Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 653: Man or ghost

Qin Guan couldn't help but sneered in the car.

Do you still think I will not be prepared? This car, of course, is no longer the ordinary Mercedes-Benz car, this is a Mercedes-Benz bulletproof car!

Mercedes-Benz is a world-renowned brand with high-end models. Most of its customers are heads of government, business elites or heads of state. Therefore, safety must be the top priority.

In this case, almost every Mercedes-Benz car corresponds to a bulletproof version. From the appearance point of view, there is no difference from ordinary cars, but it has strong protection capabilities.

In the car during the day, when a grenade was thrown down, it was not easy for a few people to deal with it. But now, there is no need to be afraid. The grenade exploded and the car was running!

How strong is ballistic protection? Needless to say, it is against pistol bullets. The mid-power rifle bullets like Ak47 can be fired like a storm at close range, and it cannot cause damage. There are even people riding in this car and getting two rockets, but they are all right. .

Now, what are some ninja knives called?

Of course Qin Guan wouldn't care.

This is also the reason why the talents can rest assured. As long as Qin Guan stays in the car, there will be no major problems. The car also has a closed-air circulation system. Once there is poisonous gas outside, the car can start this system and be closed to the outside world. , And overpressure is generated at the same time, absolutely no poisonous gas will come in.

Qin Guan was relieved. When he left his residence and got on the car, Qin Guan had already exchanged it.

After all, this thing can also be called a weapon. There are offensive weapons and defensive weapons. It can still be turned out in the weapon graveyard.

The model is the same, no one can see it on the outside, except that the paint is brighter, but the car that welcomes foreign guests must be wiped clean, so there is no flaw.

Up to now, three ninja knives were stabbed together, only to find that apart from the tip of the knife contacting the body, there was no response except for the sound of a heavy metal collision. The three knew that they were fooled.

They had already prepared!

How to do?

If you missed a hit, you would have to retreat. Since the three people did not achieve the set goal, they knew that it was time to retreat. They had a sharp heart, and they separated quickly in three directions, and they wanted to leave here.

However, it was too late.

In Xiang Jing's hand, Xiao Lu let out a cheer, and the sword was whistling. Under the moonlight, the sword shadow flew away. In a blink of an eye, there was sword light everywhere. How fast is Xiang Jing's hand? fast?

At the same time, the scholar also stopped one.

The talent was stopped by a pistol.

"Bang, bang, bang." Xiucai's pistol was equipped with a muffler. Although the front was long, the sound was very small, just like the sound of women walking in high heels.

Every bullet blocked the path of a ninja just right. She kept stepping back, stepped back a few steps, and found that she had returned to the starting point again!

How about third place? Third place, can you run away?

Lisa just walked in front of her, yes, it was Lisa. At this time, Lisa was holding a cake shovel in her hand.

That’s right, it’s the cake-cutting shovel. The unlucky person who sells cake-cutting ran very fast. He didn’t even know that his cake-cutting shovel was lost. The current cake-cutting shovel has the fragrance of cake-cutting on the tip of the shovel. of.

No one had seen how Lisa acted, but Lisa was already in front of the third ninja. Lisa's appearance, however, did not look like a rigorously trained bodyguard, a fighter.

At this time, Lisa, although she was holding the cake-cutting shovel in her hand, did not have any definite posture, even the sharp blade was facing her own.

The ninja in front only hesitated for a moment, and then the ninja sword in his hand drew a beautiful arc, which was a fake action.

And Lisa, just standing like that, didn’t seem to be confused by her fake action at all, which made her even more strange, but she had no choice. After the fake action was finished, the tip of the ninja sword was Stabbed towards Lisa's chest.

If the opponent is not confused by his own fake actions, he must be a master. He is the kind of honour and disgrace, and is definitely a difficult opponent. How will the opponent avoid it? How can I change my trick?

This ninja remembered many tricks in his brain for a moment, but he didn't change his tricks.

Her ninja knife had already pierced Lisa's chest and pierced her clothes. From the inside of her chest, it pierced all the way. It was very easy. It seemed that there was no resistance, and it had already been pierced to the opposite side.

Did you get rid of your opponent so easily? This ninja was incredible, but then she found something wrong.

The other party did not bleed?

Yes, the other party did not bleed.

The ninja knife pierced the opponent's body. Under normal circumstances, the blood would flow out along the bloodletting slot in the middle of the ninja knife. If it pierced the aorta, the blood would even radiate.

But not now.

What's happening?

She drew the ninja sword, and without much effort, she drew it out. The ninja sword was very smooth, just like it was wiped with a sword cloth before setting off.

Not a person, the other party is definitely not a person! Is it a ghost?

At this time, Lisa smiled in front of her, then stretched out her tongue and licked the cake shovel. When the tongue came out, it was getting longer and longer!

Although this ninja had been trained since she was a child, at this time, she was shaking all over and she had completely lost her fighting spirit.

"Boom." The ninja sword in her hand fell to the ground.

At this moment, Lisa had already strode up, and then pulled off the hat on top of her head. There, the turban with gold thread was so conspicuous.

"Leave it to you." Lisa shouted.

As long as the hat is torn off, there is nowhere to hide immediately, and the mental point scanning system in Qin Guan's brain can clearly show it.

Yoshida Noriko, 88 mental points.

The numbers are auspicious.

Reap the spirit!

As the scythe moved, the opponent's body, already paralyzed by fright, fell softly.

Lisa stood there with a smile, but Qin Guan felt very emotional in her heart. In the past, fortunately, she didn't make any cruel moves. Otherwise, her own tricks would not work.

Just when Lisa couldn’t help it, Qin Guan even thought about finding someone to kill Lisa. As long as Lisa’s body dies, then Lisa’s mental power must return to Qin Guan’s brain. Go inside, this completes the recovery of Lisa.

However, it now appears that this is simply impossible.