Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 162: Varieties of strawberry seedlings

Li Tian got off the bus when he reached the county seat, and Wang Kai's wife continued to take the bus to the city.

Thinking of just getting off the car, Wang Kai's wife smiled and waved to Li Tian. Li Tian smiled bitterly and shook his head.

As soon as the cold wind blew, he shrank his neck, and it was almost winter, getting colder and colder.

However, it also calmed down the inexplicable heat in Li Tian's body.

After inquiries, there is no doubt that the only sellers selling strawberry seedlings at this time are in the vicinity of large areas of strawberry planting.

Li Tian stopped a taxi and told the driver the address.

After arriving, I found that this place was bigger than I thought. I did a job and realized that each industry is not easy. The same goes for growing strawberries. There are quite a few strawberries in Li Tian, ​​so there are all kinds of businesses.

A farmer decided to grow strawberries to sell to customers.

Some are planted in large areas and sold directly to vendors.

Similarly, the number of new strawberry seedlings transplanted from the vines of the strawberry every year is too large, and the ones that cannot be grown by themselves can also be sold here and sold to small farmers who grow strawberries to earn their money.

When Li Tian came here, it was like a sheep entering a wolf pack, and many merchants who hadn't sold strawberry seedlings surrounded them.

At this time, Li Tian finally discovered that there were still many varieties of strawberries.

Like milk strawberry, which is very popular nowadays, I heard that it is a strawberry irrigated with milk. It is sweet and delicious, which really opened Li Tian's eyes. However, competing businesses directly exposed that the so-called milk strawberry is just a gimmick, a nice name given by a dealer to attract consumers.

Li Tian didn't know whether it was true or not. At the same time, he introduced a strawberry called Zhang Ji, which is of better variety, strong disease resistance, big fruit, delicious, bright and shiny. The fruit is neat and long conical, with a pleasant aroma, tender and juicy, sweet and delicious. It is known as the best strawberry in rb.

There is also Xingdu No. 1, with moderate sweet and sour flavor, strong fragrance, and firm flesh, suitable for transportation.

In addition, Mingjing strawberry, Chunxu strawberry, Xingdu No. 2 strawberry, Fengxiang strawberry, Superstar No. 1, rb No. 1 strawberry, sweet Charlie strawberry, French strawberry, Fengxiang strawberry and red cheek strawberry, etc.

Among them, the red cheek strawberry is a new variety of rb which is a hybrid of two extremely excellent strawberries.

Listening to the merchants introducing these strawberry varieties, Li Tian's head was dizzy.

Especially those with thick flesh, suitable for transportation, those with tender and juicy flesh, suitable for fresh-picking, etc. Even when the merchant heard that Li Tian is a novice, he directly distributed many brochures of Li Tian, ​​which explained the strawberry varieties in detail. Pros and cons, and cultivation methods.

The service is attentive, but the price is also very expensive.

Li Tianjuan originally planned to buy 10,000 and later found out that the expensive strawberry seedlings were as much as 2 yuan a plant, and the average one costs 1 yuan, and the cheapest one costs 3 cents a plant.


Li Tian was speechless on the spot. The cost of this strawberry is too high!

But in the end, Li Tian unexpectedly bought several varieties, including 2 yuan, 1 yuan, and 50 cents.

Can't afford to buy more than 10,000 plants, but can only buy nearly 6,000 plants. Because I bought a lot of them, the price was very favorable, but it also cost Li Tian nearly 4,000.

If it weren't for the boss, the strawberry seedlings can be cultivated by themselves. If the cultivation is good, there is no need to buy strawberry seedlings again. Li Tian was really about to collapse. It took 65,000 to pull the greenhouse and nearly 1,000 to fertilizer, but this strawberry seedling actually cost more than 4,000.

This initial investment has turned out to be more than 10,000, which is terrifying.

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