Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 832: Cut in half

How to do?

He just hesitated when he saw a billowing flame coming from the rearview mirror of the cockpit. The entire rear fuselage is already burning.

"Boom!" The second missile had already followed and attacked it again, so he couldn't hesitate and slammed his ejection tab.

Almost at the same time, he felt the entire plane shaking, and at the moment the rocket in the ejection seat under his **** ignited, his plane had disintegrated in the air!

One Phoenix missile can kill a bomber, let alone a MiG-25 reconnaissance plane.

When the ejection seat is ignited, the huge overload will make people ecstatic, and Cherrit has barely reacted yet, already feeling dizzy in the huge overload.

The full-enclosed helmet protects his face from the terrifying Mach 3 air current blowing from the face, but when he comes out, the huge air current blows back towards him, and his body has already entered that one. Among the fragments of a terrible explosion!

A huge piece of debris flew, with the White Elephant National Air Force's mark on it. It was the huge vertical tail of the MiG-25. During the explosion, it flew out and just flew to Cherit's side.

Like the nose, the temperature in front of the vertical tail is also very high during flight, so here is a stainless steel skin. Now, this stainless steel skin is like a stainless steel knife. Cut it physically!

In the faintness of the huge overload, Cherit woke up, and the severe pain caused him to open his eyes. He saw his body, which was partially opened!

However, there was no blood flowing out. At this altitude, the surrounding temperature was about minus fifty degrees. He could have kept warm with his flight suit. Before he was frozen to death, he lowered to a warm altitude, but now , He has no hope.

The body was severed and turned into two sections, and the two sections of the incision were instantly frozen. Cheritt continued to faint in pain. This closed eyes would never be opened.

"Successful, successful!" There was a burst of cheers in the command center.

Last time, the reconnaissance plane of the White Elephant Nation flew in its own airspace in a magnificent manner, causing the superiors to be extremely angry. But this time, it was finally shameful and the air force was capable of guarding its own airspace.

Chen Rui was also extremely excited when he heard the news that the target was small. He drove the fighter plane and circled two circles in the air before returning home.

Below the airspace where the opponent was shot down was a high mountain. It would take a long time to search for the wreckage of the plane, and this was not their mission.

In the command hall here, everyone stood up and cheered.

"Awesome!" General Lin said: "Mr. Qin, we have successfully defended our sovereignty this time. Thank you so much."

Qin Guan shook his head: "This is everyone's contribution. Any victory in our battle is not owned by one person, but belongs to our entire army!"

I only provided some equipment. The success of this interception was the result of the joint cooperation of the radar unit and the air force fighters, even the two instructors and pilots on standby outside. Even if they did not take off, they also contributed, without them. , Own pilots cannot be trained.

At the same time, this time, it also exposed many of its own problems. If you need to protect the airspace, you need a complete radar network on the ground and an airborne early warning aircraft!

Thinking of this, Qin Guan already had an idea.

"General Lin, I would like to make some suggestions for the construction of our air force."

General Lin immediately said, "Mr Qin, please speak."

"The first is to continue to improve our ground radar network. A complete ground radar network must be deployed along our national boundaries, and the network must be formed to be more effective. The air force’s data link system is used to transmit messages and specific technologies. , We can provide technical force through relevant departments."

The first thing Qin Guan thought of was still 114. It shouldn't be difficult to give them a set of prototypes and let them imitate them.

"The second is to accelerate the development of the Air Force's own airborne early warning aircraft. I suggest that we use our upcoming first flight as a platform and strive to achieve breakthroughs within five years."

Qin Guan talked about the issue of early warning aircraft. Now, the domestic technical reserves already exist, even if the advanced phased array technology cannot break through, but the flat-panel slot radar antenna technology has broken through, and large plates can be made like this. In terms of computer technology, our own side has also made a big leap. As long as the Hanxin No. 1 chip is installed, the processing power will be absolutely leveraged.

It depends on whether the superiors can make up their minds. Now, let me remind you first. At the same time, I am also looking for a buyer for Yunshi. If the Han Guo Air Force wants to buy it, it is absolutely impossible for only one, at least four. Once it comes, it can open up the market.

General Lin nodded: "Mr. Qin, I will report what you said to my superiors."

In joy, in the distant sky, there was the roar of engines, and our Tomcat fighter came back!

At this time, it spread its wings and proudly crossed the airfield over the airport before turning around and landing on the runway.

Just stopped, someone rushed forward, lifted Chen Rui and Zhang Yang inside, and threw them to the sky. This was everyone's celebration of victory.

Zandi and Hamm stand far away. Although they are also very happy, somehow they just can't integrate into the life here. They are still out of place here.

"Two, this time our interception is successful, and you also have your credit." Just as the two looked at the celebrating crowd over there and were pleased, a voice came from beside them.

When they heard the voice, they turned their heads and saw a young man who could speak Eagle language fluently without an interpreter.

"Excuse me, are you?" The other party did not know the origin of Qin Guan.

"I am the general manager of North Industries Corporation, and my name is Qin Guan." Qin Guan stretched out his hand, trying to shake hands with the other party.

Who would have thought that when he heard Qin Guan's name, the other party was almost moved to kneel: "Mr. Qin, thank you very much, thank you very much for your selfless help." Zandi said.

"Yeah, we are in prison and will be washed away at any time. Now, you have brought us to the east so that we can live safely. Thank you very much." Hamm also said: "If our family can come over, That couldn't be better."

He made this request, and the Zandi on the side gave him a blank look. It would be nice if we could escape for our lives. What else should we demand?