Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 631: Serial juxtaposition

This kind of small aircraft is two-seater at most, and there is no need for more personnel.

There are two crew members, one is used to operate the fighter plane and perform various flight actions, and the other is used to operate various weapons and act as a radar officer.

For example, the Tomcat fighter is like this. Normal two-seater fighters have two people at the front and back. The person in front is the pilot. After all, the field of vision is good, and the person behind is operating the radar, so he doesn't need to look at the front.

In this way, the two-seater arrangement is tandem.

At the same time, there is also a layout where two people sit in front side by side.

That's right, it's like the front seat of a car. Two people, usually the pilot on the left, to operate the aircraft, and the radar officer on the right to operate weapons.

For example, the Su-24 and F-111 are all constructed in this way. Two people sitting side by side are side by side.

In this way, there was a dispute between parallel and tandem two-seater layouts. This dispute made Old Chen very uncomfortable.

The H7 was jointly developed for the navy and air force from the beginning.

For the Air Force, they like advanced aircraft like the F-111, and the leaders of the Air Force have a tradition of hiring pilots. Of course, pilots like high-performance aircraft in their hearts.

At the same time, pilots, especially fighter pilots, love side-by-side two-seater planes, because fighter pilots spend too much time alone, and they like to have a side-by-side two-seater company.

Although there are two people in the front and back layout, communication is inconvenient, and if two people sit side by side, communication is very convenient.

At the same time, what the Air Force needs is a ground attack. The weapon operator also sits in front and has a front view, so that it is easy to observe the ground and can easily use weapons to attack.

For various reasons, the Air Force wished to obtain a parallel two-seater layout. Therefore, the Air Force has always required two crew members to sit side by side.

What are the disadvantages of this? If two people sit side by side, the area facing the wind will be large. Don't underestimate the increased area. For the aircraft, the performance will be greatly degraded.

A little guy like the MiG 21 can reach Mach 2. What does it rely on? It is slender and long, and the windward area is small. Regardless of the low power of the engine, it can still have a high speed.

To give another simple example, the fuel consumption of a car and SUV of the same weight is much higher than that of a car. Why? Because of the height, the windward area is large.

However, for the navy, it doesn’t matter. You must know that the long-range sea warfare capability that the navy needs, as long as it can launch anti-ship missiles, is simply a matter of whether the two are sitting side by side. It doesn't matter, the radar officer only needs to operate the radar behind.

At the same time, such a small area facing the wind also improves the performance of the aircraft and facilitates high-speed flight.

For the navy, this demand is even more urgent. You must know that the motherland has a large area of ​​oceans, especially in the southern seas, far away from the motherland. Now there is no aircraft that can fly there, even the H-6 is not suitable. .

The Navy urgently needs the Flying Leopard, and of course it has to choose the least difficult tandem two-seater layout.

In history, the H-7 fighter plane has had several ups and downs, and now it is a low period.

When Qin Guan said this, Chen Lao immediately brightened his eyes: "Chief Qin, in the Ministry of Aviation Industry, do you know about our blast?"

What Qin Guan could say, it must have been learned from the Ministry of Aviation Industry, how else would he know?

Of course Qin Guan didn't get the news from there, he knew it in his previous life.

But now, Qin Guan also knew how to resolve this contradiction.

"This is indeed a big contradiction, but it is easy to overcome." Qin Guan said: "For this aircraft, the problem of presence or absence is solved first, and then the performance is improved. Therefore, it is better for us to work around. For example, One machine has two models, and the series seats first. What do you think?"

How to coordinate the conflict between the Navy and the Air Force?

In history, this is how it started, with "one machine, two models" and "cluster seat first". After this design principle, the 6603 Institute finally unified the plan, starting with the low-difficulty first, and then the high-difficulty.

At the same time, the consequences were the same as they expected. After the demonstration, the development of the air force type was suspended and the air force ceased to play. The navy type was formally developed as a key project in 1979. After several twists and turns, it finally succeeded in finalizing the equipment in the 1990s.

After the navy was equipped, the Air Force suddenly discovered that the aircraft was not bad, with moderate performance and low cost. So, the Air Force started to place orders for the Flying Leopard with the spirit of having a good horse. Far more than the navy, the air force will be a major customer with this order.

Throughout the development process of Flying Leopard, it can stand out from the competition with the strong six. One key reason is that it is based on the current level and the proposed plan does not advance.

The strong six uses variable swept wings and a high-thrust turbofan engine, both of which have great technical risks for Han.

Conservation can only be developed. This is the same as the fourth-generation aircraft project of the later Eagle Country. The YF-23, which looks more sci-fi, was put into the cold, and the conventional YF-22 was developed.

"However, in this case, I am afraid the Air Force will give up." Old Chen said.

What the Air Force requires is a tie-in two-seater. This is a deadly requirement. If they don't do this, it is obvious that the Air Force will definitely give up.

Qin nodded his opinion: "Yes, but do you think the Air Force still has the ability to invest in the H7 project?"

When Qin Guan asked such a question, he immediately hit the key to Old Chen.

Yes, where does the Air Force still have the capability?

The Air Force decided to package the Tomcat fighter jets from the Parthian nation. This project is very expensive. After buying this batch of aircraft, the Air Force definitely has no ability to invest in other projects.

In other words, even if the current H7 is tied for two seats in accordance with the requirements of the Air Force, the Air Force will have no money.

So, what do you care about the needs of the Air Force?

Let’s do our best to engage in naval projects. After all, although the navy does not have as many funds as the air force, the navy is in urgent need of this project!

In later generations, due to the blue water navy and the maintenance of maritime rights and interests, the navy received the most funds. Those special air defense destroyers are like dumplings, one after another, and the aircraft carrier formation is also all at once. Reached the second level in the world.

But now, the army is the big brother, the air force is second, and the navy, the funding is the least, it is enough to maintain the existing equipment.

The Navy needs patience even more. However, the Navy still has to invest in urgently needed projects. Regardless of the navy's meager funds, it has supported the finalization of the Flying Leopard.

"In addition to the parallel two-seater project, the Air Force must also need terrain tracking flight capabilities. We may take a while to make breakthroughs in these technologies. We have reached the current naval aircraft."