Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 3018: Eggs cannot be put in a basket

According to Qin Guan’s plan, the engine of this passenger plane is derived from his own turbofan 15. The engine of this fourth-generation fighter has a high thrust-to-weight ratio and uses various advanced technologies. Take the core engine out and install a large external duct to become a qualified high-thrust engine.

Its thrust without afterburner has been able to reach 12 tons, so if a large diameter outer duct is added, not to mention 32 tons, 42 tons are possible.

However, this is after all our own vision. From the vision to reality, after a period of time, this kind of engine has never been developed in China. Adding a large-diameter outer duct is simple to say, but the fan blades Machining is another new problem. The larger the diameter, the higher the processing technology required. The fan must be rotated to maintain stability and ensure sufficient mechanical strength, which is a technical task.

Therefore, eggs cannot be put in a basket.

Looking at the world, the same is true. In the development of a passenger aircraft, there are many alternative engines to prevent various accidents from causing the entire project to die. After all, aero engines are the crown of the industry and are the most expensive and cost-intensive. Technically, if you don't have diamonds, you wouldn't dare to engage in this porcelain work.

The use of turbofan-15 to improve it is an alternative plan, and the other, which has now been found, is to use the D-18T engine to improve it.

Back then, in that parallel time and space, when Han Guo was developing the C929 passenger plane, there were four alternative engines.

The first one is the internationally-cooperated PD35. This engine is actually in cooperation with the Big Bear Country. It is said that it will be amplified on the basis of PD14. However, for the Big Bear Country, there is nothing left to eat. Since the collapse of the Bear Country , There is no progress. Therefore, I want to cooperate with them. I am not optimistic. The main thing about this project is to bargain with the West. If you don’t sell it to me, I can still have alternatives, that’s all.

The most suitable is the mature foreign product Ruida 1000. This engine is a product of Rolls-Royce. Rolls-Royce only produces engines. There is no passenger aircraft industry in Niu Country, so there is no possibility of competition, unlike General Electric and Pratt & Whitney. If the company uses theirs, Boeing will surely detract from it.

Of course, buying from abroad is only an emergency. In the long run, it is still to be independently developed. This independently developed model is called CJ2000. However, after doing its best in China, the turbofan ten has been slowly matured after so many years. So, if you want to develop such a large-thrust aero engine, the difficulty is imaginable.

In addition to these three plans, there is another one, which is to cooperate with Erxiong to improve their D-18T engine and increase the thrust to 32 tons. This project has become the code name of D-10T.

Therefore, Qin Guan also thought of the project back then, so he came up with this plan now. After all, the Madassic Company is still complete and has enough scientific research teams to allow them to build on D-18T. It is not a problem to mash up a more powerful engine.

Qin Guan continued with what he said just now, and continued: "So sooner or later, the four-engine passenger aircraft will be eliminated, and the dual-engine will inevitably become the mainstream. Our passenger aircraft started late, and we must strive to catch up with the world trend. Our C929 passenger aircraft, We have to aim in this direction. We are going to be a dual-engine airliner. We need this kind of powerful engine. So, are you interested in this?"

Qin Guan didn't force others, if the other party was high above them and wanton asking prices, then Qin Guan would never agree.

However, the people of Erxiong should not have such a mentality.

Qin Guan continued: "We expect that there will be at least hundreds of domestic demand for this kind of passenger aircraft, and there should be about 500 internationally."

Sure enough, when Qin Guan said this, the other party’s eyes were shining. If there are so many passenger planes all using their engines, they will develop them specifically for this purpose. It is naturally worthwhile. One plane costs two. At the same time, airlines also need to stock some engines as spares. As a result, there are hundreds or even thousands of engines in demand.

"Of course, our technology can do it completely." Vladimir said: "It's just that we don't have research and development funds now."

The development of an engine for a large passenger aircraft is quite expensive. Let’s not say anything else. Take Rolls-Royce for example. The development of the RB211 engine that year resulted in almost bankruptcy of the entire company. How difficult is the engine development.

If it was in the era of the bear country, then they don’t have to worry at all. The R&D funds are all funded by the state. No matter how much money is burned, it is all funded by the state. But now it’s different. Now it’s their own company. Independent management, their current company is just maintaining normal operations. If they want to develop an engine, they simply don’t have enough funds. However, if they don’t develop an engine, they can’t just eat their money. Therefore, they put all their energy , Are used in the research and development of this D-436-148FM engine, it is impossible to allocate funds to research this engine.

As for this difficulty, Qin Guan thought about it a long time ago and said to him: "So, for the development of this engine, can we form a joint venture company? We will provide the funds and you will provide the technology. We will work together to improve this engine. Each accounted for 50% of the shares. After the research and development is completed, this proportion is also used to divide it. How about?"

Of course Qin Guan is not a philanthropist, and he cannot directly provide funds. It must have his own benefits. This plan is also a plan acceptable to both parties. You provide the technology and we provide the funds. Everyone will work together to build this engine. If you have it, you can make money together.

Just now when I was in Qin Guan, Lisa was there, watching the two people communicate quietly all the time. At this time, she finally said: "This plan can also be an alternative to us. , Our passenger aircraft is going to compete in the market. At that time, we will still invite tenders to determine qualified engines through tenders. I hope you can prepare for this. Of course, as long as it is of good quality and low fuel consumption, then , Winning the bid is not a problem."

Lisa is beginning to sing black faces here. We can invest money and engage in joint ventures. However, if the results cannot meet our needs, we may not use it. This is the shame.

You have already begun to come into contact with market competition. You should have this awareness. Our passenger planes are also going to compete in the market. If the engine is not advanced enough and the fuel consumption is too high, we will not use it.

Of course, this is also to pave the way for our own engine. After all, according to the plan, we will develop on the basis of our turbofan 15 core engine. In the future, if the Motorsic company here has already taken the lead, give C929 The passenger plane is equipped with an engine, and if your own engine comes in again, the other party will definitely be dissatisfied.

The right to choose is ours.

Looking at Lisa's gaze, Vladimir said: "We are confident."