Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 638: To make money as the first purpose

"But, we can't use that much oil now." The old chief couldn't help but ask.

In later generations, Han was replaced by an island country and became the world's largest crude oil importer. The safety of oil imports is directly related to the national strategy.

Therefore, the country continues to promote new energy. What is the use of this strategy? It is definitely not just for the so-called environmental protection problem. In terms of pollution, the pollution of batteries is far higher than that of oil, but the country has to promote it. In fact, the deep-seated purpose is to reduce the dependence on oil.

Even if the battery is attenuated severely, even if the electric vehicle will spontaneously ignite, the cruising range is extremely pitted, under various circumstances, the country still unswervingly promotes new energy, is to get rid of dependence on oil.

That is for later generations, and now, the country does not have a huge demand for oil. The country’s oil fields are constantly being exploited, and they can’t be used domestically, but they can still be exported.

Before liberation, Han was labeled as an oil-poor country, but domestic geologists did not believe in evil. Since the Daqing oil field began to produce oil, the country reversed its tag as an oil-poor country in one fell swoop.

Up to now, the country has many oil fields. These crude oils are more than enough for their own use. Therefore, in 1977, high-level officials proposed that they could use more coal and oil in exchange for foreign exchange. This is also known as the "oil for foreign exchange" strategy.

By 1985, China had exported 36 million tons of crude oil, bringing China US$6.7 billion in foreign exchange earnings, equivalent to 25% of the total foreign trade that year.

In other words, at present, Han is still an oil exporter.

This situation continued until 1993, when Han was transformed from an oil exporter to an importer. Domestic oil demand grew vigorously, with an annual growth rate of 7%. From 1994 to 2000, oil consumption increased by 55%, while output Only an increase of 11%, so the import volume increased from 290,000 tons in 1994 to 70 million tons in 2000.

In 2017, Han's crude oil imports increased by 42.7% to 418.57 million tons. Including refined oil, the import volume reached 449.21 million tons. Become the world's largest crude oil importer. Importing oil costs 1100.3 billion yuan, which is second only to the amount of integrated circuit imports, making it the second largest import product.

At present, the country still wants to export oil, and the Sabbath country is also an oil exporter. In this case, what is the use of importing oil from the Sabbath country to Han?

This is what makes the old chief most puzzled. What does Qin Guan want to do like this?

Wouldn’t it be better to export their food and exchange it with their foreign exchange?

"Old Chief, if you have a long-term view, you will definitely be able to see that a terrible war will break out in the Gulf region." Qin Guan said suddenly.

War broke out in the Gulf?

The pupils of the old chief shrank suddenly. That's right, this was inferred by the domestic senior think tank, but Qin Guan was so sure?

"It is the kingdom of peace and the date palm, right?" the old chief said.

"Yes, the old chief, these two countries are both big oil-producing countries. Once they break out of war, then they will definitely attack each other’s oil facilities, especially the Shabbat, and guard the Gulf waterways. Once they control the Gulf, then In other oil-producing countries, the oil cannot be transported out, so the international crude oil price will rise."

Qin Guan's sense of smell is quite sensitive. At the same time, Qin Guan also has the intuition of a businessman. How can he make the most money at this time?

Of course it is now, buy cheap crude oil, wait until the price of oil rises, and then sell it.

The impact of war on oil prices is crucial. For example, just a few years ago, in October 1973, the Fourth Desert War broke out. The oil-producing countries announced an oil embargo and cut production in order to fight against their rivals and Western countries that support David, triggering the first oil crisis. During this period, oil prices soared, from 2 eagle yuan/barrel to 11.5 eagle yuan/barrel, OPEC began to have absolute pricing power.

The war between the Shah and the date palm countries caused a sharp drop in oil exports between the two countries and a severe shortage of world oil supplies, triggering the second oil crisis. Oil prices rose further to 36.8 US dollars per barrel in 1980.

After the two oil crises, with the emergence of clean energy, OPEC's market share decreased and oil prices began to fall. In 1986, oil prices plummeted to 14.4 US dollars per barrel, a drop of nearly 50%.

Qin Guan suddenly remembered something. Even if he didn't engage in military industry, but only engaged in oil trade, relying on his foresight, he could make a lot of money.

At present, most people in Han are still ignorant of market economy. Although they are engaged in a market economy, they cannot grasp the pulse of the market. Now Qin Guan has thought of using the oil price difference to make money.

Now, taking advantage of the fact that the war has not started, first import a large amount of crude oil from the Parthian nation. After the war begins, the world's crude oil prices have skyrocketed. Selling at this time is definitely more profitable than obtaining foreign exchange directly from the Parthian nation. At least twice the price difference!

This is one of Qin Guan's plans. No matter what the activity is, the first goal is to make money!

The old chief nodded. They considered using grain to open the first gap, but they absolutely did not expect to use grain to exchange oil and then make a profit.

Now, Qin Guan thought that this plan is much better than directly exchanging foreign exchange. Qin Guan is really an individual talent. Even without superpowers, just this judgment is enough to take on heavy tasks!

In fact, Qin Guan’s plan was also inspired by later generations. At the beginning, when the country was purchasing Su-27 fighters from Xiong Country, the country was also insufficient in foreign exchange. However, it could be offset by light industrial products. Launched a vigorous dog hunting operation, and then Lao Maozi added a lot of products such as dog skin hats.

"Well, Qin Guan, your plan can be adopted by the country." The old chief said: "Let's go on to discuss the following arrangements."

Qin Guan continued to talk about his plan. This plan was more complicated than the old leader thought. At the same time, it also meant that it was less likely to arouse the resentment of the Parthian nation. Everything seemed to be logical.

The old chief nodded as he listened.

After more than two hours, Qin Guan finished reporting to the old chief, and the old chief's face was full of smiles.

"Qin Guan, this matter is left to you with full authority to handle it, and to the extent that it can be done, even if there is a problem in the end, we will still gain." The old chief gave Qin Guan full authority.

"Thank you for the support of the old chief. I believe I will succeed in this matter. Our air force can achieve a great leap forward and become the most powerful air force of this era." Qin Guan said.

The old chief nodded: "Qin Guan, your plan is the best, but, do you know? Now, many people are criticizing you, saying that you are a representative of the comprador class."