Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2850: Artillery

In fact, this is completely impossible. Although Han is rich, it will not be so bad. In fact, the price of this cruise missile is only tens of thousands.

That's right, Han Guo has already controlled the cost to the extreme.

Among them, the biggest cost comes from the engine. In order to reduce the cost of this cruise missile, the stock turbojet-5 and turbojet-6 engines are directly used. This old fighter engine should have been scrapped long ago, but it is directly scrapped. It’s a bit wasteful, so it’s used to make use of the waste heat. The cost of the engine with almost no cost, plus the missile body, fuel tank, etc., is not very expensive. As for the most critical electronic system of cruise missiles, if you calculate the development cost If it is, it is indeed not cheap, but in terms of production costs, the chips that come off the assembly line only cost a few dozen dollars!

Terrain matching, coupled with the most complete Beidou navigation system, gives it a high-precision flight capability, but the cost is controlled to the extreme, and it can be used on a large scale in war.

Now, even if hundreds of them are launched, it is only a few million. Such a large-scale exercise, burning a few million cruise missiles, what is it?

Hundreds of ten long swords are only equivalent to one or two tomahawks. If you let the eagle nation know what you should think, maybe your eyes will fall off, right? This kind of cost control ability absolutely makes them dumbfounded.

In fact, Han has a huge advantage in terms of cost. Three of the four generations of aircraft have been developed, but a fraction of the F22 fighter has not been used. Therefore, Han has its own unique advantage in violence. of.

Now, through the launch of this batch of cruise missiles, the exercise in Han has already gained the momentum.

Of course, in addition to cruise missiles, there are other weapons. At this time, the army's long-range firepower began to roar at a distance of 400 kilometers away from the beachhead, the intended target of attack.

The northern heavy trucks are lined up. On the back of each heavy truck, there are four large cylinders. Now, after they are set up, they also start to launch. Only a whistling sound is heard, one by one. The long-range rockets dragged their tongues of fire and flew into the sky.

This is the Guardian series of long-range rockets developed by Han, with a range of 400 kilometers. As long as anyone with a discerning eye can see, this weapon is of course tailor-made for crossing the strait.

Generally speaking, this kind of distance belongs to the category of ballistic missiles. The average rocket launcher has a range of tens of kilometers. However, Han Guo has developed this kind of super rocket launcher, and there is only such a combat target.

Rocket launchers are characterized by cheap price and easy operation, but the disadvantage is that their accuracy is not high enough. If they fly 400 kilometers, the error is quite astonishing. However, Han Guo creatively installed simple and simple rockets. The guidance system has greatly improved its accuracy and has become an excellent long-range killing tool. As for the price, it is also very cheap!

The entire rocket artillery position was filled with gunpowder, and the whole position was like a roaring behemoth. Fire dragons flew into the sky, with fierce murderous intent, and rushed to the target four hundred kilometers away.

Of course, these low-cost weapons are available, and the high-cost weapons must be pulled out. At a distance of 600 kilometers, the unipolar propelled solid missile Dongfeng-15 also ignited its own. The engine flies toward the sky.

Dongfeng-15 was launched last, but it was the first to reach the target. This is the advantage of ballistic missiles. The speed of this missile has reached more than ten times the speed of sound.

Martial law has long been imposed on the beachhead. This beach is not a tourist beach, but a piece of mud. This is also due to tourism considerations. After an exercise, there are shrapnel everywhere. If it is a beach, then It can no longer be used for tourism, and only this muddy beach can become a suitable place for exercises.

A large number of fortifications and various false targets are deployed here. If you look down from the air, you can find that the layout here is almost exactly the same as one of the most important beachhead positions of BD.

When the Dongfeng-15 missile came down, the warhead caused a sonic boom due to its high speed and compressed air. It was like a rolling thunder in the sky. Of course, the warhead was already before the sonic boom was compressed to the ground. Landed.

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded. In an instant, a crater the size of a basketball court was blown up. An air defense radar position originally deployed here became ruins in an instant. Ballistic missiles are so powerful, even patriotic. The missiles were deployed and could not be stopped.

The battle officially started.

One target after another was hit by the Dongfeng-15 missile and splashed away. The scene was in a mess. Then, the rockets of the long-range rockets flew over, and the impact points of these rockets were the beachhead positions.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The mud in the entire beachhead was blown up into the sky. According to the plan, minefields were deployed here to intercept the landing troops. Now, with this kind of rockets, the minefields can be detonated in advance. The subsequent landing forces opened up a safe landing area.

Cruise missiles are the last to reach the battlefield. This is an ultra-low-altitude subsonic aircraft whose speed is not comparable to rockets. However, their high precision is not comparable to other weapons. The accuracy of long-range rockets is also The accuracy of cruise missiles is about tens of meters.

A small building was right in front of him, and the Long Sword Ten missiles penetrated accurately through the windows on the second floor, and then exploded inside. This simple small building was instantly blown up.

One building after another, one target after another, were all cleared by cruise missiles, and some cruise missiles even flew farther, toward each other’s deep strategic targets, headquarters, airfields, and power stations. Wait, all important strategic targets are within their attack range.

In short, when Chen Rui's fighter flew over the target, he found that he had nothing to bomb.

As the commander-in-chief of the exercise, Major Yang did not personally come to the front line. At the exercise headquarters, he controlled every move of the front line through a comprehensive network. The largest LCD screen on the wall inside the hall showed the status of the beachhead. It's like being plowed again, everywhere is torn apart.

In fact, this set of tactics is no different from that of the Xiong Country. Before the attack, the opponent was completely wiped out with powerful firepower and lost resistance. This is the famous artillery doctrine!

However, Major Yang, who is well versed in modern high-tech warfare, did not reject this orthodox method of warfare, because this spectacular scene would make some people scared to sleep!

Han, need a bright sword!