Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 200: Mountain climbing

When he woke up the next day, Li Tian found that half of his arm was numb, and he was particularly uncomfortable. It showed how honest he slept last night, and he hadn't even had any strange dreams.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Li Yuxin's flawless little face, with some naughty long hair covering her skin that could be broken by a bomb.

Li Tianqiang resisted the urge to stretch out his long hair. After all, that kind of behavior would make him look weird.

Get up quickly and brush your teeth and wash your face. Although the disposable toothbrush in the hotel is not very useful, it is better than not brushing your teeth.

Li Tian thought that Li Yuxin had woke up a long time ago, but did not open his eyes first because of his shyness.

Li Tian thinks too much about things.

This girl slept like a pig. After Li Tian brushed her teeth and washed her face, she did not wake up in the bathroom, but Li Tian went to wake her up.

"Yu Xin, you don't usually sleep late, why is it 7-8 o'clock today, don't you wake up if you still sleep?"

Li Yuxin sat up slowly. She was wearing clothes, such as Qiuyi and long trousers. Of course, it is impossible to sleep in a jacket or padded jacket. This girl's face value is too high, even if the autumn clothes and long trousers are worn on her body, she will present another kind of beauty.

She had sleepy eyes, and she reached out her hand to rub her eyes cutely, and there was a sense of slurred words in her throat when she woke up. "I don't know, maybe someone was more comfortable in his arms last night, so I didn't know that I would wake up in the morning..."

Old Li Tian blushed. "Don't talk nonsense, get up quickly so we can go climbing."


Li Yuxin laughed when she saw Li Tian's embarrassed old face. She was actually joking. Li Tian wore more clothes than her when she slept last night, and kept a posture from bed to bed, very honest.

It is estimated that Li Yuxin has been lazy for 8 years. She has not fallen asleep next to that familiar person, even if she is not at home, she will feel more at ease.

After all, Li Yuxin was brought up by her elder brother when she was a child. Even though her memory before the age of 6 was vague, she still felt that peace of mind.

Lingshan is a relatively high mountain in the local area. Of course, it is not as good as the famous Wuyue Mountain. However, there is a poetry saying that the mountain is not high and there is a fairy.

Legend has it that there are immortals in Lingshan.

Later, people built a temple on the top of the mountain, which attracted many locals and would come to climb the mountain to worship Buddha.

Tickets are not too expensive or cheap.

80 one adult ticket, half price for students.

Therefore, Li Tian and Li Yuxin spent a total of 120 yuan.

Today’s weather is not bad, and it’s Sunday again. Even if it’s winter, many people still come here to visit. Lovers account for half, and those who drag their family with each other account for half.

At the beginning of a section of cement road, you can take a sightseeing car for about 20 yuan, but the distance is very short.

Li Tian bought snacks and rode with his sister in the car. It was not that they were walking lazily, but that Li Tian specially brought her sister to play, and wanted her to experience everything that can be enjoyed.

And there is no scenery on the road down the mountain.

When the sightseeing car stopped, my sister jumped out of the car with a smile and happily, her long hair fluttering and beautiful, so that the male compatriots who were riding in the car were all bewildered.

But this little beauty took Li Tian's hand and left.

They had a brochure in their hands, looked at the instructions, and came to a large lake halfway up the mountain. Although there are no yachts on the lake, there is a pontoon bridge, which is particularly fun and exciting. People walking on the pontoon bridge will move the entire bridge, and the whole bridge will move. The bridge floats on the deep lake.

Li Tian shook it **** purpose. Li Yuxin immediately threw himself into Li Tian's arms in shock, hammering Li Tian's chest with a small fist, groaning, "Brother, you are good or bad."

There is a pavilion in the middle of the pontoon bridge, and people sitting in it, if it is summer, wearing ancient clothes, carrying a long sword, looking at the lake and watching the birds dancing, it is particularly poetic and picturesque.

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