Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2597: Soros' way

Obviously it was the Eagle nation’s people who instigated it, but Qin Guan asked the Eagle nation ambassador to come over and let the other party willingly pit the Lion City together so that the Lion City knew that the Eagle nation people were unreliable!

Each time Ambassador Green came over on his own initiative, but this time, he was called by Qin Guan. Now, Ambassador Green heard that Qin Guan was looking for him, and he came quickly. At the same time, he was still beating his heart. What is it, is it good or bad?

"Mr. Qin, it's nice to meet you," Ambassador Green said.

"Well, Mr. Ambassador, I am calling you here this time because I suddenly thought of a way to help you. The Eagle Nation's righteous war needs a large amount of funds. You are not worrying about military expenses. ?"

Modern warfare is to burn money. A missile can burn hundreds of thousands of dollars in the sky. Can it not be spent? The current Minister of Finance of the Eagle Country, I think he is worrying about money every day. Now, after hearing Qin Guan say this, Ambassador Green is immediately excited: "So, you are planning to provide us with war. Funding?"

This war is just and has passed the international authorization. However, the war was mainly initiated by the Eagle Nation. Therefore, the main funding is also provided by the Eagle Nation. Even after the war, the Waterless Nation can give them. Money, that will also be the future. Now, they are already stretched out. They have increased military spending several times, issued national bonds, and wanted Han to buy them, but President Qin is not willing. Now, is this a turning point?

Let them pay directly. I guess they are unwilling to buy national debt. Is it okay? Otherwise, why call yourself over? They still figured it out.

Eagle yuan, that is an international currency, any international transactions are settled through eagle yuan. Exporting countries like Han have a large amount of foreign exchange, which is also shrinking if you keep it, because eagle yuan is also constantly Depreciation, buy Eagle Country’s national debt, so that you can make money, why not do it?

The Han people have no reason to refuse.

"Of course not, we don't have that ability." Qin Guan rejected him with one mouthful.

If you refuse, then what do you call me? Ambassador Green was puzzled.

"President Qin, what are your thoughts?" Ambassador Green said.

"I heard that there is a financial giant named Soros in your country. He likes to operate in the currency market, and he has gained a lot. Not long ago, with his own power, he defeated the bull country. The bank has a big reputation." Qin Guan said: "He can make money like this. Perhaps the government can use him to earn some military expenses."

Soros? Ambassador Green was taken aback for a moment. What did President Qin mean? This is too transferable, right?

Yes, Soros is a business wizard. In Eagle Country, it is not illegal to use money to make money. Going to other countries to make money through artificial manipulation of the other’s currency market is an illegal action under a legal framework. After he completes an empty glove white wolf, he will return with a load, while the opponent is plundered full of chicken feathers.

Qin Guan's intention is already obvious, it is to use this guy to attack the financial system of a certain country, and then, to sweep up the country's money.

Soros has a well-known Quantum Fund. As long as the country invests funds and buys the shares of the Quantum Fund, it can get a high return. How Soros controls it is nothing to do with the country.

As for the target of the sniper, it is of course the Lion City. In the 1997 financial turmoil, the Lion City also suffered heavy losses. Now, Qin Guan will not disturb other countries, so he will use Soros's talents and severely. Earn a fortune, and you won’t have any pants left in the Lion City!

Qin Guan is this idea.

Now, just mentioning Soros, Ambassador Green couldn’t help shaking his head: “President Qin, you don’t know, Soros is not in the same camp as our president. He is even raising funds to hinder us. The president was re-elected."

Qin Guan was instantly dumb. He couldn't have expected everything. Therefore, he didn't know that Soros looked at the current president and didn't like it. He must oust the president.

In the end, the president was not re-elected. I wonder if Soros has the credit?

If that's the case, what Soros would you use?

"Oh, I didn't express it clearly just now." Qin Guan said, "I mean, you can use Soros's way to make money."

Since you can't use Soros, Soros's routine is very clear. Sniping on the currencies of various countries and directly confronting other's central banks, provided that they have sufficient funds on hand. In this case, all foreign exchange reserves of the corresponding countries will be swept away.

"You are in need of money. Some countries have money. So, let's do it. Isn't it normal?" Qin Guan said, "If you have this idea, you can come to me at any time. We can unite, Do a big vote."

Ambassador Green left with a puzzled look. Obviously, this kind of matter is beyond his personal power and needs to be reported to the high level of Eagle Nation.

However, he had forgotten that he did not ask Qin Guan which country's currency was going to attack.

"It seems that they have concerns." After Ambassador Green left, the scholar said to Qin Guan.

They didn't seem to have done it in the way of the state before. However, the Eagle Nation originally belonged to the capitalists. If the capitalists do it, then the state is doing it. Are they willing to do it?

"Don't worry, just wait." Qin Guan looked strategizing.

I’m helping them. They lack funds. Let’s work together to find a country’s central bank and get all the wealth there. This will solve the problem. If they refuse to do it, someone else will come. For example, After the news spreads, Soros will definitely come to him!

The Lion City people finally discovered that it was the Eagles who were pitting them. That was enough. The feeling of being betrayed by others is definitely the most uncomfortable. As for yourself, you can tell them upright that you have to play tricks behind your back. cost! If you do business with us, everyone is a win-win cooperation. If you play tricks behind your back, wait for you to be disabled!

This kind of international game is not something you can afford to play in the Lion City. It is enough to be your second dealer honestly.

"So now, where are we going?" Xiucai asked Qin Guan about the next itinerary.

"Go to the Prairie City." Qin Guan said, "I have a few new models of cars that I plan to hand over to Heribala for production."

The trade with Eagle Country is still normal. Next, if you want to enter the international market, win the praise of all your peers, and seize the commanding heights, SUV is a good breakthrough.