Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2714: Offshore floating nuclear power plant

Nuclear power is radiant. Therefore, to build nuclear power equipment, you must have a special plant. Moreover, the entire nuclear power module is very large, which means that the plant must be near the slipway, otherwise how to pass How about the gantry crane hoisting the entire module to the berth?

The Nikola Shipyard does not have such a factory building, and they are too late to build it temporarily, because there is no space near the slipway. Their streamlining operations require enough space to weld the modules of the next aircraft carrier.

At that time, in order to solve this problem, the Nikola Shipyard was racking their brains to find another way. Without state financial support, and without increasing the construction funds of the new aircraft carrier, they invested their own funds and overcame the usual domestic drag. A floating workshop on water was quickly built, which means that this thing was built on the sea.

Then, when assembling, especially when discharging nuclear fuel, it can be carried out far away, on the sea at a distance, so as to avoid the terrible nuclear radiation after installation accident, and wait until the installation is in place. After that, it can be towed by a tugboat to the vicinity of the slipway, and directly hoisted into the aircraft carrier by a crane for installation. This is definitely a unique approach.

Now, the modular components of the entire reactor power plant have been welded, such as 4 steel protection modules, 1 biological protection module, and 1 protection compartment. At the same time, the piping system of the first loop pump has also been welded. , The nuclear reactor has been completely completed, as long as the nuclear fuel is plugged into it, it can be turned on and run. As for the modules behind, they are no different from ordinary steam-powered ships.

Now, this power system has been completed, but it is useless. If you plan to dismantle the Ulyanovsk aircraft carrier into scrap iron, what use is the nuclear power system? Simply bid down and become a floating nuclear power station on the sea!

In fact, in that parallel time and space, Da Mao and Er Mao are still negotiating on this device, but the results of the negotiations are also obvious. Even if Da Mao does need nuclear power devices, they are more willing to give orders to domestic manufacturers. Shipbuilding company.

With the disintegration of the Xiong State, all enterprises are facing life and death. In this case, how can they eat inside and out? There are orders, of course, to domestic enterprises.

For Han, this nuclear power plant is a must. When it was brought back to Varang, it was an empty shell. It was repaired in the country and eventually returned to service. However, this nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is different. Well, if there is no nuclear reactor, everything is useless. There are nuclear-powered submarines and nuclear power plants in China, but they are completely different from the nuclear power system used by aircraft carriers. Therefore, since Qin Guan intends to repair this Ulyanov The aircraft carrier Sk, the nuclear reactor on it, of course also needs to be obtained.

Of course, Qin Guan couldn't make a move anymore, and had to rely on Boris, even if it was even Lisa's registered company, it would be easily detected by the West.

Boris is smart, he will naturally make the choice he should make. Now, after Qin Guan finished speaking, Boris deeply agrees: "Okay, President Qin, I will choose from companies in different countries. I happen to have the name of an ocean exploration company that I can use."

After Boris finished speaking, he looked at the sea in the distance, where a mobile offshore factory was floating, and there was a nuclear power system that made countless people bewitched!

Qin is always big-hearted, this time the business is successful, and the profit Boris can get from it is definitely considerable. Working with President Qin, President Qin eats meat and drinks his own soup.

While Qin Guan was setting up here, Makarov also met representatives from the Ten Thousand Islands in the shipyard’s director’s office.

"Mr. Captain, my name is Borg Rasbek." The other party handed over his business card and continued: "You should have heard of Wandao Tourism Group. This is our company. Now, our company intends to make a super luxury Cruise ship. I hope we can cooperate with each other."

The country of ten thousand islands is located in the northern part of Europa. Its territory is narrow and long from north to south. There is only one big island. The coastline is long and tortuous. There are many coastal islands. Therefore, it is named after the country of ten thousand islands. Okay, so many people like to travel. This company is also quite famous in China.

Super, luxury cruise ship? Makarov's heart is moved. Although their shipyard has not touched cruise ships, they can build aircraft carriers, let alone cruise ships?

"Then, what tonnage do you plan to build?" Makarov asked.

Hearing this, Russback's eyes shone with light: "Mr. Factory Director, have you heard the story of the Titanic?"

Now, that poignant love story, the Titanic movie has not yet appeared, and the Titanic is just a historical story.

This ship is an Olympic-class cruise ship under the jurisdiction of the Niuguo Baixing Shipping Company, with a displacement of 46,000 tons. Construction began in 1909 and the trial sailing was completed in 1912.

As the world's largest passenger ship with the most luxurious internal facilities at the time, this cruise ship was highly sought after by everyone at the time and had the reputation of "unsinkable". As a result, during its maiden voyage, it collided with an iceberg, causing the starboard ship's bow to the middle of the ship to rupture, and five watertight cabins flooded. Finally, the never-sinkable cruise ship 4 split into two and sank, of which 1517 People lost their lives, making it a shipwreck with the worst casualties in peacetime in the entire world.

Makarov nodded. Of course he knew. As a person in charge of the shipbuilding industry, how could he not know this kind of shipbuilding industry? It is said that the fracture of the hull at that time was related to the failure of the steel. If it were now, there would be no such kind of vicious accident.

"Our company intends to imitate the exact same Titanic cruise ship." Rasbek's spitting stars danced: "The appearance of the entire ship must be exactly the same, even the vertical chimney must be exactly the same. Of course, only one of them smokes. enough."

Exactly the same? The displacement is more than 40,000 tons, and the hull is 270 meters? If this is the case, then at the Nikola Shipyard, only berth 0 can be built!

That's right, only the slipway used to build the aircraft carrier can build such a huge ship. Then, what about the aircraft carrier that has not been completed?

Makarov’s brain was plunged into deep thinking. Of course, he knew that this was a hard-won opportunity. It was definitely a gift in the snow. What they needed most was the order. Originally, he expected Mr. Qin to be able to Place an order, and as a result, Ten Thousand Islands have come to order ships!

Their shipyard will not sink down, and will inevitably usher in a new beginning!