Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 3239: Ready to harvest

The pilot Di Yun wore the same four-eye night vision device, and he saw clearly the situation below. He had hovered around and waited. Now, seeing the flames of war over there, he couldn't help but push the operation. He started flying towards the battlefield, ready to join the battle.

Come on, get ready to tremble, pirates!

Thinking of the 20mm revolving machine gun under my fuselage and the Bofors L-6040mm rapid-fire gun on the side, I have a vague expectation.

At this time, the soldiers behind are also ready. The remote control turret and fire control system are already open, ready to harvest the other's life. At the same time, the side hatch has also been opened, and they have been specially added. A 12.7 mm caliber machine gun, with yellow-orange-orange bullet chains hung there, the machine gunner was waiting for it with cold eyes.

They will become a terrible killer, and in the current battlefield, they are also the most powerful aerial gunboats. After all, the pirates do not have any anti-aircraft missiles, and it is even more unlikely that there will be planes to fight against them. On a low-intensity battlefield, aerial gunboats can exert their greatest power.

"Yun, be careful, don't expose our strength in advance!" At this moment, Li Zhigang's voice came from his ears: "Wait!"

As a result, Di Yun could only steer the plane and left the battlefield again. He also knew Li Zhigang's purpose.

If the pirates just came out of the village and found such a big killer, they would definitely subconsciously run into the village. At this time, it is impossible for oneself to wipe out the other party. After all, people on the ground fight against each other, even if There is a gap in equipment, and the two sides can also fight, but if a big killer suddenly flies above your head, you can wait to be wiped out without running?

This is the same as the ancient cavalry. The two armies confronted each other, and suddenly the cavalry rushed over. At this time, the infantry would die if they didn't run.

So, wait, wait for a while to wipe out the opponent!

All the people are running in stride, the stone is carrying a person, and the running is not slow, and, after discovering Wenli during the run, they can chat with Wenli unhurriedly.

"How about it, did they chase it out?"

"Should I run over and lead them out again?"

Wen Li's micro drone was still flying over the village. Wen Li glanced at the terminal as she ran, and said, "Do your own!"

On the battlefield, Shishi didn't forget to get close to Wen Li, and Shunyao, who ran aside, looked at him with contemptuous eyes.

When a sniper, his temper will become weird. After all, as a sniper, you have to endure loneliness. Sometimes, you will be there for a whole day without saying a word or moving. After a long time, I naturally become withdrawn. I don't like to talk or take the initiative to please, but when I want to express my heart, I am also unambiguous.

Of course, he used his own gun.

"Da!" There was another gunshot. During the retreating run, he stopped for a short while, held the gun and shot. Then, one pirate was shot in the head and fell backward, while the other pirates behind, I couldn't help but hesitate for a while, and was pulled away.

"Chasing, chasing, chasing!" At this time, Abadi behind was still urging them. They had already ran out of the village and had already seen the people on the opposite side. They were taking hostages and couldn’t run fast, so they must Kill them!

Abadi has already seen clearly that there are not many people coming from the other side, and there is still hope on his side.

Although the attack of the cannon gave them a great shock just now, that thing could not scare him. The shooting of the cannon requires the calculation of the shooting elements in advance. It is not easy to strike the target of the movement. Now, if they continue It may be dangerous to stay in the village, but as long as you catch up and bite the person in front of you, the opponent's cannon will not be effective.

As for the **** shells, they must be naval guns launched from the sea. He can already guess it. After all, on the high seas, there is no question of sovereignty. If they come up with self-propelled artillery, it will become a flagrant intervention in oil. The conflict in the brown country.

With this thought in mind, he urged to hurry up and chase after him, but unfortunately, if his tank and pickup are still there, driving those big guys to chase at this time is definitely the most powerful, enough to crush these enemies.

Now, they can't give up, they have to chase the past, so many people have died on their own side, and the other side has to pay the price!

In this way, they chased them out, getting further and further away from the village, completely entering the open land.

Everyone understood Li Zhigang's intentions, and went to the farthest plane landing point in the plan to attract these pirates and kill them cleanly!

Now that they are far away from the village, then the harvest can begin!

"Yun, coming from the other side of the village, a small team, ready to follow me in an ambush! Find a bunker on the spot!" Liu Zhigang shouted loudly: "Second team, continue to retreat with the hostages and go to the third plane!"

Although he was very disdainful of this order, Shi Shi knew that he could never violate the order. Violating the order on the battlefield would be a taboo.

Moreover, when they rushed in, their second team was in front, including saving the hostages. They were also doing the second team. The first team was covering them. Now, in the final stage of the retreat, we are preparing to wipe out the pirates. The first team is here. When it's time to fight, it should be their battle. Even if he wants to kill a few more pirates, he can't grab all the tasks.

As a result, he could only continue to run with the hostages, and behind, a small team was already looking for shelter on the spot. Since this is a flat and open ground, most fighters can only come in prone or kneeling positions. Shooting, when they stopped, the firepower net also formed at this moment.

The pirates behind were still running, chasing, and now suddenly found that the opposite person had stopped. At this moment, Abadi was enraged.

The opponent was bitten tightly by themselves, so it was difficult to escape. They were forced to split into two parts, one running with the hostages, and the other staying to block, hum, how easy it is!

"Zale, take someone and chase around from the left!" Abadi shouted to his other subordinate.

They are divided into two parts, can't you be divided into two parts?

Just when he ordered, the gunshots on the opposite side rang out. In the dark night, the other side’s aim was so precise. Every time someone shot, someone fell down on his side, which made Abadi quite annoyed. .

These people rely on equipment to fight. There is a way to take off your night vision goggles. Let's fight!

However, as long as the opponent fires a gun, the muzzle will burst into flames, so here you can also launch a counterattack based on the fire from the muzzle. At this moment, they are also playing well.

In the sky, a rumbling roar came, and all the pirates did not know that their nightmare had really come.