Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 3042: Show off tank

"Your tanks are nothing but fancy. If you want to say that the tank tactics are applied to the extreme, it is our Great Bear Nation!" It was Sergey, a major tank soldier of the Bear Nation, who was standing in their T On the -80 tank, he said to the people here: "Our tank in the Great Bear Nation is the world's first!"

At this time, what he looked like was indeed a high-ranking statement. Under his feet, he stepped on pieces of explosive reaction armor of the T-80 tank, and he held the 125 mm gun barrel in his hand, he was extremely confident. .

And what he said, the tank soldiers of the Han country are of course not satisfied. What is your T-80 tank?

The tank soldier major here, Liu Minggang, the muscles on his face quivered and said, "Isn't your tank a multi-fuel hybrid engine? Why, refuse to use our diesel? This is the world's number one tank?"

When he said this, Major Sergey’s expression immediately became weird. He continued: “Of course we can use all kinds of fuel at will, but we must clean the oil circuit, so we should wait for aviation fuel. Up."

"It turns out that your tanks need to change different fuels and clean the oil lines. Our tanks are no longer needed. Although our tanks mainly use diesel, but if necessary, gasoline, kerosene, and aviation fuel , Even heavy marine oil can burn, just change the knob, where is it necessary to clean the oil circuit, just like you, you still say the world's first?"

After speaking, the Han Chinese tank soldiers here all laughed. The scene was very embarrassing for a while, and Sergey's face over there was red: "What does this mean? The performance of the tank is not about the oil that the engine burns. It's fighting power on the battlefield!"

"Well, what are you doing?" Major Yang walked up.

(Actually, Major Yang has not been promoted to the rank of Major in recent years. According to his contributions, it is no problem to be a general now. However, it is safer to run back and forth in the book as a general as a major, please book friends I understand a lot. You can also look at most of the anti-Japanese books. The protagonist’s position has been promoted, and he has to find a reason to drop him.

"As I said, they are our friendly forces. We are here to conduct joint military exercises. We must treat our friendly forces well. We Han is a big country and a country of etiquette. You guys, don't you shame us Han people?" Major Yang scolded a few words.

The soldiers from the Great Bear Nation on the opposite side immediately became proud.

Qin Guan was aside, and he understood.

This joint exercise of our own side originally did not include the Great Bear Nation, but after the Great Bear Nation found out that it had formed a joint organization and threw them aside, they were quite dissatisfied, disturbed it, and finally joined in. Up.

After joining, they still want to be the leader. The idea of ​​the Big Bear nation can also be seen, but they want to be the leader, and there must be a reason. This reason must be won by themselves. Now, they are announcing to themselves that our tank is the world's first, and we have the most advanced weapons, so we should all follow what we said.

This is not about your flattening of Europa. This is a joint exercise in a small border area. They are to enhance familiarity and avoid conflicts, Qin Guan thought in his heart.

Countries and countries will become more friendly when they are opened up. Through this military exercise, at least in the border areas, everyone will become more harmonious with each other, and at the same time, communication and contact will be smoother. Small groups of cross-border armed personnel cooperate with each other and it is easier to block each other.

It is definitely not for the dominance and the first.

This time, the Big Bear countryman almost deliberately found fault.

This matter, from the very beginning, was the issue of fuel supply. Now, the exercise venues are set up on our own side and Kazakhstan’s side. According to the plan, which country will be supplied by which country, this joint For military exercises, the army is mainly used. Therefore, the diesel oil needed by the army has been prepared long ago, but who could have expected that the opponent will actually come from T-80!

This thing is for drinking aviation fuel. I didn't prepare for it. All of a sudden, I let the other party find an opportunity and started to pick up problems with my side.

You are in charge of the organization, but you don't even know to prepare the fuel in advance, let us wait here, you really can't do anything.

Speaking of fuel, tanks were naturally involved, and they began to boast that their own T-80 tank was the number one in the world.

Of course he was not reconciled anymore, so the quarrel began.

Of course, the people of the Xiong Kingdom have their pride. After all, the Xiong Kingdom has always attached importance to ground weapons. The tank soldiers of the Xiong Kingdom, and even the torrent of armor that makes the West tremble, are always ready to flatten the entire Western world. They have their own. Proud capital.

And now, they are so proud, how can they be convinced.

How good is your tank? So good? Our tanks have experienced actual combat. In Date Palm, they drove Type 79 tanks and created classic battles one after another. They beat Western tanks all over the floor, don’t you see ?

Especially now, for this military exercise, what we have brought over is also our most elite Type 90 tank. This tank is not the 90 tank in history. This tank, if compared with the parallel space-time equipment, should be comparable to the 99G, or the latest type of main battle tank called the 03 tank.

This is not to show off to the surrounding countries, but just to show that oneself attaches great importance to this exercise, but now, it is clear that the other party is picking things up.

Show off a tank from the Bear Kingdom era. What can you show off? Even a multi-fuel hybrid engine has to clean the oil circuit when changing the fuel. Can this be said to be advanced?

Of course, everyone here would not agree, so the quarrel between the two sides started naturally.

When Major Yang came over, he naturally had to reprimand him first. After saying this, the other party was naturally very happy, and the person here was even more annoyed in his heart when he returned home in victory.

After Major Yang finished speaking, he thought about something, and then said: "Well, when this exercise is over, let's have a tank competition, how about?"

Of course, Major Yang will not try his best to suppress the tank soldiers of the Great Bear Nation. He just said that we are a country of etiquette and cannot quarrel with others. When it is time to do it, we will Do it, compare it!

"Okay, compare it!" Sergey said, with a smile on his face at this moment, thinking that the Han nationality was in the middle. In fact, they came here to compare with the Han nationality.