Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2499: Delivered

Five hundred million! In different periods, the price is different. If in another 30 years, a set of Patriots can be sold at a sky-high price of tens of billions, but now, 500 million is already a very high price. A Su-27 is also very expensive. It was only 50 million, and it was once bargained by Han to 35 million. Now, if a set is 500 million, the bid is quite high. Dongfeng-3 is only one hundred million.

What is the other party's idea? Qin Guan thought secretly in his heart. After all, the Davidians are shrewd and they will never make a loss-making business. If they want to spend 500 million to buy their own system, what is it?

"Is Raytheon funded?" Qin Guan asked.

Raytheon, the research and development company of the Patriot missile, launched the famous Patriot system, which Qin Guan has seen, but Qin Guan also knows that this system is definitely not as good as the advertised performance.

In other words, is it because Raytheon is interested in its own Kaishan system, so it wants to buy it back and disassemble it for research?

Sure enough, when Qin Guan asked like this, he saw a trace of panic flashing in the eyes of the two of them. Although it was well covered up, Qin Guan was already certain.

The research and development of their arrow-type air defense missile system must be problematic, and the Patriot missile must also be problematic. They want to seek some answers from their own Kaishan system.

Our own control over the export of this weapon is very strict. Even if it is exported to the Happy Desert Nation, the Eagles cannot reach it. Therefore, it can only be purchased through the Davidians, and the Davidians can also study them. The technology was used on their planes. In this way, the two sides hit it off. Because the Eagle Nation is still imposing sanctions on the Han, the Eagle Nation people can’t come directly, so they let the David find it.

It is not a day or two for the Davidians to use the funds of the Eagle Nation to develop their military technology. If this is the case, then everything can be explained.

It's a pity that your own mental point system cannot disassemble the other's mental points. If you can easily know what the other party is thinking, it will be easier when negotiating a contract! Qin Guan thought secretly in his heart.

"No, of course not, Mr. Qin, we bought it back, and that is also to protect our airspace and guard against the attack of Scud missiles. We will never leak the secrets." Graça said.

Qin nodded his point of view. Just now, he had already thought of a plan that would only count. Since there are 500 million eagle dollars, why not do this business?

"Well, as long as we don't leak our technology, then this system can be handed over to you after we leave." Qin Guan said, "However, we have a few conditions. If you agree, then you can trade like this. If you don’t agree, then as if I didn’t say anything, let’s just relive the past."

"President Qin, please speak." Rafael said quickly. This is a good opportunity. No matter what his conditions are, he will agree to it first.

"First of all, this system is operated by our personnel, and you will not be able to take over until we leave."

"That's okay." The other party immediately decided, as long as it can be handed over to them, why not?

"Secondly, you, 500 million eagle dollars, must be handed over to us when our equipment is ready for shipment, as a guarantee, otherwise, we are afraid of any accidents."

For example, if you were detained maliciously, what can we do? Do we want to fight you?

"This, we can do it too."

"Third, you must promise that this system cannot be disassembled for research. It can only be used to protect your airspace and intercept Scud missiles. If we find that you do not abide by the promise, then we reserve the right to take back this system at any time. "

This last condition is a little tricky, if we take it apart, can you still come and take it away? Rafael thought in his heart, besides, how did you know we took apart?

Therefore, this condition must be agreed first!

"Of course this is the case. We will not use it for other purposes. We need this system to help us get through the window of anti-missile system." Rafael said.

It hasn't been used all the time. After a few years of use, our anti-missile system has matured. Naturally, we don't need to rely on this set of imported products.

"Well, since these conditions can be complied with, then we can proceed with this transaction." Qin Guan said, "It's just that I'm very surprised, why don't you use Patriot missiles?"

Why do you want to stay near and far, spend so much money to buy from us? You are backed by Eagle Nation, can't you directly use Eagle Nation?

This question really stopped them from asking.

In fact, the answer is very simple. They can use Eagle Country’s technology at any time. It is because Eagle Country’s technology still has a long list of questions, so they want to seek answers from Han Country. This is also Eagle Country’s desire to find answers. Regardless of how good the Patriot missile is touted, there are actually many problems.

However, this cannot be said.

"The development of Han in the past few years is obvious to all, especially in military technology. Han is unique. We believe that the equipment of Han will be better than the Patriot system. After all, even if a missile slips through the net. , Falling in our big city will also cause us a great disaster." Rafael said.

Of course, this is to praise Han, and it is not difficult to say a few compliments.

Qin nodded his opinion: "In this case, then look forward to the completion of our transaction."

After sending away these Davidians, the scholar asked Qin Guan incomprehensibly: "Ms. Qin, is it appropriate for us to do this?"

Just now, the Xiucai faithfully performed his duties, interpreting for both parties, and when the other party left, the Xiucai raised his own questions. These people obviously came for Han's technology, and if they were given it, it was equal to In the Western world, it's not cost-effective for ourselves.

Although 500 million Eagle Yuan is a lot, it is easy to make money with President Qin. There is no need to sell one's own key weapons for this money.

Qin Guan inexplicably remembered the fact that in another parallel time and space, the Han country exported Hongqi 9 missiles to native chickens. After the export, the native chickens turned back and gave the missiles to the Eagles for research. This kind of export is definitely not worth the gain. .

However, I had already expected it now.

"This, we have a way to prevent it." Qin Guan said, "Don't worry, no one can steal our technology."

Can't steal it? Is it going to be taken apart?

After taking it apart, they can't see anything. All the chip marks are polished away! As for the software system, it can be locked at any time and cannot be used, but they have done everything in their preparation, but they have delivered it to the door.