Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 270: Carnivores

In school, Li Yuxin and Wang Xiaoxiao continued to chat, but Li Yuxin didn't know that she had already been jealous of many girls.

There are two types of people in this world, one is a good person like a sheep.

One is a bad guy like a hungry wolf.

The jealousy of a good person generally does not have much lethal power. At most, it is just gossip behind the back, envy, jealousy and hate.

And there is a kind of bad guys who, regardless of sex, live by torturing good people, bullying the weak, and cruel revenge. This is their genes, and they are born.

When someone hit him while walking, he had to knock someone off his front tooth and stabb him a few times before he would give up.

Normal people generally do not do this.

Because they are cruel carnivores, and most people are herbivores.

This girl, she works outside the office, her parents divorced since she was a child, and her life experience is rather miserable, but her heart is different from ordinary people.

Her father was rich and married her stepmother, just because the stepmother accidentally broke one of her crystal toys. When she was ten years old, she found an opportunity to push her stepmother off the balcony of dozens of floors.

The stepmother fell to death, and no one knew that the murderer was her.

Because no one would suspect a ten-year-old child.

After her biological mother got divorced, she found several men. She was famous for being romantic. Some classmates knew that her mother was a chicken. When she was thirteen years old, she gave her first time to the outside gang leader. The boy's leg was interrupted and harassed him all day, making him eventually drop out of school.

In the first half of the year, she got pregnant by accident. After the child was knocked out, she was mad at her birth mother, feeling that the woman's romantic gene was passed on to her, making her so cheap.

So, she asked a man who had slept with her to take sulfuric acid, ruining her birth mother's appearance, so that the birth mother could no longer be romantic.

The world is so great, and now her goal is on Li Yuxin.

She was jealous of her, she was obviously the same age, she was all the same beautiful.

Even her Du Tingting is richer than Li Yuxin's family. No matter whether she is in school or outside, she just confuses her. No one dares to provoke her. Boys who don't know the cruel things she has done, even treat her as the second school flower to pursue her.

She just wants to be the first, who wants to be the second.

In the past, this Li Yuxin was relatively low-key.

Du Tingting instinctively looked down on her, feeling that she was a silly woman who could only learn.

However, since that day, Chen Zixuan, the second-generation super-rich in this city, brought a bunch of second-generation rich men to the school in a sports car to confess, and suddenly turned that ‘native chicken’ Li Yuxin into a golden phoenix.

She Du Tingting just can't stand it!

‘Why? ’

Just because she is a little more prettier than me, and because she studies well, at this time, Du Tingting discovered that on the most popular short video software Kuaishou and Douyin, this Li Yuxin has been popular for a long time.

Perverted jealousy is hard to suppress, she wants to destroy her.

In fact, Du Tingting found the **** who had been secretly warned by Chen Zixuan before. She knows that Li Yuxin specializes in learning and has never fallen in love with any boy, so she is very clean and self-conscious.

The more you care about what, the more Du Tingting will destroy something.

‘It’s just that you are so good and beautiful. ’

However, it failed. The gangsters were warned by Chen Zixuan's people, so they didn't dare to do anything.

Du Tingting decided to let the man in his 40s who ruined her birth mother's face with sulfuric acid once again.

That night, the sloppy man had been tossing Du Tingting for a long This man had mental problems, whether it was really a problem, no one knows, anyone who knows him knows that he is abnormal, Du Tingting puts on his back A few of his cigarette butts were left by this man.

The man's eyes were very cloudy, and his ten fingers were three missing. They were cut off alive when he owed money for gambling.

He was holding Li Yuxin's photo at the moment, and abnormal light burst into his dirty eyes.

"Is it just disfigured?"

Du Tingting lit a cigarette and smiled cruelly. "It's up to you how you want, but I'll say it in advance. She is the woman Chen Zixuan is fond of. After you do, it is best to leave the city immediately, otherwise, the gods will not be able to save you.

The man rubbed his fingers against Li Yuxin's picture abnormally. The cruel and dirty voice almost tarnished the air.

"I have never seen such stunning beauty in my entire life. Even if I die, play with her once, and then completely destroy her. It is worth one life for another life." (The best little farmer system..110110272)--(The best Small Farmer System)