Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2909: We do not export advanced technology

In the Kimchi country, not only is Hyundai a car factory, but also many competitors.

For example, Daewoo Motor Company. Since its birth, the company has always been OEM production. The main force of OEM is still the products of automobile factories in island countries. Capital, introduced Suzuki’s Alto, Carry Microface and Carry minivans, and renamed them Tico, Damas and Labo to start expanding the microcar market.

Among them, Daewoo Tico, which is based on Suzuki Alto’s platform, has been redesigned to look more beautiful. As for Daewoo Damas, also known as Suzuki Carry, in that parallel time and space, it has also been introduced into China in a large number and has become A product that has been popular for several years, this is Songhua River. Although islanders call this car KCar, Han Guo classifies it as "microface".

Many vans disappeared in the end, and only a few of them were left. Wuling was able to stand out, not by low-price strategy, but by quality. It sold the highest price and the best quality. , The low price strategy, the final outcome is death.

Now, the mini-cars introduced by Daewoo Motors could not compete with them, because Hyundai Motors did not produce mini-cars at all, but that was only because they did not encounter good products. Now these mini-cars of Daewoo Motors The sales of products are very good, and they are especially favored by female consumers in China.

Generally speaking, women’s cars are the second cars in the family. They don’t need to be very large, and they don’t need to be a family. It’s enough as long as they can go out to buy food. This kind of car is relatively small and convenient for parking. The most suitable choice.

Of course, there are some groups with small budgets who can't afford too expensive vehicles and will switch to the route of buying such vehicles. In this way, the sales of such vehicles are still good.

Now, the car in front of him is obviously more upscale and the price is not high. Therefore, if this car can be introduced into the country, he can believe that other cars will definitely have no market.

This car is so comfortable!

As if responding to him, the windows on all sides slowly raised automatically, and then, the front air outlet began to spray a cool breeze.

Although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, this car actually has an air conditioning system! In front of its small front, how many things are installed, the design of the air outlet is very clever, and the cooling effect of the air conditioner is very good, and soon the inside of the car will completely cool down.

Director Zhang pressed a button again, and then, on the screen in the middle, there was actually a video showing the food on the tip of the tongue, the version of Kimchi.

"This car can still play video?" Zheng Zhouyun asked in surprise, thinking that this screen was just a reversing image. How could I think that it could also be used as a display screen to play video!

Where did the video come from?

When he continues to look up, he can see the upper slot. Needless to say, there should be a CD in it. It is not safe to drive, but the co-pilot and people behind can watch it. Actually, it's just a song. , Is also good.

"Do you plan to export this kind of car?" Zheng Zhouyun couldn't help it anymore and began to ask: "I mean, to export your technology, Hyundai Motor will introduce these technologies and then produce it ourselves."

The same goes for cooperation with island countries, introducing technology for production.

However, Director Zhang shook his head: "We do not export these technologies."

Not export?

Zheng Zhouyun can say that he has made a lot of determination to introduce technology. After all, he originally planned to export their cars and occupy the Han market. Now he has found that it is impossible. The technology here is obviously more advanced, so Only then did I plan to introduce the technology, which would be produced by Hyundai Motor, even if it costs more money, the technology must be imported.

"We don't accept this approach." Director Zhang said: "We externally use a joint venture to build a factory. In Europa, this is what we do. We export the technology and build a production line with them, and then jointly produce. Among them, we own more than 51% of the shares. Or, what we prefer is to acquire all parts and turn this enterprise into our own enterprise. Or, it is our sole proprietorship to establish the enterprise."

In Europa, the seafarer country is like this. The Chinese nation builds factories in the seafarer country as a sole proprietor, while in the white bear country, it is a joint venture, but the country has the most shares.

In short, it is impossible to just want to buy technology, because buying technology is a one-shot deal. Sell it and sell it. Therefore, the technology that can generally be exported is outdated.

"After all, our technologies are the most advanced. Take our engine as an example. The wear-resistant material on the cylinder liner is sprayed on with a special process. These are all developed by ourselves. It is absolutely impossible. Sell ​​these technologies directly."

In the past, the cylinder liner of the engine was directly inserted into the cylinder and replaced if it was broken, but this would cause sealing problems, such as water leakage, etc. Later, the cylinder was made directly, and the cylinder had to be wear-resistant. The craftsmanship is difficult, and Han Guo has successfully developed a series of craftsmanship.

I heard that the other party said that they would not export these technologies and that they would build a joint venture. Moreover, they wanted more than 50% of the shares, which was an absolute controlling stake. Zheng Zhouyun was already quite dissatisfied. But now, just Hearing what kind of wear-resisting technology this one aroused his interest: "The spraying technology of the cylinder wall?"

"Yes." Director Zhang said: "Our factory puts 30% of its profit into research and development every year. Especially engines and gearboxes are the focus of our research and development."

This has aroused Zheng Zhouyun’s curiosity. It is not easy to attach importance to research and development. After all, in the initial stage, a car company mainly considers how to survive and how to make a profit, so imitation is the easiest, and it is difficult for them. Calm down and come from the main research and development. Now, a small automobile factory like Han Guo can actually develop independently?

"The R&D headquarters and the QQ car production plant are together. If you are interested, you can visit our R&D headquarters first." Factory Manager Zhang said.

"Okay, go to the R&D headquarters first."

In fact, the production line of the van is so advanced. Then, the production line of the QQ car must be the same, or even more advanced. Therefore, they can’t see anything after looking at it. The R&D department of the other party caused Zheng Zhouyun’s Greater interest.

At this time, the branch factory has arrived.