Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1585: I have never seen such a handsome boy wh

Compared with Li Tian alone, those 7 to 8 hooligans were so fragile that they were indescribable.

One kick is easier than hitting a child. The point is that after being kicked by Li Tian, ​​none of them can get up.

This means that Li Tian's only kick is to completely lose their combat effectiveness.

It is so strong.

It's an understatement.

[I drop it, this is too strong! 】

[Is this fighting? How do I feel easier than hitting a child? 】

[Not you alone would think so. 】


The person was called by Xiaochangmei. Up to now, she has no idea what to do.

When Li Tian looked back, he could see the confusion in the eyes of the little factory girl, looking at the rascals who had been beaten by him.

Li Tian took out the money in a hurry and threw it on their faces. "This is medical expenses—"

It can be said to be crazy and cool.

The girls all around looked at Li Tian with the eyes of a fan. He grew up and had never seen such a handsome boy.

However, Li Tian has taken the hand of the little factory girl. "It's already like this, do you want to go with me?"

If Xiaochangmei does not leave, there will be a lot of trouble.

The rogue leader is basically abolished. When he finally knows his fate, he will retaliate wildly.

Li Tian didn't care, his face was originally fake.

After learning "Osseo Reduction", he can become what he wants anytime, anywhere.

But this little factory girl, she doesn't have such ability. If she continues to stay here, she will probably encounter accidents.

The first time Xiaochangmei experienced this kind of thing, she hesitated for two seconds, and finally agreed to go with Li Tian.

She didn't even know the name of the skewers owner from beginning to end, but there is no doubt that these are not important.

The two of them are like a bridge that only appears in idol dramas. Li Tian took her hand and ran out of the small factory.

"Wait a minute, I have to go back to the dormitory to get something."

"No more..."

In Li Tian's view, after this girl followed him, she didn't need to take anything.

"No, my ID card and bank card are still there..."


Li Tian was helpless. "Where is your dormitory?"

The two came to the dormitory, where there are already many security guards.

"How to do?"

Xiaochangmei panicked, it was the first time she experienced such a thing.

Li Tian smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, you are squatting here, I will go up and get it."

After Li Tian finished speaking, he disappeared in the same place in an instant. Then the little factory girl never dreamed that she would see such a horrible scene. That Li Tian is like the Flash in a superhero movie, from the first floor. The tone appeared on the fifth floor of her dormitory.

Then he was still standing upstairs and waving to her. The security guard stood aside, but didn't notice at all.

Xiaochangmei mentioned her throat.

Growing up, it was the first time her heart beat so fast because of a man.

She thought that the act of selling skewers and sending mobile phones was already very different.

Never thought that this skewers boss is not an ordinary person, he is too strong, there is no role like him in martial arts TV series, only superhero science fiction movies.

Little Changmei used her nails to pinch her own flesh, wondering if she was crazy or if she had an illusion in her eyes.


Li Tian has already returned, and he has brought back almost all of their entire dormitory.

After Xiaochangmei took her own things, she said, "The others are not mine...I don't want to take this bucket." She didn't want to be the kind of person who ran away with buckets.

In her mind, the image of Li Tian as a man was no different from that of a god.

She felt ashamed of him by standing beside him with a red bucket.

"Okay then, I'll go back again..."

"Don't! Danger..."

Just as the little factory girl was about to speak, that Li Tian disappeared like a flash once again, and under the eyes of the security guard, he returned the bucket and bedding.

In the blink of an eye, Li Tian was back.

The little factory girl opened her mouth wide and looked at Mr. Li Tian in shock.

"Is there anything else to get?"

"No... no more."

Li Tian smiled and said, "Then let's leave."

The two left the small factory where she worked in tandem.

Li Tian turned his head and smiled, "Are you still reluctant?"


Little Factory Girl blushed very much, and she rubbed the corners of her clothes and said, "I'm a little nervous..."

"Boss, are you the kind of superhero in the movie?!"

"I'm not a superhero, but my strength value is slightly better than ordinary people."

"okay then…"

This is a bit too powerful.

The two came directly to a hotel, there should be no five-star, but there are four.

The little factory girl is even more nervous. There are hundreds of dollars cheaper here, but she never dared to come and live.

Li Tian understood her thoughts at the time.

Just like ordinary people cutting their hair, they don't dare to enter a store with a particularly luxurious decoration. In fact, it is not too expensive, but it may be because they are fortunate not to make much money.

The rich second generation is different. Those who are not up to the standard will disdain to live.

"do not worry…"

Li Tian comforted her.

Then she saw another scene that shocked her inexplicably. The moment Li Tian entered the hotel, her entire face changed.

If it wasn't for him to still have that kind of temperament, Xiaochangmei might even think that she had followed the wrong person.

Her heartbeat was like adding a motor because she knew she was in trouble.

She usually watches some female videos, knowing that the heroine will meet the hero with super powers.


Little Changmei couldn't predict that she would encounter this kind of thing in the youngest years of her life.

The hotel is very luxurious. Li Tian changed his face and checked in with another identity.

When Li Tian took the room card and Xiaochangmei to the elevator after opening the room, his face changed again.

Seeing that the little girl didn't even ask, Li Tian smiled, wondering if she was shocked and numb.

"Remember the first time you wanted to add me to WeChat, what I said? The appearance is all illusory, I can become anything."


Xiaochangmei was shocked and speechless. She knew that she had met a god-man in her life.

Her heartbeat never stopped.

The hotel is The rooms are also very big.

After closing the door, Xiaochangmei finally breathed a sigh of relief. She felt that what happened to her today was simply too magical.

She is standing now, not even dare to sit down.

Li Tian knew her mood at the moment, and just smiled: "Do you want to take a bath and change your clothes by the way."


Xiaochangmei and her blush, she vaguely felt that she was evolving from Cinderella.


She nodded nervously.

When she was about to take a bath, and even uncontrollably thought in her head, after she finished the bath, the magic man in front of her would leave her for the first time...

Li Tian suddenly stopped her again. "I think, you should call first and tell your family that you are safe."_