Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 865: Chicken ribs

But what about the Tomcat? The Tomcat is a heavy fighter!

Heavy fighters take off from the ski jump deck. This era has not been seen. It will take a few years for the Su-33 to take off from the Xiongguo aircraft carrier to give them peace of mind. Now, naturally, no one dares to take their breasts.

Major General Wuhuade said: "The Tomcat fighter is still unclear, but our Sea Harrier fighter is not bad. This vertical take-off and landing fighter is our latest technology. It can be deployed not only on ships, but also on land. "

In this era, vertical take-off and landing fighters have really become popular, and countries are studying frantically.

The best conventional takeoff and landing aircraft can take off and land only when the runway is intact. Although there are vertical take-off and landing helicopters, it is impossible to survive in front of fighter jets.

Therefore, people imagine that jet fighters can also take off and land vertically. In the early 1940s, some people were exploring plans for vertical take-off and landing of aircraft.

Especially in the mid-1950s, the nuclear powers’ tactical nuclear weapons had been aimed at every known airport runway. Once a war broke out, the airport and runway were the first targets to be destroyed. This enabled the development of vertical take-off and landing and short-term operations. Distance take-off and landing aircraft has become a top priority.

Niu Guo’s aviation technology has always been advanced. In terms of vertical take-off and landing, Niu Guo is the first to produce results, which is the world’s earliest vertical take-off and landing "harrier" attack aircraft.

The engine of the "Harrier" aircraft has 4 nozzles, which are on both sides of the fuselage and can rotate. When the nozzle is downward, the thrust generated can make the aircraft rise vertically; when the nozzle is backward, the thrust generated can make the aircraft move forward. The pilot can change the flight attitude of the aircraft by adjusting the direction and angle of the nozzle.

This kind of aircraft can take off and land together in an open space of 35×35 meters, which has low requirements for combat conditions and is particularly adaptable.

Once the war breaks out, it can be quickly evacuated and concealed. Vertical take-off and landing from any piece of hard ground, or short approach and landing from the craters of bombed-damaged airport runways, and vertical take-off and landing on medium and small warship decks and small tail platforms.

In this way, it seems that the prospects are very broad, but its biggest shortcoming is that the speed is only 1,000 kilometers per hour, and it is a high subsonic aircraft. The performance of the fighter jet is simply not enough to fight the enemy's fighter jet. At the same time, what's even more deceptive is that due to the limitation of its own weight during vertical take-off and landing, the mounted fuel and weapons are less, and the combat radius is about 100 kilometers.

What is enough of this distance? Even the oil tigers of the bear country and the airport guards can have a combat radius of 500 kilometers.

In order to increase the range and increase the load capacity, the Harrier fighter generally adopts a short roll take-off, vertical landing method, and the auxiliary fuel tank is added. The combat radius can be increased to three to four hundred kilometers.

At the current Invincible level, this is the scheme. The front leaping deck is used for fighter jets to take off and the rear deck is used for vertical landing.

During the same period, other countries were also studying, such as Dassault’s Mirage III V vertical take-off and landing fighter, Hans State’s VJ101 fighter, etc. Unfortunately, they all failed.

Naturally, Xiong Guo is no exception. The Yak 38 vertical take-off and landing fighter was developed and deployed on a Kiev-class aircraft carrier. Unfortunately, the problem of burning the deck could not be solved. After a short deployment, it returned to land.

When it comes to success, it will be 2010, when the F-35B Joint Strike Fighter that Lockheed Martin led the research and development of the F-35B Joint Strike Fighter successfully carried out a vertical landing. It is considered a positive result. This thing can be regarded as an orthodox supersonic stealth fighter. on.

The current sea harrier is simply a tasteless one.

Hearing Major General Wu Huade promoting the Sea Harrier to everyone, Qin Guan couldn't help but said: "What is the combat radius of the Sea Harrier fighter? What weapons can be mounted? If it is used on an aircraft carrier, can it mount anti-ship missiles?"

Qin Guan's question made Major General Wu Huade hesitate for a moment. The other party's questions were all very sharp.

After all, under normal circumstances, the Sea Harrier actually only mounts two Sidewinder missiles, to undertake the air defense mission of a fleet, and to mount anti-ship missiles, it is absolutely light. No matter which data, it is quite It is impossible to satisfy the people present.

Therefore, Major General Wuhuad could only divert the topic: "I will take you all aboard our Type 42 destroyer, the Sherfield, and get to know our advanced warship."

In Niu’s plan, selling to Han Chinese warships is the most important thing. At the same time, the above also agrees with the new plan. If the Han Chinese think their warships are too expensive, they can also export the above sea javelin system to them. , Equipped on their brigade class.

In short, as long as the Han people buy it, they will sell it. Not to mention, just sell the sea javelin system and equip their destroyers. Selling missiles will continue to make money in the future. This kind of missile technology will definitely not be exported to them. of.

Qin nodded his head and followed everyone on the Type 42 destroyer.

Captain Wei and Qin Guan walked together and asked Qin Guan in a low voice, "Chief Qin, is this aircraft carrier bad?"

Qin Guan was so provocative that he didn't even have the opportunity to visit the aircraft carrier. In fact, everyone wanted to see it.

Qin nodded his opinion: "Yes, if we go up and watch it, we will definitely lead us in the ditch."

There is really no need to look at it.

On the warship, I walked over the bridge. The first thing I saw was the twin-mounted air defense missile launcher on the bow. This is also the most powerful weapon of the Type 42 destroyer. It was built for air defense.

Although Qin Guan has analyzed it, everyone is still studying with enthusiasm after seeing it. This missile launcher seems to be huge, and even though there is no missile on it, you can feel its hugeness.

In normal times, the missiles are kept in the bomb bay at the rear, so as not to be corroded by sea water.

While everyone was studying the missile, Qin Guan was looking at the naval gun in front.

The Type 42 destroyer uses a MK8 single-barrel 114mm naval gun. The caliber of this naval gun is also a weird thing.

What caliber should the future naval gun of the Chinese Navy adopt? In history, 100mm was used, which was introduced from the technology of the chicken country, but it was a failed choice.

76mm naval guns are just right for warships below 2000 tons. Warships over 2000 tons generally use 127mm naval guns. Look at the warships exported by Han, all equipped with 100mm naval guns can be replaced with 76, or Replaced with 127.

Although Jiguo’s 100mm compact gun is considered the world’s most advanced naval gun. In terms of caliber, 100 mm is between 76 mm and 127/130 mm. The original intention of Ji Guoren is that 100 mm can take into account the 76 mm air defense capability and the 127 mm sea-to-ground strike capability.

It’s a pity that things have two sides. Sometimes it’s not perfect. Compared with the 76mm gun, if it achieves the same high rate of fire, the weight of the 100mm naval gun is several times that of the 76mm gun; and the 127mm gun. In comparison, its range and power are much different.