Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1448: Hello, uncle and auntie

"Uncle and Auntie, hello, I am Feng Xiaoling's boyfriend."

At the door, a guy who looked very calm, came with a gift.

If it weren't for this voice to sound super familiar, Feng Xiaoling wouldn't even dare to let the other person in.

Feng Xiaoling's parents looked surprised at this moment, as if they had never expected such a thing to happen.

"Quickly... sit inside."

Feng Xiaoling's parents looked at Feng Xiaoling with complicated faces.

"Ahem, don't you always want me to find a boyfriend? No, I will find it for you now."

After Li Tian sat down, he was interrogated in various ways. In these years, young people can play, and there are countless kinds of fake boy and girl friends, so parents have to guard against.

But after some inquiries, Li Tian turned out to be true, and he had talked with their baby daughter Feng Xiaoling for many years.

Feng Xiaoling's father glanced at Li Tian and then asked Feng Xiaoling. "Since we have been talking for so long, why didn't we see you before and bring it back for us to see?"


Feng Xiaoling hesitated for a long time but couldn't answer.

At this time, Li Tian provoked the main beam. He said with a mature and steady attitude and voice: "Because we haven't formally confirmed it before, just simply get along with it, but now it's different, we are determined."

Li Tian's performance was so good that people couldn't make any comments.

Not only that, but his work is also stable, and he has made the most important promises to Feng Xiaoling's future happiness in conversation.

This made Feng Xiaoling's parents become more and more satisfied with Li Tian.

Feng Xiaoling herself couldn't laugh or cry about this, because she knew that all of this was pretended by Li Tian. Except that Feng Xiaoling believed that she would take care of Feng Xiaoling for the rest of her life, she didn't believe anything else.

Because it was a fake, at noon, Li Tian even showed off his cooking skills. This time, Feng Xiaoling's mother was also conquered.

During the meal, Li Tian spoke to the future old man with his knowledgeable conversation and the current situation.

Not to mention, under Li Tian's emotions, Feng Xiaoling's father really realized that it would be the best not to go there this Chinese New Year.

Feng Xiaoling cast a grateful look at Li Tian.

Li Tian has been doing ideological work, and she almost didn't make Feng Xiaoling's parents want to let Li Tian and Feng Xiaoling get married soon.

As a normal couple, accompany the family to talk and talk together, which is the biggest lover.

Feng Xiaoling is very touched here, she thought she would be unlikely to have it in her lifetime.

Li Tian has a time doubling card, and can also change his face to change his figure, which can simulate a fictional best son-in-law.

Last night, what happened on Baili Xiaojia's side was similar to Feng Xiaoling's side. Li Tian also turned the window to enter.

Baili Xiaojia was surprised. Her personality was a bit slow and hot. She was still sitting and watching Li Tian get in from the window, just like Zhenzi in the horror movie.

Li Tian blamed her when he came in. "What's the matter? The windows are not closed tightly, and the thief is not afraid of coming in?"

"I keep it for ventilation, and this is the 15th floor, I think there should be no such powerful thief..."

Baili Xiaojia looked at Li Tian, ​​but said nothing else.

Li Tian, ​​the thief, obviously came over like this.

"Wait a minute, I'll go to the bathroom to wash and kill the poison by the way, and then I'll talk to you."

"Li Tian...wait a minute, I still have my...clothes..."

Before Baili Xiaojia finished speaking, Li Tian rushed in.

Sure enough, seeing that little girl's clothes, Li Tian smiled and said, "Do we have to talk about such a relationship?"

After washing, Li Tian shamelessly got into Baili Xiaojia's bed.

Even if Baili Xiaojia's personality is slow, but this moment is also a special blush.

Li Tian looked at her bedroom carefully, and then commented: "You should have bought a new house. Many furniture and equipment are new."


Baili Xiaojia nodded, and then she mustered up the courage to approach Li Tian. "Because of you, after I became famous, I also made money, so I bought a new house for my family."

Li Tian laughed. "I remember that when you insisted on drawing comics, your parents were very opposed to it."

"Well, it was that way, but now they support me very much."

Li Tian smiled, just kissed her and said: "Let's love it first, and then discuss important things later..."

After Li Tian took advantage, he hugged Baili Xiaojia, who was flushed, and smiled contentedly: "Okay, let's discuss it now. How can I see your parents tomorrow?"

Sure enough, when the girl introduced her boyfriend, she still hoped that Li Tian could be more formal.

I don't want Li Tian to leave Baili Xiaojia's room the next day.

The next day, she put on clothes and a tie. By the way, there are masks and disinfectant. Although Baili Xiaojia knows that Li Tian has special abilities and is unlikely to be infected, her parents are very afraid of death, and Feng Xiaoling’s parents It's different. Instead, she kept asking Baili Xiaojia to stay at home during this period. Anyway, she didn't have to go out to draw cartoons.

Li Tian smiled. "and then?"

The time soon came the next Baili Xiaojia just woke up, usually at this time she is still asleep, because most of the time she works at night and sleeps during the day.

But today is special. After opening his eyes, Li Tian is no longer by his side.

At this time, Baili Xiaojia's mother's voice came from the door. "Xiao Jia, a man came to the door just now, saying it's your boyfriend, neither your father nor I believe it..."

Baili Xiaojia was a joke, and she rushed out in her pajamas. This is a high-end residential area with floor heating, the temperature is very warm, but it does not appear too dry.

"Mom, it's true, I..."

At this time, Li Tian, ​​who had disinfected himself at the door, took off his mask in the correct order, and put the package in a special trash bin after disinfection.

"Hello, uncle parents~"


But in fact, Baili Xiaojia's parents are not very happy. This year is a special time. Of course, they don't want guests at home.

But when they sat down, they were shocked immediately after Li Tian revealed his identity.

Baili Xiaojia told Li Tian last night that her parents were very grateful to the author who wrote "Fantasy World". It is because of him that Baili Xiaojia is now.

So Li Tian used "Osseo Reduction" to slightly reshape his face to make himself look younger and handsome. Sure enough, when Baili Xiaojia’s parents knew that the handsome man in front of him was the Baili Xiaojia After his benefactor, his attitude was different immediately.

Serve tea and pour water to drive away the cold and warmth.

Especially after knowing that he is still his daughter's boyfriend, and promised to take care of their daughters forever, he was immediately excited.

Said this is a match made in heaven, although Baili Xiaojia is embarrassed.

But seeing Li Tian gain the love of her parents, she was still very happy.

At noon, Li Tian went to the kitchen to show his hand again.