of the president of the Butterfly Kingdom. This president was born in the army. The nearby National Defense Forces barracks are his biggest source of force. Therefore, as long as this barracks is blown up, his army will be like When birds and beasts are scattered, this president has nothing to rely on.

Sarata glanced at the HUD of the cockpit again. It was fifty kilometers away from the target. Now, it's time to activate the weapon system!

His fingers started to get busy on the operation panel, the weapon system was preheated, the infrared imaging device was precooled, and the laser transmitter under the belly was pre-energized to activate the laser guided bomb!

For the F-117, although it has an F title, it is just an out-and-out attack aircraft. Moreover, it uses a single weapon. In its bomb bay, there is only one weapon, 908 kg. Laser guided bomb!

Stealth machines must be equipped with precision-guided weapons of course. If they are in a few years, they will be able to have low-cost high-precision JDAM bombs, that is, low-cost weapons that modify GPS components and control systems on ordinary bombs. And now Only laser-guided bombs are the most accurate weapon. In the Monkey Kingdom’s war, this weapon was a small test and easily destroyed the bridge that could not be blown up in several carpet bombings.

Of course, complicated operation, expensive, and unusable complicated weather are all its disadvantages.