Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 3252: join in the fun

Unknowingly, it has been more than half a month since Qin Guan came out this time. Although he spent a lot of time on the sea every day and enjoyed a lot of fun, Qin Guan knew that he still couldn't stay here forever.

The mission is over, and the **** operation is on the right track. For the Navy, this is actually an opportunity, an opportunity for the Navy to train its troops.

The **** action is long-lasting, at least ten or eight years. During these years, the navy has transferred ships in batches for training. After all, there is no major war in Han in these years. It is possible to rely on this method of **** to conduct naval training. This is a good way of training.

After Qin Guan had arranged all this, it was time to go back. Before going back, Qin Guan felt a little emotional when he saw the tragic military defeat suffered by the people of the Eagle nation.

We should learn from it, improve our special operations tactics, and don’t let ourselves fall into the same desperate situation as the Eagles. This is a positive promotion. On the other hand, it is to let the Eagles suffer setbacks and deal with the international When in dispute, don't want to use violence at every turn.

Therefore, the whole incident is good for Han.

Facing this matter, the Eagles also conducted urgent consultations. They decided to withdraw their troops from the oil palm country, and simply stopped doing international peacekeeping operations. The chaos in the oil palm country has nothing to do with them. Moreover, they have nothing to do with them. Fah negotiated, and the two sides decided to exchange each other. The prisoners and corpses of the Eagle nation were coming back, and they released the captured Fah people back. In this way, it was absolutely a shame to the Eagle nation. of. The Eagles left in disgrace, just like withdrawing their troops from the Monkey Nation, and after they withdrew, they began to fight the mountain country more vigorously, trying to find out the people behind the heavy casualties in the Eagle Nation as soon as possible. They didn’t know that the cost of this war was even greater.

Qin Guan returned only a few days later. He took a tilt-rotor plane and landed on the ship from dock 071, flew directly to the Holy Land, and then returned from the Holy Land to Han.

In the Holy Nation, Qin Guan stayed for a while. General Jamal and others of the Holy Nation warmly welcomed Qin Guan's arrival, and at the same time, they also invited Qin Guan to participate in the induction ceremony of their J-31 fighter.

Qin Guan's arrival time was just right, just when the Holy Nation received the first batch of F-31 fighters!

Only a few people know the inside story. After all, it has been one year since the bombing of the nuclear base of the Holy Nation. The Air Force of the Holy Nation had to endure saliva and endure it for one more year. Now it is considered annihilating 30. The First Fighter flew back to his camp.

Moreover, the number is small, there are only four.

When Qin Guan came over, it was just when the J 31 fighter was about to land. After a long voyage, they flew here after two aerial refueling from the aircraft factory in Han.

"General Qin, we are quite satisfied with this fighter, but unfortunately our country's economic strength does not allow it, so the quantity we purchase is really too small." General Jamal's face was regretful.

In fact, the domestic economy of the holy country has developed greatly compared with that of parallel time and space. The lightning fighters produced on their own production lines are not only used for their own use, but are also exported. Although the development is operated by Han, the holy country still has a lot of taxes, and roads and railways are being built. As the main channel, the domestic transportation industry in the holy country is also developing rapidly.

However, modern fighter planes burn money after all, especially stealth planes. In that parallel time and space, only a few super countries can equip them. It is impossible for a country like the Holy Nation.

Now, the Holy Nation has the J-31. The service of this fourth-generation aircraft will give the Holy Nation absolute air superiority. Today, their modern fighters are about to return to China. I don’t know the Baixiang people next door. What will be in my mind.

Bai Xiang Country must be very hard at this time, right?

Qin Guan thought secretly in his heart.

"Hey, you get out of the way and let us in." At this moment, a voice came from outside.

Military bases are naturally under martial law, especially when the F31 fighter plane is about to enter the field, it is even more highly guarded. At this moment, a few vehicles came outside, and the people in the vehicles came down and were talking to the gate of the base. The people over there argue.

"Now is the time of war. The Holy Nation is cooperating with us to fight for our just war. We are comrades-in-arms, and we hope to take a look at their equipment."

The voice over there is getting louder and louder.

Hearing this voice, General Jamal frowned. When they were planning to fly the planes back, the Eagles asked for contact with the planes several times, but General Jamal denied them even deliberately. The fighters are placed at Peshawar and Kazam bases where F-16 fighters are operated, which are now provided to the Eagle State Air Force.

The Eagles have taken control of the capital of the mountain country, and the air bases there have been requisitioned by the Eagles. However, the Eagles have deployed a large amount of force for this retaliatory war, so there is still a part left in the Holy Nation After all, when they first fought, they used the air force bases of the Holy Nation. They didn't open or switch, so they still stayed at those bases.

Those are all near the capital of the Holy Nation. It is said that the most advanced fighters should be stationed there to protect the safety of their capital, but in this way, they will definitely be constantly disturbed by the Eagles.

They deliberately placed the plane at the Pasmi Air Force Base on the southern coast, just not wanting to be disturbed by the Eagles. At the same time, it is also very close to the port developed by Han, under the protection of Han. Thinking of the shameless fellows of Eagle Country, they actually came here.

It is even the third figure in the entire military command system of the Eagle Nation here. General David, who is more than 40 years old and strong, has participated in many battles and has outstanding fame. Now, he is sitting on his own. Inside the car, listening to the dispute outside.

He is determined to come over and take a look, and beside him is the famous aircraft designer Spey of Lockheed. He was born in the skunk factory and became the soul of it since U-2. Character, this time, with the design mission of X-35, he spared no effort to come and join in the fun.